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26 December 2001, Volume 23 Issue 13
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    Relationship between Nature Reserve and Local Village, Baka Case
    DU Xue - Fei GUO Hui - Jim ZENG Yi - Qun
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2339 )   HTML ( )   PDF (586KB) ( 1340 )   Save
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    Local villagers have important effect on the biodiversity in the nature reserve as they take advantage of the source for hundreds of years. Baka, a Jinuo village was studies with market investigation and questionnaire, especially focused on the bene-fits and costs that risen from nature reserve. It is found that the local people get a large number of income from nature reserve, at the same time, local people lost opportunity costs for lost land where is turned to nature reserve. Suggestions are given to manage-ment and development of the nature reserve.
    Analysis of Relationship between Crops Diversity at Household Level and Household Income
    WUShao-Yun DAILu-Yuan YOU Cheng - Li JIN Jian - Chang LI Yun JIA Cong - Jin ZHANG Zong - Wen Bhuwon R. Sthapit
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2496 )   HTML ( )   PDF (611KB) ( 1288 )   Save
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    100 farms were investigated with questionnaire of participatory biodiversity appraisal at shuangqiao village, shuangshao twonship in kunming. The investigation and analysis indicated that there were 94 fanner households to use field crops as main e-conomy income. There were 52 varieties of 18 field crop species which were used in the village. The relationship was discovered that the number of variety used by household and household income. The household utilizing seven varieties had the highest in-come. Their income is 150 of the average one. The income differed with different varieties combination used among household which all used seven varieties. The best was the combination of tobacco Hongda, Corn Lit No. 3, peach May maturity, cabbage Chinese 83 - 1, potato virus - free, small cabbage and faba bean. Varieties used by different households were not similar. There-fore the variety diversity was rich.
    The Current Status of Upland Rice Varieties Diversity in Xishuangbanna--A Case from Baka , Daka and Mannalong Villages
    GONG Zhi-Uan GUOHui-Jun ZHOU Kai-Yuan YIN Shou-Hua WU Fang
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3163 )   HTML ( )   PDF (622KB) ( 1332 )   Save
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    Upland rice varieties are collected in Daka, Baka and Mannalong villages. Socio- economy situation and upland rice varieties diversity of 39 households in each village were investigated using structure and semi - structure interview based on household based agrobiodiversity assessment. The results are as follows: upland rice resources and their diversity in morphology and genetics were discovered through investigation on upland rice resources in the three villages. Some upland rice varieties of good quality are disappearing and most are fit for poor soil. The number and varieties of upland rice which farmers plant are influ-enced not only by the area of upland rice and swidden but also by fanners' hobbies, planting techniques, market, and culture. So we must take measures to protect upland rice varieties.
    Study on the Relationship of Indigenous Medicine and Agrobiodiversity Conservation in Daka, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan
    DUXue-Fei CUIJin-Yun
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2963 )   HTML ( )   PDF (574KB) ( 1365 )   Save
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    Indigenous medicine is important part of indigenous knowledge, about 1/5 plants are used to cure illness. By the re-search in tropic upland village, it is found that the indigenous medicine can evoke local people to preserve 24 medicine plants. So it can be used to improve the richness of agrobiodiversity. But the traditional medicine is facing disappeared, the policy must be took is to improve the important of traditional medicine.
    Interaction of Socio - Economy and Biodiversity Change A Case from Baihualing, Baoshan, West Yuannan
    LI Ji-Qun DAO Zhi-Ling GUOHui-Jun YIN LI-Wei DUAN Jin - Gang
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2785 )   HTML ( )   PDF (515KB) ( 1352 )   Save
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    Socio- economic development is one of important factor which could affect the biodiversity change. Three nature vil-lages of Baihualing administrative village of Baoshan, which different natural and socio - economic enendowment were selected of socio- economic survey and agrobiodiversity assesment. The results show that population and household change will cause the change of land resource management. On the other hand, according to the analyzing results of economic structure and income re-sources, there is indiscerptible relationship between rural economic development and biodiversity change in agroecosystem. Diver-sified cultivation is advocated in the rural area.
    Report of Cultivating Butterfly in Baka, Xishuangbanna
    LI Zi-Neng RUN Yuan - Mei
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3438 )   HTML ( )   PDF (578KB) ( 1077 )   Save
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    According to The Xishuangbanna Butterfly Investigation, 1996, there are 380 species or/and subspecies. Since early 1990s, butterflies have been utilized in large quantity as a local tourism specialty with nationalistic characteristics. In Xishuangbanna more than 1 500000 butterflies are collected each year. As a result of having been collected for many years, the number of butterflies and butterfly species available is decreasing in some areas, particularly some species with high commercial value.
    Dynamism of Traditional Knowledge and Practice on the Management of Quercus Fuel Forest at Shabadi, Tengchong County
    UJian-Qin GUOHui-Jun DAO Zhi - Ling
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2755 )   HTML ( )   PDF (727KB) ( 1190 )   Save
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    Fuel wood, one kind of energy sources, plays an important role in energy consumption of rural area. Now, lacking of fuel wood becomes a common problem in that place because forest, the source of fuel was destroyed seriously. However, the in-digenous in some area have accumulated a wealth of traditional knowledge on protecting, managing and using fuel forest. The Shabadi villagers provide a typical case for this.
    The Impacts of Different Managements on Biodiversity of Community Forest -- Case Studies of Sabadi Villages , Tengchong , Gaoligongshan
    YINLi-Wei GUOHui-Jun DAO Zhi - Ling
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2775 )   HTML ( )   PDF (718KB) ( 1205 )   Save
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    There are several tendencies in community forest under different management by using vegetation sampling method and agro-biodiversity assessment method of PLEC BAG guidelines. The results show: (l) The forms of community forest manage-ment become more and more variable with multiple factors, such as: policy, traditional customs; (2) With the intensity of the management declining, the indexes of biodiversity are increasing in tree layer and herb layer, but that of shrub layer is decreas-ing. (3) The timber volume is increasing with the species decreasing, in tree layer. Get to know the regulation between commu-nity forest management and it' s biodiversity is helpful and urgent for conservation the forest and biodiversity.
    Gaoligongshan Household - based Agrobiodiversity Assessment of Agroforestry Systems, A Case from Hanlong of Baihuanling Administrative Village, Mangkuan, Baoshan, West Yunnan
    DAO Zhi-Ling GUOHui-Jun DUAN Jin - Gang CHEN Wen - Song DUAN Hong - Lian
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3216 )   HTML ( )   PDF (485KB) ( 1247 )   Save
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    Agroforestry Systems development of Hanlong village is generally introduced in the paper. Six typical households were selected for agrobiodiversty research. The results show that the species richness indices, agro - species richness indices, species using rate, individual using rate of agroforestry are different among different households. The individual using rate is low while the species using rate is high in agroforestry systems. The average species richness indices are 0.052, the highest one is 21 higher than the average and lowest one is 71 of the average. Average agro - species richness indices are 0.192, the highest one is 51 higher than the average and lowest one is 51 of the average. Otherness of agro - species indices is high among the differ-ent agroforestry systems. The economic value of agroforestry system with high species richness indices and agro - species richness indices are higher than the agroforestry system with low richness indices. Agrofrestry systems take more and more important role in Hanlong village.
    Household - based Agrobiodiversity Assessment (HH-ABA) of Paddy Fields of Gaoligongshan Region - A Case from Hanlong Village, Baihualing, Baoshan, West Yunnan, China
    DAO Zhi - Ling GUOHui-Jun DUAN Jin - Gang CHEN Wen - Song DUAN Hong - Lian
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2638 )   HTML ( )   PDF (476KB) ( 1211 )   Save
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    There are seven field types (FT) of paddy land - use stage in Hanlong village of Baihualing administrative village of east slope of Gaoligongshan, Baoshan, west Yunnan. Farmers manage more species as well as they have more field types in paddy land-use stage in winter. But it is not direct proportion because of different management intensity. Coffee fields and sugarcane fields are two main field types of paddy land - use stage in winter.
    Household - based Agrobiodiversity Assessment (HH - ABA) of Agroforestry Systems in 6aka Village in Xishuangbanna
    ZENGYi-Qun GUOHui-Jun YIN Shao - Ting CHENAi-Guo ZENG Rong
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2935 )   HTML ( )   PDF (1048KB) ( 1296 )   Save
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    The study was conducted in a Jinuo village in Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, southwest China. Three types of agroforestry systems of 18 houseolds were selected for agrobiodiversity assessment. The contents include a-groforestry development and its relationship to indigenous agriculture, agrobiodiversity changes and market integration. Methods of HH/ABA (Household - based Agrobiodivereity Assessment) , sampling, on - farm monitoring, PRA and interview have been ap-plied in this research.
    Causes and Dynamics of the Changing of Agroforestry Practices in Baka, Xishuangbanna
    ZENGYi-Qun GUOHui-Jun YIN Shao - Ting CHENAi-Guo
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2743 )   HTML ( )   PDF (1188KB) ( 1796 )   Save
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    Agroforestry systems play a vital role in rural development, especially in tropical upland areas. This new technique combines agriculture, forestry and husbandry, linking closely with social, environmental and economic factors. The dissertation deals with dynamics of social, technical and economic elements in agroforestry practices, alternative to shifting cultivation. The study was conducted in a Jinuo Mountain of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, southwest China. The contents include identifying land use changes at village and household level respectively, examining the relationships between fal-low systems and agroforestry practices, and describing farmers strategies in agroforestry development and its impact on other agri-culture systems, environment, indigenous agriculture and agro - biodiversity. Methods of household - based socioeconomic survey on- farm monitoring, participant observation and interview have been applied in this research.
    Household - based Agrobiodiversity Assessment (HH - ABA) of Fuel Wood in Daka, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan
    CUIJin-Yun FUYong-Neng CHENAi-Guo GUO Hui - Jun
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2808 )   HTML ( )   PDF (584KB) ( 1107 )   Save
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    Eight sampling plots of fuel wood were investigated of eight households of Daka, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. The results show that there are great discrepancies of plant species richness among different households. Furthermore, hierarchical agglomera-tive graphics of fuel wood indicated that plant community similarities among different households are low. Meaningwrule, according to the semi - structure interview of sampling households, the authors found that species economic value were different from each household. Species- household curve that similar to area- species curve of fuel wood showes the minimum sampling percentage were 15 based on the fit and assessment of model curve S = a + bmB. A list of folk utilizable plants found in sampling plots is attached.
    Plant Diversity of Community Forest and Holly Hill Forest - A Case Study from Daka Village of Xishuangbanna, South Yunnan, China
    FUYong-Neng CHENAi-Guo CUIJin-Yun GUOHui-Jin
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2556 )   HTML ( )   PDF (553KB) ( 1281 )   Save
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    The wild biodiversity in ecosystems is a vital element in agrobiodiversity. The timber volume and important value index of plant species of tree layer, and plant species diversity in community forest and in holly hill forest of Daka village, Xishuangban-na, south Yunnan, China were studied. The results showed that the timber volume in holly hill was 1.91 times of community for-est, as the local farmer for timber consumption had collected the latter. Shannon - Wieimer diversity index (H) of community forest was 2.57, less than that of holly hills, which were 2.84.
    Surveying Household - Based Diversity in Wet - Rice Fields at Daka, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan
    FUYong-Neng GUOHui-Jun CHENAi-Guo CUIJin-Yun
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2769 )   HTML ( )   PDF (454KB) ( 1122 )   Save
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    Twelve sampling plots of wet - rice field were investigated of twelve households of Daka, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. The results show that there are great discrepancies of plant species richness among different households. Furthermore, hierarchical agglomerative graphics of wet - rice field indicated that plant community similarities among different households are low. Meaning-while, according to the semi - structure interview of sampling households, the authors found that species economic value were dif-ferent from each household. Species - household curve that similar to area - species curve of wet - rice field showes the minimum sampling percentage were 19 based on the fit and assessment of model curve S = a + blnB. A list of plants found in sampling plots is attached.
    Household - Based Agrobiodiversity Assessment of 3 - year Fallow Field in Daka, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan
    FUYong-Neng CUIJm-Yun GUOHui-Jun CHENAi-Guo
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2910 )   HTML ( )   PDF (670KB) ( 1122 )   Save
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    Eleven sampling plots of 3y fallow field were investigated of eleven households of Daka, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan. The results show that there are great discrepancies of plant species richness among different households. Furthermore, hierarchical ag-glomerative graphics of 3y fallow field indicated that plant community similarities among different households are low. Meaning-while, according to the semi - structure interview of sampling households, the authors found that species economic value were dif-ferent from each household. Species - household curve that similar to area - species curve of 3y fallow field showes the minimum sampling percentage were 20 based on the fit and assessment of model curve S = a + blnB. A list of folk utilizable plants found in sampling plots is attached.
    Development and Conservation of Agrodiversity by Small
    CHEN Ai- Guo DAO Zhi- Ling GUO Hui- Jun FU Yong-Neng
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2238 )   HTML ( )   PDF (789KB) ( 1164 )   Save
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    Yunnan is the most both biodiverse region in China. An existing project of people, land management and Enviromental Change of United Nations University aims tno document the status of agrodiversity as a basis for meeting local needs,using Xishuangbanna and Baoshan as case studies. Studies reveal that a rich agrodiversity at levels of crop species and varievels.
    Farm System Change Induced by Social - Economy Development at the Village Level
    CHENAi-Guo FUYong-Neng GUOHui-W DAOZhi-Ung
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
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    No group retains exactly the same agricultural practices as ancestors did. The agricultural ecosystems and their tech-nologies have always been dynamic induced by economic, social, political and environmental factors. The case study explores the agricultural ecosystem change at the village level through systematic interviews with households in the villages of Daka and Baka, Xishuangbanna, south Yunnan, SW China. The transformation of landscape from traditional shifting cultivation to paddy fann and cash crop plantation is mainly driven by the population increase for more subsistence needs. Due to need more income and individ-ual land tenure policy, annual and industrial crops are replacing largely traditional crops and varieties. However, during each transformation, there is an innovation in tillage practices, such as plough the fallow, intercropping and agroforestry to improve soil productivities.
    Social Economic Development and Biodiversity Change in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, China
    GUO Hui - Jun Christine Padoch FU Yong - Neng CHEN Ai - GU0
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
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    According to changes of the land use stage, especially swidden cultivation, commercial plantation and natural biodiver-sity and agrobiodiversity in Xishuangbanna during the past 50 years, the paper explores the interrelationships between social eco-nomic development and biodiversity changes. The findings include; (l) land use stage is the linkage between social economic development and biodiversity change. The past 50 years is the fastest period and largest scale of biodiversity change in the history under the un - stability of land tenure policy, replacement of rubber of natural forest by state farm, expansion of community rubber plantation under the transition from central planning to market driven economic policy, which led to reduction and fragmentation of natural tropical forest, and caused decrease of natural biodiversity.
    The Species Diversity of Plants and Agrobiodiversity
    PENG Hua
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
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    The author indicates the importance of plant resources in agrobiodiversity, the periods of different utilizations of plants in history, and the objective necessity for developing wild plant resources as .eatables and medicines. The authors also refers to the natural characteristics of wild plants, the features of utilization of them, and the current situation of agriculture in SW China. The role of cultural factors on utilization of wild vegetables is analyzed based on their distributions and range of being eaten. The deci-sive factors of markets are also analyzed on basis of the course from wild, ruderal, cultivated plants up to products of intensive farming of Tujia ethnic "Shefan", Houttuynia cordata, several famous wild vegetables used for chafing dishs in SW China. It is made rethinking one coin two sides of enriching the species components in agrobiodiversity by introducing some plant species, es-pecially from far distance. The emphasis should be placed on establishment some fanning cultural reserves for the poor areas, but rich in indigenous farming knowledge and in agrobiodiversity like many foreign countries, because the global may of greenhouse and fashionable cultigens will sweep over all the parts of our country.
    The Current Status of Yunnan Crop Genetic Resources
    DAI Lu - Yuan WANG Ping - Sheng YE Chang - Rong WANG Li - Hua YU Teng - Qiong XU Fu - Rong
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
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    The current statues of Yunnan crop genetic resources was described in the following four sections: 1. The current stat-ues of wild relative species in conservation. 2. The current statues of crop genetic resources in conservation. 3. The genetic di-versity of crop genetic resources. 4. Strengthen studies on crop genetic resources through using biological molecular technologies. Three pieces of proposal were put forward in the end.
    Promoting Innovations for Sustainable - Biodiversity Management in Agricultural Systems
    Motyuki Suzuki
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 1977 )   HTML ( )   PDF (152KB) ( 857 )   Save
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    It is an honor for me to welcome delegates to participate in"Workshop on Agrobiodiversity Conservation in Southwest China", the national meeting of China Cluster of the United Nations University Project on People, Land Management and Environmental Change (PLEC)
    Assessment, Conversation and Utilization on Elite Rice Genetic Resources in Guizhou
    RUAN Ren - Chao CHEN Hui - Cha YOU Jun - Mei JIN Tao - Ye ZHANG Zai - Xing YANG Yu - Shun ZHU Yu - Qin
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
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    Assessment, conversation and utilization on elite rice genetic resources in Guizhou were chiefly summarized during 1991 ~ 2000. The main points can be concluded that the Three Working and Managing Systems on Rice Genetic Resources in Guizhou had been established in the long course of research. Firstly, identifying and evaluating system is essential to study the characteristics of rice genetic resources according to botanical and biological trails. Secondly establishing reproduction system in ex - situ conservation combing with short storage in low temperature, and finally, information management system of genetic re-sources conserved in Guizhou was also formed on the base of their characteristic databases. These systems will be efficient to pro-mote the further researches.
    Genetic Diversity of Agricultural Crops Germplams in Guangxi
    HDao-Yuan UANG Yao - Mao YANG Hua - Quan
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
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    Guangxi Province links with Yunnan - Guizhou Plateau, with riche agricultural diversity under diverse topograph and sub - tropical climate. This paper reviewed progress and status of research on gennplasm of agricultural crops from the aspects of type, variety, classification, evaluation, identification and untilization, as well as research on, genetic diversity of wild relatives of those crops originated related to China. The diversity of Guangxi's agricultural crops were reducing since 1980s. This paper also discusses in - situ conservation of gennplasm diversity of agricultural crops.
    The Origin,Method and Purpose of PLEC
    Harold Brookfield
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 1867 )   HTML ( )   PDF (389KB) ( 1081 )   Save
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    This paper is about PLEC,but also about small farmers and biodiversity . Until a very few years ago, all agriculture was supposed to be the enemy of biodiversity . Now it is better understood that some areas managed by small farmers contain almost as much biodiversity as the wild. This diversity, (Wood and Lenne 2000).Even in regard to the wild itself,ecological thinking has now swung away from the old view that the richest biodiversity occurs in ecosystems that have had a long period of undisturbed evolution toward a"cli max"state. Since the late 1970s it has been forcefully argued that disturbances may be essential to the creation and maintenance of plant and animal diversity (eg. Zimmerer and young 1998).
    Global and Local Issues in (Agro) Biodiversity
    Timo Maukonen
    2001, 23(13):  1-3. 
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    It is a great pleasure to address this meeting on behalf of United Nations Environment Programme,the imementing agency of PLEC