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Plant Diversity ›› 2002, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (05): 1-3.

• 研究论文 •    


祁建军 宋经元 雷和田 张荫磷   

  1. 中国医学科学院药用植物研究所,中国协和医科大学
  • 出版日期:2002-10-25 发布日期:2002-10-25

Study on the Genetic Transformation of Lithospermum erythrorhizon by Agrobacterium tumefaciens

Ql Jian-Jun, SoNG Jing-Yuan, LEI He-Tian, ZHANG Yin-Ling   

  1. lnstitute of Medicinal Plant, Chinese Academy of Medical Sekine, Peking Union Medical College, Binjing 100094,china
  • Online:2002-10-25 Published:2002-10-25

摘要: 紫草(Lithospermum erythrorhizon Sieb.et Zucc)是传统中药.其根部含有萘醌类化合物-紫草素及其衍生物,具有显著的抗菌、抗炎、抗癌以及促进伤口愈合等生理活性.紫草素同时也是一种名贵化妆品染料.科学家对紫草的研究兴趣是基于其资源的缺乏及紫草植物本身所具有的一些特点;如:紫草素及其衍生物的颜色特性可凭借肉眼观察,紫草素及其衍生物只在紫草的根部积累,紫草素合成的次生代谢途径受多种酶和外界条件(光照,营养等)的调节等.

关键词: 紫草, 根癌农杆菌, 冠瘿组织培养, 紫草素

Abstract: Crown gall tissue culture lines fo Lithospermum erythizon were estadilshed dy transformation of steile seedlings weth Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58.Nopaline was inspected in the crown gall snd showed that the transformation was successfull.L6 line, can secret red naphthoquinone pigments that are shikonin derivatives on phytohormone-free 6,7-V medium was selected from other lines on different basic phyou-hormone-free media (MS,6,7-V,WP,B5).The content of shikonin in the ceown gall was 1,18% (dry tissue).The study showed that crown gall tissue culture of L.erythrorhizon was a new method to pro-duce shikonin.  

Key words: Lithospermum erythrohizon