Plant Diversity ›› 1999, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (04): 1-3.

• Articles •    

Ultrastructural Changes in the Development of Tapetal Cell of Euryale ferox

SHI Guo-Xin,DU Kai-He,XIE Kai-Bin,CHANG Fu-Chen,DING Xiao-YU   

  1. Department of Biology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097
  • Online:1999-08-25 Published:1999-08-25

Abstract: The plastids of tapetal cells of Euryale ferox in microspore mother cell stage appera changes in shape apparently. Two nuclei in a cell are always adhere to each other or in a state of mosaic. Well-developed plasmodesmata appear between the middle wall layers of two adjacent cells.During meiotic cell division stage,wall of tapetal cells dissociated and disappears,plasmodesmata break down,asynchronus condition occures in cell development. Deposition of starch in plastids initates at this stage. Part of plastids vacuolated with invagination of plastid membrance,with possess the same function as that of vacuole in the cell.In tetrad stage,the structures of tapetal cell begin to dissociate.

Key words: Euryale ferox, Tapetal, Development, Ultrastructure