Plant Diversity ›› 1992, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (S5): 1-3.

• Articles •    


LI Heng   

  1. Kunming Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica
  • Online:1992-12-26 Published:1992-12-26


After biological and phytogeographical analysing the species of Stachyuraceae, this paper is concluded as followings: 1) The everygreen species Stachyulus cordatulus Merr. with special venation and bisexual flowers is considered as a primitive species in the family; 2) The origin of Stachyuraceae, may be, lies in the region of Dulongjiang area and North Burma, i. e. in West Yunnan-Shanban-Malaya block. It means that Stachyulus species owes its origin to north part of Gandwana land mass before late Paleozoic; 3) Befofre Tertiary period the species of Stachyuraceae was dispersed to different areas of East Asia, so that the family Stachyuraceae has extended into existence since late Cretaceous.

Key words: Stachyuraceae, Biological character, Phytogeography, Origin