Plant Diversity ›› 2000, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (03): 1-3.

• Articles •    

Yunnanopilia- A Primitive New Genus of Opiliaceae from Yunnan Plateau,China and Its Biogeographic Significance

WU Zhaneg-Yi,LI De-Zhu   

  1. Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650204
  • Online:2000-06-25 Published:2000-06-25

Abstract: A new genus of Opiliaceae,Yunnanopilia is described fromthe Red River Valley,South-Central Yunnan Plateau,China. This genus is a primitive one in the Opiliaceae by having hermaphrodite flowers in large panicles,and may be the ancestry type of both Lepionurus,Melientha and Champereia. It seems that this genus may be originated inthe Kam-Yunnania Ancient Landmass. This indicates that the Opiliaceae may also be orginated in the Kam-Yunnania.

Key words: Yunnanopilia, Opiliaceae, New genus, Biogeography