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Yuanyuan Lin, Junchao Huang.
Characterization of an algal phosphomannose isomerase gene and its application as a selectable marker for genetic manipulation of tomato
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2021, 43(01): 63-70.
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Zhenwen Liu, Hua Peng.
Notes on the key role of stenochoric endemic plants in the floristic regionalization of Yunnan
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2016, 38(06): 289-294.
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GUO Yan-Dong, WANG Quan-Xi, LI Bao-Gui, CAO Jian-Guo.
Studies on the Development of Gametophyte and Oogenesis of the Fern Microlepia platyphylla
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2014, 36(06): 747-754.
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QI Jing, DONG Zhen, ZHANG Yu-Xing.
Cloning of ACC Oxidase Gene from Yali Pear and Tranformation of Its Antisense Expression Vector with Agrobacteriummediated Method
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2014, 36(05): 622-628.
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MO Xin-Chun.
Recent Progress in Model Grass Brachypodium distachyon (Poaceae)
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2014, 36(02): 197-207.
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FANG Tao, ZENG Chun-Xia, YANG Jun-Bo-**, LI De-Zhu.
Herbarium Collections and iFlora
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2013, 35(6): 687-692.
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DU Yan, ZHANG Ting, CA Jie, YANG Xiang-Yun.
The Information of Seed Morphology in iFlora
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2013, 35(6): 774-778.
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MA Li-Ping-, YI Ting-Shuang-, ZUO Xian-Wei-, ZHANG Biao-, LI Yun-Xia-, HAN Gen-Liang.
A Noval Magnetic Beadbased Microchip for iFlora Genetic Information Efficient Acquisition System*
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2013, 35(6): 779-783.
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SHAO Wen-, LIU Shu-Gang.
Comparative Morphology of Development of the Gametophyte and Juvenile Sporophyte of Phymatopteris
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2013, 35(4): 522-528.
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LI De-Zhu-, WANG Yu-Hua-, YI Ting-Shuang.
The Next-Generation Flora iFlora
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2012, 34(6): 525-531.
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CENG Chun-Xia, YANG Jun-Bei, YANG Jing, YI Ting-Shuang, LIN Chun-Yan.
A Proposed Framework for iFlora
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2012, 34(6): 555-561.
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LI Hong-Thao, ZENG Chun-Xia, GAO Lian-MIng, YI Ting-Shuang, YANG Jun-Bo.
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2012, 34(6): 585-591.
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XU Xiao-Lian-, JIN He-Xian-, CHEN Xiang-Bo.
Studies on the Formation of Microspores and Development of Male Gametophyte in Acer yanjuechi (Aceraceae)
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2012, 34(4): 339-.
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LIANG Peng-, KONG Xiang-Xiang-, WANG Chun-Tao-, ZHA Xiang-Dong-, HU Xiang-Yang.
Modification of pFGC5941 Construct and Transfer of Double Antisense Genes of NAC1 and SIP1 into Arabidopsis thaliana
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2012, 34(4): 403-.
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WANG WeiQing , ,CHENG Xiao*, JIAO Yu ,CHEN GuiJu.
Substratum Affects the Gametophyte Development and Reproduction of Sinopteris grevilleoides(Sinopteridaceae), an Endangered Fern Endemic to China
[J]. Plant Diversity, 2010, 32(01): 25-31.