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Plant Diversity ›› 2009, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (06): 543-550.DOI: 10.3724 SP.J.1143.2009.09101

• 研究论文 • 上一篇    下一篇


徐芳芳1 , 2 , 陈 进1   

  1. 1 中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园, 云南勐腊 666303 ; 2 中国科学院研究生院, 北京 100049
  • 收稿日期:2009-05-25 出版日期:2009-12-25 发布日期:2009-12-25
  • 通讯作者: 陈 进

Comparison of the Differences in Response to the Change of the Extrafloral Nectar-ant-herbivore Interaction System Between a Native and an Introduced Passiflora Species

XU Fang-Fang1 , 2 , CHEN Jin1   

  1. 1 Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Mengla 666303 , China ;
    2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049 , China
  • Received:2009-05-25 Online:2009-12-25 Published:2009-12-25
  • Contact: CHEN Jin

摘要: 外引植物如何和当地生物建立相互关系是入侵生物学和进化生物学关注的关键科学问题。本实验以西双版纳当地自然分布的长叶西番莲( Passiflora siamica) 和近年从南美新引种的红花西番莲( P. coccinea)为材料, 探讨两种西番莲植物—蚂蚁—植食昆虫间相互关系系统对变化响应的差异。结果表明, 共有24种蚂蚁取食花外蜜液, 利用两种西番莲的蚂蚁数量没有显著差异( t = 1 .30 , P = 0 . 20) , 但在种类组成上存在显著差异(χ2 = 14 . 76 , df = 4 , P < 0. 01) 。植食昆虫多为蜗牛、螽斯、鳞翅目幼虫等广适性昆虫。去除蚂蚁处理均未对两种西番莲植物的平均叶面积损失造成显著影响。该研究表明两种西番莲的花外蜜腺—蚂蚁—广适性昆虫的相互作用系统对变化的响应没有显著差异, 而与专食性昆虫相互作用系统对变化的响应的差异则有待进一步研究。

关键词: 花外蜜腺, 长叶西番莲, 红花西番莲, 蚂蚁植物互惠关系, 广谱食性昆虫

Abstract: How introduced plants associate with native biotic is one of the fundamental questions in evolutionary biology and invasive biology. Extrafloral nectar ( EFN) bearing plants usually use nectar to attract ants while those ants could help plants defense herbivores; establishing a plant-ant-herbivore interactive system . In this study , we conducted artificial ant- exclusion, EFN- exclusion, herbivore exclusion, ant and herbivore exclusion to compare the differences in response to the change of the extrafloral nectar- ant-herbivore interaction system in an native passionflower ( Passiflora siamica) and an newly introduced species ( P. coccinea) . A total of about 24 ant species were recorded consuming the EFN resource . There was no significant difference in the total number of visiting ants while ant species composition was different in the two Passiflora plants (χ2 = 14 .76 , df = 4 , P < 0 . 01) . The most abundant ant species for P. siamica was Dolichoderus thoracicus while for P. coccinea was Paratrechina sp . The herbivorous insects observed were mainly generalists, including snails, katydisds(Pseudophyllidae) or some larvae of butterflies and moths . The amount of nectar per leaf produced from P. siamica is significantly higher than P. coccinea (Willcox, z = - 3 . 87 , P < 0 . 01) . Ant- exclusion in this experiment did not significantly influence the average leaf loss per plant. The treatments for ant-exclusion, herbivore exclusion , and ant + herbivore exclusion all did not significantly influence the EFN production. As a whole, the plant- ant-generalist herbivore in the two Passiflora species did not show a significant difference in the response to the change , while the interactive system with specialist herbivores request further investigation .

Key words: Extrafloral nectar
