Plant Diversity ›› 1999, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (04): 1-3.

• Articles •    

The Embrology of Genus Kobresia(Cyperaceae)

ZHANG Shu-Ren   

  1. Research Center of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany,Institute of Botany,The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100093
  • Online:1999-08-25 Published:1999-08-25

Abstract: The embryology of Kobresia was studied preliminarily.The development of megaspore and microspore,as well as the structure of ovule,is identical to that of other groups in Cyperaceae. The pollen of genus is pseudomonad,the embryo sac is of Polygonum type,the endosperm is of nuclear type,and the embryogeny is of the Juncus variation of Onagrad type. These embryological characters are agreeable with those of the Cyperaceae. Therefore,the family Kobresia and its related genera(Carex,Schoenoxiphuim and Uncinia) should be retained in the family Cyperaceae other than raised as a separate family,Kobresiaceae.

Key words: Kobresia, Embryology, Systemaic relationship