Plant Diversity ›› 2025, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (01): 115-126.DOI: 10.1016/j.pld.2024.10.002
• Articles • Previous Articles
Yanlei Liua, Kai Chena, Lihu Wanga, Xinqiang Yua, Chao Xub, Zhili Suob, Shiliang Zhoub, Shuo Shic, Wenpan Dongd
Shiliang Zhou,;Shuo Shi,;Wenpan Dong,
Supported by:
Yanlei Liu, Kai Chen, Lihu Wang, Xinqiang Yu, Chao Xu, Zhili Suo, Shiliang Zhou, Shuo Shi, Wenpan Dong. Assembly-free reads accurate identification (AFRAID) approach outperforms other methods of DNA barcoding in the walnut family (Juglandaceae)[J]. Plant Diversity, 2025, 47(01): 115-126.
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