Plant Diversity ›› 2003, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (01): 1-3.

• Articles •    

A Karyological Study of Six Chinese Species of Cymbidium

LI Yu-Ge, GUO Wei-Hong, WU Bo-Ji   

  1. College of Life Science, Hennan University
  • Online:2003-02-25 Published:2003-02-25

Abstract: Six species of Cymbidium, all cultivated plants of Chinese origin, are karyologically analyzed: Cymbidium suavissimum Sander ex C.Curtis(2n=40=30+10sm), C.lowianum (Rchb.f.)Rchb.f.(2n=40=26m+12sm+2st), C.wenshanense Y.S.Wu et F.Y.Liu. (2n=40=28m+10sm+2st), C.hookerianum Rchb.f.(2n=40=30m+8sm+2st), C.eburneum Lindl. (2n=40=36m+4sm)and C.elegans Lindl.(2n=40=28m+8sm+4st). Based on karyotypical data the phylogenetic relationships between the data treated are discussed.

Key words: Cymbidium