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25 August 2016, Volume 38 Issue 04
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  • Articles
    Molecular phylogeny reveals the non-monophyly of tribe Yinshanieae (Brassicaceae) and description of a new tribe, Hillielleae
    Hongliang Chen, Tao Deng, Jipei Yue, Ihsan A. Al-Shehbaz c, Hang Sun
    2016, 38(04):  171-182.  doi:
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    The taxonomic treatment within the unigeneric tribe Yinshanieae (Brassicaceae) is controversial, owing to differences in generic delimitation applied to its species. In this study, sequences from nuclear ITS and chloroplast trnL-F regions were used to test the monophyly of Yinshanieae, while two nuclear markers (ITS, ETS) and four chloroplast markers (trnL-F, trnH-psbA, rps16, rpL32-trnL) were used to elucidate the phylogenetic relationships within the tribe. Using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference methods, we reconstructed the phylogeny of Brassicaceae and Yinshanieae. The results show that Yinshanieae is not a monophyletic group, with the taxa splitting into two distantly
    related clades: one clade contains four taxa and falls in Lineage I, whereas the other includes all species previously placed in Hilliella and is embedded in the Expanded Lineage II. The tribe Yinshanieae is redefined, and a new tribe, Hillielleae, is proposed based on combined evidence from molecular phylogeny, morphology, and cytology.

    Effect of salinity on seed germination, growth and ion content in dimorphic seeds of Salicornia europaea L. (Chenopodiaceae)
    Nikolai Orlovsky a, Ulbasyn Japakova b, Huifan Zhang a, Sergei Volis c, *
    2016, 38(04):  183-189.  doi:
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    The halophyte Salicornia europaea L. is a widely distributed salt-tolerant plant species that produces numerous dimorphic seeds. We studied germination and recovery in dimorphic seeds of Central Asian S. europaea under various salinity conditions. We also tested the effects of various salts on Naþ and Kþ accumulation during plant development from germination to anthesis under greenhouse conditions. We found good germination (close to control) of large seeds under NaCl between 0.5 and 2%, Na2SO4 and 2NaCl þ KCl þ CaCl between 0.5 and 3%, and 2Na2SO4 þ K2SO4 þ MgSO4 between 0.5 and 5%. For the small seeds, we found stimulating effects of chloride salts (both pure and mixed) under 0.5e1% concentrations, and sulfate salts under 0.5e3%. Both types of seeds showed high germination recovery potential. Salt tolerance limits of the two seed types during germination and at the later stages of development were very similar (4e5%). During plant growth the optimal concentrations of mixed chloride and sulfate salts ranged from 0.5 to 2%. The mechanisms of salt tolerance in the two seed types of S. europaea appear to differ, but complement each other, improving overall adaptation of this species to high salinity.

    The effects of fresh and rapid desiccated tissue on estimates of Ophiopogoneae genome size
    Guangyan Wang a, b, Yongping Yang b, *
    2016, 38(04):  190-193.  doi:
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    Fresh plant material is usually used for genome size estimation by flow cytometry (FCM). Lack of fresh material is cited as one of the main reasons for the dearth of studies on plants from remote locations. Genome sizes in fresh versus desiccated tissue of 16 Ophiopogoneae species and five model plant species were estimated. Our results indicated that desiccated tissue was suitable for genome size estimation; this method enables broader geographic sampling of plants when fresh tissue collection is not feasible. To be useful, after dessication the Ophiopogoneae sample should be green without brown or yellow markings; it should be stored in deep freezer at 80 C, and the storage time should be no more than 6 months.

    Late Pliocene diversity and distribution of Drynaria (Polypodiaceae) in western Yunnan explained by forest vegetation and humid climates
    Yong-Jiang Huang a, *, Tao Su b, Zhe-Kun Zhou a, b
    2016, 38(04):  194-200.  doi:
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    The palaeodiversity of flowering plants in Yunnan has been extensively interpreted from both a molecular and fossil perspective. However, for cryptogamic plants such as ferns, the palaeodiversity remains poorly known. In this study, we describe a new ferny fossil taxon, Drynaria lanpingensis sp. nov. Huang, Su et Zhou (Polypodiaceae), from the late Pliocene of northwestern Yunnan based on fragmentary frond and pinna with in situ spores. The frond is pinnatifid and the pinnae are entirely margined. The sori are arranged in one row on each side of the primary vein. The spores have a semicircular to bean-shaped equatorial view and a tuberculate surface. Taken together with previously described fossils, there are now representatives of three known fossil taxa of Drynaria from the late Pliocene of western Yunnan. These finds suggest that Drynaria diversity was considerable in the region at that time. As Drynaria is a shade-tolerant plant, growing preferably in wet conditions in the understory of forests, its extensive existence may indicate forest vegetation and humid climates in western Yunnan during the late Pliocene. This is in line with results from floristic investigations and palaeoclimatic reconstructions based on fossil floras.

    Lysimachia septemfida (Primulaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China
    Ze-huan Wang a, Xi-wen Li a, En-de Liu a, *, Fa-zhi Shangguan a, Xue-ke Chang b
    2016, 38(04):  201-206.  doi:
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    A new species, Lysimachia septemfida (Primulaceae), from Yunnan (Southwest China) is described and illustrated. The new species exhibits several unusual characters in Lysimachia including lack of a corolla, 7-merous flowers, leaves in whorls of 3 and distinct multicellular nodiferous hairs, which make it readily distinguishable from all other species in this genus. The diagnostic differences between this new species and its suppositive allies are given. In addition, the systematic placement of this new species is also discussed based on an ITS molecular tree.