Plant Diversity ›› 2000, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (04): 1-3.
• Articles •
CHEN Zhang - He, ZHU Su - Qin, LI Shao - Shan, GUO Zhi - Hua, ZHANG De - Ming
Abstract: Effects of UV-B radiation (7.2 and 14.4 kJ d-1 m-2) on seedling growth of several woody species in the Southern subtropical forest in Guangdong Province were investigated. The species studied are: Psychotria rubra (Lour.) Poir., Schefflera octophyHa (Lour.) Harms, PitheceHobium clypearia Benth. , Pterospemwm heterophyllum Hance, Sapium discolor Muell. - Arg. and Albizzia lebbeck (L.) Benth. The results demonstrated that the content of photosynthetic pigments of the UV - B treated seedlings was lower than that of the control seedlings. The effect was more significant on content of chlorophylls than that of carotenoids. UV- B radiation markedly lowered net photosynthetic rate, and reduced stomatal conductance and transpiration rate of the seedlings. It also reduced accumulation of dry matter of the seedlings and inhib-ited the formation of root nodules of Albizzia lebbeck seedlings.
Key words: UV - B radiation
CHEN Zhang - He, ZHU Su - Qin, LI Shao - Shan, GUO Zhi - Hua, ZHANG De - Ming. Effects of UV - B Radiation on Seedling Growth of Several Woody Species in the Southern Subtropical Forest[J]. Plant Diversity, 2000, 22(04): 1-3.
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