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25 August 2008, Volume 30 Issue 04
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    Evolutionary Relationships of Araliaceae in the Malesian
    Region: a Preliminary Analysis

    WEN Jun , , ZHU Yu-Ping , Chunghee LEE , Elizabeth WIDJAJA , LENG Guan Saw
    2008, 30(04):  391-399.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07267
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    We employ the nuclear ribosomal ITS sequences to assess the evolutionary relationships of Araliaceae in the Malesian region . Malesian Araliaceae consist of 14 genera and about 500 species . Our analysis suggests a diffuse origin of
    Araliaceae taxa, with many genera belong to the Asian palmate clade or the tribe Hedereae. The Malesian endemic Harmsiopanax is morphologically unique and its phylogenetic position is not well resolved at present. Several morphologically diverse species of Brassaiopsis perhaps have a relatively recent origin in the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra, as suggested by their monophyly as well as their low ITS sequence divergence
    . Wardenia is not supported as W. simplex ( = B. simplex ) is nested within Brassaiopsis. The Malayan region is important for the development of Schefflera , and available evidence suggests that Schefflera in the region forms a clade with the Heptapleurum group. Dendropanax lancifolius does not form a clade with the core group of Dendropanax, and its status needs to be further analyzed. Macropanax maingayi was considered to be a highly distinct member comprising the monotypic genus Hederopsis. Our analysis clearly places it in Macropanax. Aralia merrillii was once considered to be the sole member of the genus Acanthophora because of its unusual climbing habit. The ITS data support its placement in Aralia. Our expanded sampling of Arthrophyllum continues to support its monophyly. Osmoxylon has a primary distribution in the Malesian region and it is a hylogenetically isolated member of Araliaceae.

    Floristic Equilibrium Point and Its Biogeographic Significance
    FENG Jian-Meng , , XU Cheng-Dong
    2008, 30(04):  400-404.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07240
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    The floristic equilibrium point and its biogeographic significance are important for understanding the floristic origin, distribution , and spatial patterns of plant diversity . Based on field surveys, documented data and related case studies, the relationship between altitude and latitude at floristic equilibrium points , and its biogeographic significance are examined. The results showed a floristic equilibrium point at 2 050m elevation on Mt . Yao , northeastern Yunnan, China. The elevation of the floristic equilibrium point decreases with an increase in latitude .Mean annual temperature at different floristic
    equilibrium points shows high consistency around 12 . 96±0 . 28℃ , which hints that the floristic equilibrium point reflects certain energy requirements . Below the floristic equilibrium point , the majority of the flora contains tropical and subtropical elements; above that point temperate elements are dominant. According to the relationship between altitude and latitude at the floristic equilibrium point, the theoretical north-south dividing line between the vegetation in eastern China is around 36°N . According to the mean annual temperature at the floristic equilibrium point and spatial patterns of the isotherm in eastern China, the north-south boundary of vegetation is between 34 and 35°N, on the northern slope of the Qinling Mountains, which is consistent with previous case studies .
    Structural Characters of Leaf Epidermis and Their Systematic Significance in Sapindaceae from China
    CAO Li-Min , , XIA Nian-He
    2008, 30(04):  405-421.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07268
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    Leaf epidermis of 33 species representing 25 genera of Sapindaceae, 2 species of Hippocastanaceae and 4 species of 2 genera of Aceraceae was investigated using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The shapes of leaf epidermal cells of these three families are usually polygonal or irregular ; the patterns of anticlinal walls are straight , arched or sinuolate . The stomatal apparatuses, only present on the abaxial epidermis for all sampled species ( except for Cardiospermum halicacabum and Eurycorymbus cavaleriei), can be assigned into six types. The anomocytic type, occurring in 16 species ( Allophylus caudate, Handeliodendron bodinieri, and Delavaya toxocarpa , etc .) is very common; the actinocytic type, occurring in 11 species ( Amesiodendron chinense, Aesculus chinensis, Dipteronia sinensis, etc .), and the cyclocytic type , occurring in 6 species ( Dimocarpus longan, Litchi chinensis, Nephelium chryseum) are comparatively common; whereas the other three types can be considered diagnostic of several genera, such as hemiparacytic type for Aphania oligophylla, Pometia tomentosa and Xerospermum bonii , Harpullia cupaniodes, staurocytic type mainly for Pavieasia kwangsiensis, and anisocytic type only for Cardiospermum halicacabum. Under SEM the cuticular layer of the leaf epidermis is striated, scaly or granular; the inner margin of outer stomatal rim of most species of these three families is undulate . The close relationships among Sapindaceae , Hippocastanaceae and Aceraceae are supported by the evidence from leaf epidermis .

    A New Species of Corydalis (Fumariaceae) from China
    SU Zhi-Yun
    2008, 30(04):  422-423.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.08053
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    Corydalis Liden Z. Y. Su, sp. nov. (Fumariaceae ) is described from Yunnan, China. It belongs to Corydalis Sect. Elatae and related to C. pingwuensis C. Y. Wu.

    Non-glandular Hairs of Small-flowered Taxa in Epimedium (Berberidaceae) from China and Their Taxonomic Significance
    WGNG Yue-Yun , HE Shun-Zhi, GUO Bao-Lin
    2008, 30(04):  423-429.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07222
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    Non-glandular hairs on the leaf epidermis of 15 species and 1 variety of small-flowered taxa of Epimedium in China have been examined with digital camera micrographic technique . The result reveals that the non-glandular hairs in
    Epimedium are distinctive among species and can be used in the taxonomy of the genus. A key to the species in China is proposed based on the characters of non-glandular hairs , which may be applicable for the identification and recognition of medicinal herbs of the genus .
    Gametophyte Morphological Variations of Sphaeropteris brunoniana(Cyatheaceae) under Four Culture Conditions
    CHEN Gui-Ju , , CHENG Xiao, LIU Bao-Dong , JIAO Yu
    2008, 30(04):  430-432.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07200
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    Gametophyte morphology of Sphaeropteris brunoniana under four culture conditions were investigated. Results showed that the gametophytes cultured on humus soil and crimson soil were different in the shape of the prothallus and sexual reproduction. On the other hand, the shape of filament and prothallus of the gametophytes cultured on improved Knop′s agar medium were also quite different under different illuminations .

    Karyomorphology of the Three Species of Saussurea (Asteraceae) from Hengduan Mountians and the Adjacent Areas
    YUE Xue-Kun , , CAI Jin-Hong , LI Zhi-Min, SUN Hang
    2008, 30(04):  433-436.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07236
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    Chromosome numbers and karyotypes of three species from Saussurea (Asteraceae) , S . sobarocephala , S. przewalskii and S. deltoidea were studied. S. sobarocephala 2n = 2x = 34 = 6m + 26sm + 2st with type 3B asymmetry and S. przewalskii 2n = 2x = 32 = 12m+ 14sm + 6st with type 3B asymmetry were reported firstly. S. deltoidea 2n = 2x= 34 = 26m+ 8sm with type 1B was also confirmed. The interphase nuclei and prophase chromosomes of all these species were found to be of the complex chromosome type and interstitial type.
    One New Species of Allium from Guizhou, China
    YANG Chuan-Dong , GOU Guang-Qian
    2008, 30(04):  437-438.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07250
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    Allium fanjingshanense, a new species from Guizhou , China , is described and illustrated . The new species is similar to A. prattii , but differs from the latter by its longer petioles, white flowers, nearly equal length of the tepals, and
    the filaments shorter than the tepals .
    Two New Combinations in the Compositae from China
    YUAN Qiong
    2008, 30(04):  439-440.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07201
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    Two new combinations in the Compositae from China , Doronicum calotum (Diels ) Q . Yuan and Dolomiaea souliei (Franch .) Shih var . cinerea (Ling) Q . Yuan , are proposed .
    Inhibitory Effect of ABA on Seed Germination of Dalbergia fusca (Leguminosae) and Antagonism of Other Phytohormones to ABA
    DENG Zhi-Jun , , SONG Song-Quan
    2008, 30(04):  440-446.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07233
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    Seeds of Dalbergia fusca , an endangered tree species endemic to Yunnan province of China were used to study the inhibitory effects of abscisic acid (ABA) and the antagonism of IAA, GA3 , 6-BA and ethephon to ABA in the seed germination . The optimum temperature for the seed germination was about 30℃ . There was no different effects of alternating photoperiod ( 14 h light and 10 h dark) and darkness on the seed germination . After treated by 0 .01 - 0. 1 mol/L ABA, the seed germination percentage was not affected , but the time course of germination was decreased , while those levels were
    dramatically inhibited by 1 mmol/L and 2 . 5 mmol/L ABA . The seed germination percentage was not affected by 0 . 0001 -1mmol/L indole-3- acetic acid ( IAA) , gibberellic acid (GA3 ) , 0 . 0001 - 0 . 1mmol/L 6-benzyladenine ( 6-BA) , and 0 . 001 - 10 mmol/L ethephon ( the ethylene donor) , but was inhibited by 1mmol/L 6-BA . The inhibition effect of 1 mmol/L ABA on seed germination was antagonized by 0 . 01 - 1mmol/L IAA, 0 . 01 - 1 mmol/L GA3 , 0. 001 - 0 . 1mmol/L 6-BA, and 0 . 1--10 mmol/L ethephon , which were phytohormone type- and concentration-dependent . The antagonistic actions of 0 . 01mmol/L 6-BA and 0 . 1 mmol/L ethephon to 1 mmol/L ABA inhibition could not be increased by addition of 0 . 001 mmol/L IAA or 0 . 001 mmol/L GA3 . The antagonistic action of 0 .1 mmol/L ethephon to 1mmol/L ABA inhibition , however , could be increased by addition of 0 . 01mmol/L 6-BA or 0. 1 mmol/L 6-BA, which resulting in higher germination percentage and enhancing seedling growth .
    The Effect of Night Chilling on Gas Exchange and Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Two Mango Cultivars Growing under Two Irradiances
    Nabil I . ELSHEERY ,, Burkhard WILSKE , CAO Kun-Fang
    2008, 30(04):  447-456.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07260
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    We investigated the effect of night chilling on the photosynthetic physiology of two cultivars of mango ( Mangifera indica)‘Choke Anand’and‘Khieo Sawoei. The potted mango seedlings of both cultivars were grown under the full light and 50% daylight for one year . In the following winter season (February 2006) , the seedlings were moved to a cold storage room maintaining 4℃ for seven consecutive nights and returned to their original places during the rest of the day . Photosynthetic physiology was measured before, during the treatment, and during 10 days after the treatment . Chill-night treatment resulted in strong suppression in net photosynthesis ( Pn ) , stomatal conductance ( gs ), and maximum photochemical efficiency of PSII ( Fv/Fm ) , and increased non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) for both cultivars. Overall, the chillinginduced photosynthetic suppression was stronger in seedlings grown in full sunlight than in 50% daylight. The decrease in Fv/Fm was stronger in‘Khieo Sawoei’than in‘Choke Anand’cultivar , and the increase of NPQ was relatively higher in‘Choke Anand’compared to‘Khieo Sawoei’cultivar. Night chilling resulted in a decrease in chlorophyll content and in-crease in the carotenoid: chlorophyll ratios, the malondialdehyde (MDA) contents, membrane leakage, as well as compatible
    solutes ( total soluble sugar and proline ) under both irradiances. After termination of the chilling treatment, the recovery of Fv/Fm was relatively quicker in‘Choke Anand’than in‘Khieo Sawoei’cultivar. Both cultivars showed a complete recovery after seven days of termination of the chilling treatment . These results showed that‘Khieo Sawoei’was more sensitive
    to chilling than‘Choke Anand, and shading significantly alleviated the chilling - induced photoinhibition.
    Transformation of Human Alpha-lactalbumin Gene into Tobacco and Improvement of Cysteine Contents in Transgenic Tobacco Plants
    WANG Yi-Qun
    2008, 30(04):  457-463.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07228
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    The plant expression vector containing human alpha-lactalbumin gene was constructed and its gene was transformed into tobacco using leaf disc mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens LBA 4404 as a vehicle. PCR and Southern blot analyses showed that human alpha-lactalbumin gene was integrated into the tobacco genome. RT-PCR and histochemical staining for GUS activity demonstrated that human alpha-lactalbumin gene was expressed in transgenic tobacco plants. Further analysis of the data indicated that the average of cysteine contents in 9 transgenic tobacco plants was greatly increased by 166.40% besides one of them which was increased by 318.02%
    Analysis of DNA Cytosine Methylation between the Non-pollinated and Pollinated Ovaries of Cymbidium hybridium (Orchidaceae) Based on MSAP
    CHEN Xiao-Qiang, , WANG Chun-Guo, LI Xiu-Lan, SONG Wen-Qin, CHEN Rui-Yang
    2008, 30(04):  464-470.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07161
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    The best known and most thoroughly studied epigenetic phenomena is DNA methylation, which plays an important role in regulating gene expression during plant regeneration and development. In this study, MSAP (methylation sensitive amplified polymorphism) technique was carried out to analyze differences of the methylation status between before and after pollination in ovaries of Cymbidium hybridium. 72 selective primer combinations were used to check the status of cytosine methylation DNA samples and a total of 5892 fragments were obtained . Thereinto, 748 fragments, each representing a recognition site cleaved by either or both of the isoschizomers ( Hpa Ⅱ and Msp Ⅰ ), were amplified , which were significant differences between the non-pollinated and the pollinated ovaries. The results demonstrated DNA methylation events occured in ovaries from Cymbidium hybridium . Both total and full methylation levels in the pollinated ovaries ( 11.4% ,7.8% ) were lower than those in the non-pollinated ovaries (14%, 9.5% ), which suggested some demethylations occurred. Furthermore, methylation patterns varied between the two ovaries. 14 types of MSAP patterns detected in the study belonged to two classes, type Ⅰ and Ⅱ. 25. 6% of detected fragments belonged to Type Ⅰ and 74.4% were type Ⅱ. Distinct patterns of DNA methylation arising through demethylation or de novo methylation might have specialized functions. This suggested the significance of epigenetic function in the development of orchid ovaries. The hypothesis that DNA methylation played a role in the C. hybridium ovary development would help to lucubrate the methylation status of special genes, clone the fragments with different methylation patterns, and shed novel insights into the molecular mechanisms of the ovary and floral development of orchids from the point of view of epigenetics.
    Mapping of an Arabidopsis Gene Involved in Microspore Development
    FENG Dan-Dan, WU Yu-Ting, ZHANG Fan , ZHANG Sen, YANG Zhong-Nan , GAO Ju-Fang
    2008, 30(04):  471-476.  doi:10.3724SP.J.1143.2008.07314
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    An Arabidopsis partial male-sterile mutant was isolated from a library of mutants mutagenized by enthyl methane sulfonate ( EMS) treatment. Genetic analysis indicated that the mutant was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene named PMS15-16-2-3 . Cytological observations of the anther development of pms15-16-2-3 mutant and the wild-type plant showed that the mutant middle layer degenerated later, both the tapetal cell morphology and the tetrads were abnormal, which resulted in few fertile pollen grains formed in the anther. The mutant PMS15-16-2-3 gene was mapped to a region of 28-kb in BAC T24C20 on chromosome 3 using a map-based cloning strategy . No genes involved in microspore formation were reported in this region , so we believe that PMS15-16-2-3 gene could be a new gene controlling microspore development in Arabidopsis . This work provides the basis for further molecular cloning and functional analysis of this gene in Arabidopsis pollen development .
    Influence of Light , Temperature and Salinity on Seed Germination of Flaveria bidentis (Compositae) , a New Exotic Plant
    REN Yan-Ping , GU Song, JIANG Sha, WANG Yong-Zhou , ZHENG Shu-Xin
    2008, 30(04):  477-484.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07244
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    Flaveria bidentis, an annual weed of Flaveria (Compositae ), had been newly discovered in China. It might be a potential invasive plant in that of its very strong reproductive and survival abilities .Morphology and surface character of the seed were measured , and seed germination characteristics of this exotic species were examined from temperature, light, salinity to seed soaking aspects. The results showed that: the seed of F. bidentis were adapted well to high temperature and germinated rapidly at 35℃. Its germination percentage, germination index and vigor index were increased with the temperature rose. The germination percentage was affected little by light , while germination peak was delayed , and germination and vigor indexes of the seed were reduced with the prolonged light time. Salinity stress had significant effect on seed germination of F. bidentis: the germination percentage and peak decreased gradually with the increasing of NaCl concentration, while the germination and vigor indexes of the seed were higher than those of the control under 0.01mol/L and 0.05 mol/L NaCl stress. Lower NaCl stress promoted the elongation of the radicle. Seed soaking also had notable impact on seed germination. In all, it was suggested that, the extremely high germinability and preference to salinity of the seeds of Flaveria bidentis could be closely related with its strong invasiveness.
    The Change of Polyamines Content during Embryo Development in Saliva splendens (Labiatae)
    HU Guo-Fu , LI Feng-Lan, LIU Rong-Mei , YUAN Qiang, HU Bao-Zhong
    2008, 30(04):  485-488.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07251
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    The change of polyamines content were examined from five different normal and abortion embryonic developmental stages. Through comparing the rule of the change of polyamine material at different embryo developmental stage , we investigated physiological functions of polyamines . The results showed that embryo abortion was related with less polyamine content in ovule , and its dramatically drop during development . In flourishing florescence which was key period of embryo development, spd content in normal ovule had a apparent peak amplitude , while this peak amplitude wasn′t appear in
    abortion ovule , which indicated that spd played an important effect on embryo development .
    Physiological and Molecular Mechanisms of Mn Uptake by Hyperaccumulting
    Plant Polygonum hydropiper (Polygonaceae)
    WANG Hua , , TANG Shu-Mei, LIAO Xiang-Jun , CAO Qi-Min
    2008, 30(04):  489-495.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07265
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    Polygonum hydropiper; Mn; Hyperaccumulation; Distribution; Speciation; Physiological response
    Plant Water Use Strategies in a Limestone Tropical Seasonal Moist Rainforest in Xishuangbanna, SW China
    LI Peng-Ju , , LIU Wen-Jie, WANG Ping-Yuan , , LI Jin-Tao ,
    2008, 30(04):  496-504.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07245
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    Soil water potential was determined during April 2006 andMay 2007 at a limestone tropical seasonal moist rainforest site in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. The results indicated that soil is drier in dry season ( from November to April ) than in rainy season (from May to October) , especially inMarch and April , with soil moisture content reaching the minimum value of - 0.055MPa at 75 cm depth. While in rainy season , soil humidity situation is much better than dry season, and soil water potential can reach to 0 . 010MPa . Hourly observation of soil volumetric water content on three days in
    November 2006 , January 2007 and March 2007 showed that the difference between diurnal values and nocturnal values is not significant ( P > 0 . 05) , suggesting there is no obvious soil volumetric water content fluctuation in deferent soil depths . In other words , there is no hydraulic redistribution in limestone tropical seasonal moist rainforest . Intercepted fog drip and
    throughfall by canopy, rainwater , soil water , groundwater and stem xylem water were collected during November 2005 and February 2007 for stable isotopic analysis . The stable hydrogen (δD) and oxygen isotope composition (δ18O) of fog drip ,throughfall, rainwater, soil water, groundwater and stem xylem water were determined from an isotope ratio mass spectrometer
    . The results indicated that the rainfall is the main source of soil water and groundwater in rainy season . Through the canopy, throughfall is enriched than rainwater, because of evaporated fractionation. The fog drip was thought to contain water that has been evaporated and recycled terrestrial meteoric water (evaporation of nearby surface waters and canopy interception) , so the fog drip was more enriched than rain during both the dry season and rainy season . What′s more , although fog is heavy , plants mainly use groundwater and deep soil water in dry season in this region , hardly making use of fog drip. This result is related to the natural environment, limestone tropical seasonal moist rainforest is very vulnerable,
    sothat , protect this pattern forest is necessary , further research will be able to provide a basis for this purpose .
    Review on Two Decades Development of Ethnobotany in China
    PEI Sheng-Ji
    2008, 30(04):  505-509.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.08090
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    This paper presents and discusses on two decades development history of ethnobotany in China . Ethnobotany appeared as a scientific research subject in 1896 in USA, ethnobotany as discipline to study with in China was begun in
    1982; and in 1987 the first ethnobotany research department was established at the Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences . After twenty years development, ethnobotany in China has been developed from basic , or desecriptive research into applied phase , immense progress has been made in sustainable plant resource use , biodiversity conservation and rural regional- coordination development . However , ethnobotany as discipline in China is remarkable in establishement of theoretic framework; identification of research areas; methodological development and set-up appropriate approaches for basic and applied ethnobotany . This paper presents and discusses development history of ethnobotany in China ; advances in research and field-site development ; discipline development and training of young scientists; theoretical innovation
    and development , and promotion of ethnobotanical research and training in China , which are largely based on the works that have been done and development facts presented at the Kunming Institute of Botany , Chinese Academy of Sciences. Meanwhile suggestions for further development of Chinese ethnobotany in three aspects are proposed in the paper .
    The Biological Characteristics of Aspergillus foetidus (Moniliaceae) , a Preponderant Microbe during the Post Fermentative Process of Pu-Er Tea
    ZHU Hong-Tao , , CHEN Ke-Ke , WANG Dong , YANG Chong-Ren ,
    LI Yuan , ZHANG Ying-Jun
    2008, 30(04):  510-514.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.07241
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    To exploit a standardized fermentative technique for producing Pu-Er tea , the biological characteristics of Aspergillus foetidus, one of the dominant strains obtained from the post-fermentative process of Pu-Er tea , was investigated. The result indicated that this fungus adapted well to a wide pH range and its optimal temperature for cultivation was about 30℃. It grew well in medium with either ammonium sulfate or soybean powder as the nitrogen source and D-fructose or corn powder as the carbon source. Moreover, the morphologic characters and the growth curve of A. foetidus were studied. This study will provide scientific guide for not only the massive culture of this microbe , but also the standardized producing process of Pu-Er tea .
    A New Polyisoprenylated Benzoylphloroglucinol Derivative from Hypericum henryi subsp. uraloides (Guttiferae)
    GUO Na , , CHEN Xuan-Qin , , ZHAO Qin-Shi
    2008, 30(04):  515-518.  doi:10.3724 SP.J.1143.2008.08094
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    A new polyisoprenylated benzoylphloroglucinol derivative, uraloidin A ( 1) , together with seven known compounds ( 2 - 8) were isolated from the aerial parts of the Hypericum henryi subsp . uraloides . Their structures were established on the basis of spectral evidence (MS, IR, 1D- and 2D NMR experiments) .