Plant Diversity ›› 2019, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (02): 94-104.DOI: 10.1016/j.pld.2019.03.001
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Giuseppe Fenua, Gianluigi Bacchettaa,b, S. Christodoulou Charalamboc, Christini Fournarakid, Gian Pietro Giusso del Galdoe, Panagiota Gotsioud, Angelos Kyratzisf, Carole Piazzag, Magdalena Vicensh, Maria Silvia Pinnaa, Bertrand de Montmollini
Giuseppe Fenu
Giuseppe Fenu, Gianluigi Bacchetta, S. Christodoulou Charalambo, Christini Fournaraki, Gian Pietro Giusso del Galdo, Panagiota Gotsiou, Angelos Kyratzis, Carole Piazza, Magdalena Vicens, Maria Silvia Pinna, Bertrand de Montmollin. An early evaluation of translocation actions for endangered plant species on Mediterranean islands[J]. Plant Diversity, 2019, 41(02): 94-104.
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