Plant Diversity ›› 2000, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (04): 1-3.
• Articles •
Abstract: Mts. Altay of China is situated between 85 - 92°E longitude and 46 - 50°N latitude, It is also 450 km long and 80 - 150 km wide. Based on the classification and identification of the specimens that have been collected from mountain region and desert steppe regions of Mts. Altay (China) since the 1950s, four main conclusions were drawn (1) The flora of Mts. Altay is a part of the Forest Flora of Siberia. There are about 94 families, 528 genera, 1 491 species of spermatophytes plants; including 3 families, 6 genera, 15 species of gymnospermae; 91 families, 522 genera, 1 476 species of angiospermae; (2) According to the analysis of the areal - type in genera, the North Temperate areal - type is dominant. The followings are Old World Temperate areal - type, Meditenanea, West Asia to Central Asia areal - type, and Central Asia areal - type. Thus it is obvious that the flora of Mts. Altay is polytopic and temperate in nature; (3) By the analy-sis of life form and ecotype, the hemicryptophytes and mesophytes are absolutely predominant, which is con-sistent with the temperate nature; (3) The floristic elements of Mts. Altay are mainly from Boreal, Old Mediterranean and Autochotonous.
Key words: Floristic element
CHEN Wen- Li, YANG CHANG- You . A Floristic Study on the Seed Plant in Mts. Altay of China[J]. Plant Diversity, 2000, 22(04): 1-3.
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