Plant Diversity ›› 1998, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (04): 1-3.

• Articles •    

Pollen Morphology and Its Taxonomic Significance of Piperaceae

LEI Li-Gong,LIANG Han-Xing   

  1. Department of Biology,Huan Normal University,Changsha,410081
  • Online:1998-08-25 Published:1998-08-25

Abstract: The pollen morphology of the Piperaceae varies at the generic level. The surfaces of the pollen grains of Zippelia are smooth, but foveolate, and, under the higher magnifications, slighty rough. Those of the pollen grains of Piper are continuously verrucate and the verruca nearly to smooth. The venucate sculpture on the sur-faces of the pollen grains of Lepianthes (or Pothomorphe) is not distinct. The verrucae on the pollen surfaces of Macropiper are evenly echinate. The pollen grains of Peperonda are inaperturale, the verrucae are surrounded by granellae and small chips. Therefore, pollen morphology has taxonomic significance for the generic segrega-tion of Piperaceae.

Key words: Pollen morphology, Taxonomic signigicance, Piperaceae