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Plant Diversity ›› 2010, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (05): 448-454.DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1143.2010.10049

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


 赵惠新1、2, 李群1, 周晶1, 李冠1   

  1. 1 新疆大学生命科学与技术学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐830046;
    2 新疆师范大学生命科学学院,新疆 乌鲁木齐830053
  • 收稿日期:2010-03-06 出版日期:2010-10-25 发布日期:2010-06-01
  • 基金资助:


The Characteristics of Low Temperature Tolerance during Seed Germination of the Ephemeral  Plant Lepidium apetalum (Cruciferae)

 ZHAO  Hui-Xin-1、2, LI  Qun-1, ZHOU  Jing-1, LI  Guan-1   

  1. 1College of Life Science and Technology, Xinjiang University, Urumqi 830046, China;
    2College of Life Science, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830053, China
  • Received:2010-03-06 Online:2010-10-25 Published:2010-06-01


以独行菜(Lepidium apetalum)为材料,研究了其种子在萌发过程中耐受低温的特性,并对耐受低温的机制作了初步的探讨。结果表明:1. 萌发至I、II、III期的独行菜种子经过冷诱导处理后,对零下低温-5℃、-10℃胁迫具有较强的耐受性,这种耐受性随萌发发展相对有所降低。2. 独行菜种子萌发过程中胚根生长速度明显受到低温抑制,但也仍然能够生长。3. 适当时间的低温层积能使独行菜萌发势显著提高,对终萌发率影响不大;过长时间的低温层积会使独行菜种子萌发势和最终萌发率降低。4. 独行菜种子在4℃条件下不能萌发,但4℃层积2 d的种子经25℃处理6 h以上后,可耐受4℃低温而萌发,且萌发率随25℃处理时间增加而升高。如果25℃处理时间少于5 h则不能在4℃低温下萌发。经4℃层积10 d、再经25℃萌发处理1 h的独行菜种子就能在4℃低温下萌发。综合分析认为独行菜种子不能耐受4℃低温萌发,原因可能是在露白前存在一个关键的生理阶段,在4℃胁迫逆境中不能越过这个阶段,该阶段之前与之后的萌发过程都能耐受4℃低温,因此对低温胁迫有良好的耐受性。这为探索早春短命植物耐受低温萌发的机制提供了新的思路。

关键词: 独行菜, 种子萌发过程, 低温, 耐受性


Lepidium apetalum was used to explore the characteristics and mechanismes of low temperature tolerance during seed germination. The results showed that pretreatment the seeds at 4℃ would improve the seeds viability after stressed by low temperature at -5℃ and -10℃ and the capability of seeds tolerance to cold temperature became weaker along with germination development. Although the growth of radicle was inhibited significantly at 4℃ during germination, the seeds could still survive and grow. With appropriate time of stratified at 4℃, germination pace would be improved and germination rate would not change, while both of which decreased if stratification lasted too long. Moreover, Lapetalum seeds were very sensible to the temperature during germination. It showed no germination at 4℃, while if seeds were stratificated for 48 hours at 4℃ and subsequently treated with 25℃ for more than 6 hours, seeds would germinate at 4℃ and the germination rate increased with the time of 25℃ treatment prolonged. If treatment at 25℃ was less than 5 houes, it showed no germinating.  In addition, seeds with stratification for 10 days following 1 h treatment at 25℃ could also germinated at 4℃. The present study indicated that some pivotal genes that related with a key physiological stage before the onset of radicle protrusion might inhibite at 4℃, which resulted in Lapetalum seed could not germinate at 4℃. Except that physiological stage, the Lapetalum seed had a strong tolerance to low temperature at other germination stages. This experiment provided a new way to explore the germination mechanism of ephemerals plants seeds at low temperature.

Key words: Lepidium apetalum, Germination process, Lowtemperature, Tolerance
