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25 December 2002, Volume 24 Issue 06
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    Evolution of Arctic-Tertiary Flora in Himalayan-Hengduan Mountains
    Sun Hang
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3750 )   HTML ( )   PDF (576KB) ( 2374 )   Save
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    The paper discussed Arctic-Tertiary dispersal and its impact on flora of Himalayan-Hengduan Mountains since the Tertiary climatic vicissitude of Arctic regions. Through analyzing distribution patterns of Rhododendron, Acer, Salix, Betula,Alnus and some genera of Saxifragaceae, Triosteum showed there were quite a few groups of flora from Himalayan-Hengduant role on the flora development of the region.In addition, the two main pathways for the migration of the flora between the arctic regions and the Himalayandition, the two main pathways for the migration of the flora between the arctic regions and the Himalayan-Hengduan Mountains were suggested, one is Himalayan-Hengduan Mountain-Qinling-NE China.
    A New Species of the Genus Boletus from China, Boletus minimus
    ZANG Mu, HUANG Nian-Lai
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2359 )   HTML ( )   PDF (107KB) ( 1242 )   Save
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    A new species of the genus Boletus is reported from Fujian Province: Boletus minimus Zang et N.L.Huang. It is a rather interesting taxon and characterized by its most small size of basidiocarps, pileus 1-4 mm diam., stipes 3-6 mm long only., it can be placed in the genus Boletus section Luridi Fr.
    Two New Species of Adinandra and Mappianthus from Guangxi, China
    FANG Ding, QIN De-Hai
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2825 )   HTML ( )   PDF (102KB) ( 1327 )   Save
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    Species A. grandi L.K.Ling similis, sed foliorum laminis crasse coriaceis, pedicellis juventute robustis, sepalis persistentibus minoribus 3-4 mm longis et 4-5 mm latis, fructis juventute 3-loculatis, stylis persistentibus apice bilobatis differt.
    Paphiopedilum macranthum, a New Species of Orchidaceae from Cambodia
    LIU Zhong-Jian, CHEN Sing-Chi
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2765 )   HTML ( )   PDF (114KB) ( 1254 )   Save
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    Paphiopedilum villoso (Lindl.) Stein subsimile , a quo bene differt foliis majoribus 26-42 cm longis ()4- 5-6 cm latis , pedunculo albo-pubescenti, sepalo intermedio 7.8 cm lato dense purpureo-rubello-punctato dorso prope basoin et secus costam albo-pubescenti.  
    A New C21 Steroidal Glycoside from Cynanchum paniculatum
    TAN Hua, LI Shun-Lin, YU Zhi-Fang, HE Hong-Ping, SHEN Yue-Mao, HAO Xiao-Jiang
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2619 )   HTML ( )   PDF (116KB) ( 1535 )   Save
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    A new C21 steroidal glycoside (1) was isolated from the root of Cynanchum paniculatum Ktag, its structure was elucidated to be neocynapanogenin C 3-O-β-D-oleandropyranoside by 1D and 2D-NMR technique.
    A New Species of the Genus Microtropis (Celastraceae) from SE Yunnan, China
    SHUI Yu-Min,CHEN Wen-Hong
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2542 )   HTML ( )   PDF (118KB) ( 1220 )   Save
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    Species Microtropis scotii Parkins arcte affinis, sed foliis 19-24 cm longis, cymis quarter vel quinquies ramosis, sepalis involutis (nec revolutis) differt.
    Three New Triterpenoids from Derris eriocarpa
    ZHANG Xian-Min,LI Zhong-Rong,QIU Ming-Hua
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2490 )   HTML ( )   PDF (143KB) ( 1511 )   Save
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    Three new olean-type triterpenoids,3β,15α-dihydroxy-olean-12(13)-en-16-one(1),3β,15α,23-trihydroxy-olean-12(13)-en-16-one (2)and 15α-hydroxy-16-oxo-olean-12-en-3-o-β-glucuro-nopyranoside(3),named eriocarpins A(1),B(2)and C(3),respectively, alongwith two known compounds 2β,3β,28-trihydroxy-12(13)-en-olean and β-amyrin were isolated from the roots of Derris eriocarpa How.Their structures were determined were determined by the basis of chemical and spectral evidences.
    Two New Compounds from Dichotomanthes tristaniaecarpa
    MEI Wen-Li NI Wei CHEN Chang-Xiang
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2772 )   HTML ( )   PDF (98KB) ( 1500 )   Save
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    Eight compounds were isolated from Dichotomanthes tristaniaecarpa. Their structures were de-termined on the basis of chemical and spectral evidences as lupeol (1),betulin (2),5,7-dihydroxy-chromone (3),(-)-epicatechin(4), eriodictyol 3'-O-β-D-glucopyran-oside(5),eriodictyol 7-O-β-D-(6'-ethyl ester)-glucuronopyranoside (6),eriodictyol 7-O-β-D-(6'-methyl ester)-glucuronopyranoside (7),rosamultin (8), respectively.Among them, 6 and 7 were new compounds.
    Cloning of a ACC Oxidase Gene from Carnation Flowers and Construction of Its Antisense Plant Expression Vectors
    ZHANG Shu-Zhen TANG Huo-Long YANG Ben-Peng LIU Fei-Hu
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3268 )   HTML ( )   PDF (169KB) ( 1643 )   Save
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    Total RNA was extracted from petals of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) and reverse transcripted to first strand of cDNA.For getting the 1-Aminocyclopropane-Carboxylic acid Oxidase (ACO) cDNA, a pair of primer was designed and synthesized according to the sequence reported. The PCR product of the ACO cDNA was obtained by using the first strand of cDNA as template. This product was ligased to pGEM -T easy vector and sequenced. The sequencing clata showed that the PCR produes. Comparation of the cDNA sequence from this experiment with that reported by GenBank L35152 indicated the homology was 100%. We give the results that this ACO gene among the species of Dianthus caropyllus highly conserved. The ACO gene antisense sequence was then inserted between the CaMv 35S promoter and NOS terminator into the expression vector pBI121.This expression vector called pBO; Then the flower-spe-cific promoter PchsA was first inserted into the sites of the expression vector pBI121/HindIII+Xbal. This recombinant plasmid called pCHB, then inserted the ACO antisense gene into the sites of the plasmid pCHB/Xbal+SstI.Hence the antisense plant expression vector pCBO was constructed.
    A New Tritepenoid saponin from Psammosilene tunicoides
    ZHONG Hui-Min, NI Wei, HUA Yan, CHEN Yao-Zu, CHEN Chang-Xiang
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2946 )   HTML ( )   PDF (175KB) ( 1466 )   Save
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    Five oleanane-type triterpenoid saponins were isolated from the roots of Psammosilene tunicoides W.C.Wu et C.Y.Wu. Their structures were elucidated by spectral and chemical methods as 3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-glucuronopyranosyl-gypsogenin(1),3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-(1→2)-[β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→3)]-β-D-glucuronopyranosyl-gypsogenin(2),3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-glucuronopyranosyl-gypsogenin-28-O-β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→4)-[β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→3)]-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl(1→2)-β-D-fucopyranoside (Lobatoside I,3),3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-(1→2)-[β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→3)]-β-D-glucuronopyranosylgypsogenin-28-O-β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→4)-[β-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→3)]-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl(1→2)-β-D-fucopyranoside (4),3-O-β-D-galactopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-glucuronopyranosyl-gypsogenin-28- O-β-D-xylopyranosyl-(1→4)-[β-D-6-O-acetylglucopyranosyl-(1→3)]-α-L-rhamnopyranosyl(1→2)-β-D-fucopyranoside(5).Among them, compound 5 was a new triterpenoid saponin.
    The Karyotype Analysis of Anemoclema glaucifolium and Heteroplexis microcephala both Endemic to China
    ZHANG Guo-Li, GONG Xun
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3204 )   HTML ( )   PDF (134KB) ( 1436 )   Save
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    毛茛科的罂粟莲花属(Anemoclema W. T. Wang)是中国特有的单种属,仅分布于云南、四川(应俊生等,1994).Franchet(1886) 曾将罂粟莲花置于银莲花属(Anemone),但是其心皮具有被毛的长花柱,且花柱在受精之后多少伸长成尾状,而与白头翁属(Pulsatilla)相似,Huthcheson (1898) 据此而将它移到白头翁属.王文采(1964)根据其独特的羽状深裂或全裂的基生叶和其他性状,如花构造及花粉形态等区别于银莲花属和白头翁属的性状,将其单独成属.
    Changes of the Biosynthesis of IAA and Its Oxidase and Macromolecules in Pinus massoniana Embryos Cultured in Vitro during Germination
    LU Cheng-Qun, HUANG Bao-Ling
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2494 )   HTML ( )   PDF (156KB) ( 1386 )   Save
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    During germination of Pinus massoniana embryos cultured in vitro, the activity of peroxidase was increased drastically in 10 h and 40 h. The activity of IAA oxidase was decreased drastically in 10 h and 40 h during germination. The experimental results of radioactive isotopes showed: The synthesis rate of protein was evidenthly raised in 5 h and was quickly raised in 15 h ,then the the rate was drastically raised after 40 h. The synthesis rate of RNA was lower before 15 h and was quickly raised in 15 h, then the rate was drastically raised after 30 h. The synthesis rate of DNA was evidenthly raise after 40 h.
    Pollen Morphology and Structure of Seven Species of Heteropappus
    SHAO Jian-Wen, ZHANG Xiao-Ping
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2971 )   HTML ( )   PDF (316KB) ( 1852 )   Save
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    This study presents a detailed survey and discussion on the pollen morphology and structure of seven species of Heteropappus with light microscope (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM). Measurements of the polar axis and equitorial diameter, exine thickness,spine length, and spine number at each lobe are made.The principal diferences in pollen among various species are in size, shape and subtle variations of the surface ornamentation. The pollen grains of Heteropappus are similar to those of Galatella, suggesting a close relationship between these two genera. These two genera can be viewed as the satellite genera of Aster.
    Karyotype and Allozyme Analyses of Three Populations of Erigeron breviscapus from Yunnan
    FENG Ding-Xia, CHEN Bo, DANG Cheng -Lin, WANG Cong-Yun
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3010 )   HTML ( )   PDF (164KB) ( 1669 )   Save
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    In this paper, the population genetic structure of Erigeron breviscapus in three population of Yunnan was studied by the karyotype analysis and allozyme analysis. Lijiang , Karyotype analysis indicated that all the three populations are diplontic(2n=2x=18).The karyotype formula of Lijiang population is :2n=2x=18=6m+10sm(2SAT)+2st. Ten alloz-yme analyses show that the genetic variation exists within the populations. The genetic identities in the three populations are very high (I=0.9172), and the genetic distances are verysmall (D=0.0876). The genetic distances are positively related to the spatial distances.
    Comparative Anatomy on Leaves of Mezzettiopsis and Orophea (Annonaceae)
    Sut Tong-Xing, WU Hong , CHEN Xin-Fang, HOU Xue-Liang, LI Bing-Tao
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2532 )   HTML ( )   PDF (570KB) ( 1437 )   Save
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    The leaf form and structure of 1 Mezzettiopsis species and 9 Orophea species were comparatively studied with the help of scanning electron microscope, epidermal maceration and paraffin section method. The results showed that there were three major anatomical differences between Mezzettiopsis and Orophea. In the leaf of Mezzettiopsis, each epidermal cell contained one cluster crystal, mesophyll tissue had one or two layer palisade tissue cells, oil cells were evenly distributed in the palisade and spongy tissue. and palisade tissue were non-contiguous in the leaf midrib.
    The Development of Male and Female Gametophytes of Stachyurus himalaicus and Its Systematic Enlightenment
    WEI Zhong-Xin, JIN Qiao-Jun, YANG Shi-Xiong, WANG Hong, WANG Feng
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2601 )   HTML ( )   PDF (358KB) ( 1273 )   Save
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    This paper deals with the formation and development of both male and female gametophytes of Stachyurus himalaicus and a comparison of embryological features was made among Stachyuraceae and its related taxa such as Theaceae, Actinidiaceae, Clethraceae, Staphyleaceae, Violaceae, Hamamelidaceae and Crossosomataceae. The embryology features of Stachyurus himalaicus may be summarized as follows.
    The Ecological and Reproduction Characteristics of Euryodendron excelsum, a Critically Endangered Plant from Theaceae
    WANG Yue-Hua, MIN Tian-Lu, HU Xiao-Li, CAO Li-Min, HE Han
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3445 )   HTML ( )   PDF (195KB) ( 1825 )   Save
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    More than 80 individuals of Euryodendron excelsum H.T.Chang, a critically endangered species which was thought only several individuals still living, and its natural population are newly found in Bajia region of Yangchun County, Guangdong Province. The environment condition, detail distribution pattern, population components, phenology ,seeds dispersion style and seed germination tests as well as the rarity situation and causes of this plant are studied and analyzed.
    Infrageneric Phylogeny and Systematic Position of the Acoraceae Inferred from ITS, 18S and rbc L Sequences
    CHEN Yong-Yan, LI De-Zhu, WANG Hong
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3140 )   HTML ( )   PDF (225KB) ( 1700 )   Save
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    Inferred from the recent molecular data, Acorus was upgraded as a monotypic family, Acoraceae, although it was placed in the Araceae for a long time. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of A.gramineus, A. tatarinowii, A.calamus (with four populations sampled, representing tetraploids and hexaploids, respectively) and A.tatarinowii var.flavomarginatus were sequenced to examine the infrageneric relationship of the genus.
    A Cladistic Analysis of Quercus (Fagaceae) in China Based on Leaf Epidermis and Architecture
    PU Chun-Xia,ZHOU Zhe-Kun, LU0 Yan
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2832 )   HTML ( )   PDF (246KB) ( 1814 )   Save
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    A cladistic analysis of the genus Quercus L. in China was performed based on leaf epidermis and architecture using Trigonobalanus doichangensis (A. Camus) Farman as an outgroup. Some stable relationships among subgenera and species were indicated by the cladistic analysis. Subgen. Quercus were divided into g\five sections, namely Sect. Engleriana,Sect. Brachylepides, Sect. Echinolepides, Sect. Aegilops, and Sect.
    Revision of Collections of Amanita (Agaricales) from Hunan Province, Central China
    YANG Zhu-Liang, ZHANG Li-Fang
    2002, 24(06):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2783 )   HTML ( )   PDF (229KB) ( 1940 )   Save
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    A critical re-examination of Amanita collections made from Hunan Province, Central China, and deposited in MHHNU and HMAS , indicated that many of them were incorrectly identified. Sixteen species are reported in this account. A detailed description with an illustration is provided for A.hunanensis , a little-known species of the section Caesareae, which is characterized by its medium-sized to large basidiocarp with a grey- brown lamella edge ,an annulate stipe with grey-brown squamules in a zigzag pattern, a white volva wigh abundant inflated cells,clamped basidia, and ellipsoid, inamyloid basidiopores measuring (8.0)9.5-12.5-(15.5)×6.5-8.5(10.0)um.