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25 August 1998, Volume 20 Issue 04
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    Minor Constituents from Coleus forskohlii
    JIN Qi- Duan,HE Bi - He
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3039 )   HTML ( )   PDF (211KB) ( 1175 )   Save
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    Two new labdanoids, forskolin E and F, with forskolin A, B, C and D, have been isolated from the chloroform extract of the whole plants of Coleus forskohlii. The chemical structures of the two minor constituents have been established as lα, 7β- diacetoxy- 8,13 epoxy- 6β- hydroxylabd- 14- en- 11 - one(l) and 7β-acetoxy- 8,13 - epoxy- 6β,9a- dihydroxylabd - 14- en- 11 - one(2), respectively, on the basis of detailed spectroscopic analysis and all assignments were supported by 1H -1H COSY, HMBC and HMOC spectrum (see table 1).
    New Sesquiterpene from Michelia yunnanensis
    HONG Xin,WANG Bin-Gui,ZHOU Jun,HAO Xiao- Jiang
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
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    A new sesquiterpene, 12,13-di-acetoxyl-l ,4,6,11-eudesmanetetol 1, together with six known com-pounds, was isolated from Michelia yunnanensis. The structures were elucidated on the basis of spectral means.
    In Vitro Culture of Explants and the Agrobacterium-Mediated Genetic Transformation of Poncirus trifoliata
    HE Hong, PANRui-Chi, HAN Mei-Li, LI Geng-Guang
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2841 )   HTML ( )   PDF (277KB) ( 1159 )   Save
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    Epicotyls and stem segments from sterile seeding of Poncirus tnfoliata Raf. Were cultured ire vitro. The results indicated that epicotyls were suitable for culture in vitro, BA at a concentration of 1 mg/L gave the highest shoot formation frequency (86.0% ). As BA concentrations increased, the ability of shoot formation de-creased. Epicotyls oriented with their apical ends protruding from the medium produced more shoots than when they were placed with their basal end upright or were placed horizontally. Explants used for transformation were the epicotyls from Pondrus trifoliata Raf. The selection pressure for kanamycin was 50mg/L. Ceftaxime used as antibiotics was better than carbenicillin. After 1.5 months 14.2 resistant shoots were emerged from the ex-plants. Histochemical GUS assay showed that 70.0 of the resistant plants were GUS-positive.
    Structural Modification of Yunaconitine
    ZHANG Rong -Ping, CHEN Si- Ying,ZHOU Jun
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2381 )   HTML ( )   PDF (234KB) ( 1320 )   Save
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    Yunaconitine, a diterpenoid alkaloid native to Yunnan in the plants of Acordtum species, is the rich-est in content and the widest in distribution, but its toxicity is high. In order to utilize the rich resource, some structural modification from yunaconitine had been undertaken, and seven derivatives have been got. This paper reports the synthetic ways of these derivatives and their spectra.
    Pollination Intensity-and Pollination Efficiency-Dependent Nutlet Set of Mosia hangchouensis (Labiatae)
    ZHOUShi-Liang,PAN Kai- Yu,HONG De-Yuan
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
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    Mosia hangchouensis Matsuda is an endangered species distributed along the coastal areas of Zhe-jiang Province. We studied the pollination intensity, pollinators' efficiency and nutlet set in a natural population in Hangzhou and an artificial population in Beijing Experimental Garden of our Institute to test the hypothesis that nutlet set is dependent on pollination intensity and pollinators' efficiency. Although this species is self- compat-ible, careful examination on stigmas of virgin flowers revealed that no stigma was pollinated before corolla open-ing due to the spatial isolation between stigmas and anthers. This indicated that nutlet set is dependent on polli-nators. Hand pollination experiment in the natural population showed close nutlet set between self- pollination, geitonogamy and cross - pollination. Significant effect of pollination intensity on nutlet set was found by the anal-ysis of variance of nutlet set( F = 71.606 * * * , P < 0.01).
    The Gel-Protein Complexes of a Mutant Barley Mbl832C
    LI Tong-Zhu
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
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    When the mutant barley Mbl832C thylakoid membranes were solubilized at a lower SDS concentra-tion and subjected to discontinuous SDS-PAGE at 4 t, 4 blue-green bands were resolved. The resolved bands in order of increasing mobility were CPI, CPal, CPa2 and FC. CPI had absorption peaks at 677 nm in the red re-gion and at 438 nm in the blue region. Low temperature fluorescence emission spectrum showed that it is photo-system I reaction center complex containing less photosystem II. The spectral properties of CPal and CPa2 were similar. They had a red absorption maximum at 672 nm and a blue one at 436 nm. Their fluorescence emission peaks at 77 K were at 685 nm, indicating that they belong to photosystem II. The results in this paper indicate that the mutant barley only contains 3 chl a-protein complexes: CPI, CPal and CPa2. It totally lacks any light-harvesting chl a/b-protein complexes. Therefore, Mbl832C is a new type of chl b-less mutant and can survive independently in nature.
    Dynamics of Secondary Metabolic Products in Gynostemma pentaphyllum Populations and Their Ecological Significance
    HE Wei- Ming,ZHONG Zhang- Cheng
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
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    The authors examined the dynamic features of flavonoids and Gynostomma. saponin in the different Gynostemma pentaphyllum populations under natural conditions and their ecological significance through the plant physio- ecological methods. The results show: (l) the dynamic patterns of flavonoids and G. saponin in the stems, blades and shoots in the populations under the same surroundings are different. At different phases of life history of the populations , the stems and blades have different effects on flavonoids and G. saponin in the popu-lations; (2) the dynamic patterns of the two kinds of substances vary with different populations; (3) flavonoids and G. saponin have their own physiological functions, moreover, they have both plasticity; (4) the dominant environmental factors affecting the dynamics of flavonoids and G. saponin are different. Thus secondary metabolic products play a very important role in the life history of plant populations.
    Study on the Ecotypes of Allium wallichii in Jizu Mountain,Binchuan County, Yunnan Province
    LIAO Zhou- Yu,DANG Cheng- Lin
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2725 )   HTML ( )   PDF (382KB) ( 1200 )   Save
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    Based on the integrative study of ecology and genetics of Allium wallichii in Mountain Jizu, the 8 popu-lations of Allium wallichii( including a population of Allium var. platyphyllum) can be divided into 6 ecotypes: one Allium var. platyphyllum ecotype,one rock diploid ecotype and four tetraploidecotypes (rock tetraploid eco-type, forest tetraploid ecotype, grassland tetraploid with white flower tetraploid ecotype, grassland tetraploid with purplish red flower ecotype) . The selection of ecological factors (light, soil and biological factor) and the three kinds of valid isolation mechanisms between the populations, such as the chromosomal ploidy variation (genetic isolation) between diploid population and tetraploid population, the habitat isolation between grassland tetraploid population and forest tetraploid population and rock tetraploid population and the phenologic isolation between grassland tetraploid with white flower populatoin and grassland tetraploid with purplish red flower population, for-est tetraploid population and rock tetraploid population etc. are the primary factors that caused the ecotypic for-mation of Allium wallichii in Mountain Jizu.
    Pollen Morphology and Its Taxonomic Significance of Piperaceae
    LEI Li-Gong,LIANG Han-Xing
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3061 )   HTML ( )   PDF (369KB) ( 1125 )   Save
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    The pollen morphology of the Piperaceae varies at the generic level. The surfaces of the pollen grains of Zippelia are smooth, but foveolate, and, under the higher magnifications, slighty rough. Those of the pollen grains of Piper are continuously verrucate and the verruca nearly to smooth. The venucate sculpture on the sur-faces of the pollen grains of Lepianthes (or Pothomorphe) is not distinct. The verrucae on the pollen surfaces of Macropiper are evenly echinate. The pollen grains of Peperonda are inaperturale, the verrucae are surrounded by granellae and small chips. Therefore, pollen morphology has taxonomic significance for the generic segrega-tion of Piperaceae.
    Structural Comparison of Dioecious Wood among Three Species of the Broadleaved Trees
    ZHENG Xing- Feng,CHENG Hui - Ping
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
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    The structures of the woods of the female and male trees in Bischoffia javanica, Flacourtia rukam and Nephelium lappaceum were comparatively described in detail.The results showed that the overall characters of the dioecious woods were generally quite similar, however, some significantly or extremely signicandy different charateristics, although being similarly occurred among the three species, still existed between the male and fe-male woods within the same species. Within the three species, the ratios of the wood fiber wall thicknesses /lu-men diameters in the female woods are larger than the ones in the male woods, and the number of the septate fibers and the fiber tracheids are smaller. It is considered that the female wood might possess a greater mechani-cal weight-bearing force in supporting the fruit.
    Structure of Coleoptile Cells of Seed in Coix laryma-jobi
    XI Xiang-Yuan, YE Bao-Xing, LENG Mei
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3377 )   HTML ( )   PDF (524KB) ( 3093 )   Save
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    The structure of coleoptile cells of soaked seeds in Coix lacryma -jobi was examined. The coleoptile consists of outer and inner epidermis, parenchyma and two peripherally located vascular bundles. In two places of the outer epidermis, some cells have discontinuous radial walls forming a syncytium. The ribosomes, mito-chondria and endoplasmic reticulum vesicles are abundant in parenchyma cells. The results suggest that the metabolism in the cells has become active. The plasmodesmata in the primary pit fields indicate that a synplastic pathway is present between parenchyma cells. There are many vesicles originated from endoplasmic reticulum on the primary walls. These vesicles may be involved in the enlargement of the plasma membrane to adapt cell growth during the coleoptile growing. The nuclear membrane is discontinuous. This may facilitate the substances exchange between nucleus and cytoplasm. The nucleolus is located near to nuclear membrane and the nucleolus with nucleoius organizer is connected with the nuclear membrane close to the region lack of membrane. Coleop-tile cells are rich in protein bodies and lipid bodies, besides, the parenchyma cells contain starch grains. Two types of protein bodies are present in the parenchyma cells.
    Study on the Karyotypes of Five Species in Subgen.Palladia (Lysimachia) from China
    LIAO Liang,ZHOU Xiao-Ling
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2888 )   HTML ( )   PDF (598KB) ( 1144 )   Save
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    In the present paper, karyological studies were carried out in five species of Subgen. Palladia ( Lysimachia) from China, of which the chromosome numbers and the karyotypes of the four species are first re-ported, which are: Lysimachia glanduliflora Hanelt 2n = 24 = 12m + 8sm + 4st(2SAT), Lysimachia heteroge-nea Klatt 2n = 22 = 2m + 4sm + 6st + lOt, Lysimachia Candida Lindl. 2n = 24 = 14m + 6sm(2SAT) + 4at and Lysimachia parvifolia Franch. 2n = 48 = 34m + lOsm + 4st. The karyotype of Lysimachia fortunei Maxim from Jiujiang of China (2n = 24 = 20m + 4sm(2SAT) ) is somewhat different from that from Japan (2n = 24 = 18m (1SAT) + 6sm(SAT)) . The four sections with nine species in the Subgen. Palladia ( Lysimachia) were also cytologically analysed in the paper. The result shows that in the four sections, Sect. Spicatae has the most sym-metrical karyotype. Sect. Lubinia has the most asymmetrical karyotype ,and Sect.Candidae is between the fomer two sections, but Sect. Miltandrae has various kinds of the karyotypes including the former three sections.
    New Materials of Arthromeris (Polypodiaceae) from China
    LU Shu-Gang
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
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    Arthromeris himalayensis (Hook.) Ching var. niphoboloides (Clarke) S. G. Lu, comb. nov. and Arthromeris elegans Ching form. pianmaensis S. G. Lu, form. nov. are reported in this paper. The former is also new record to Yunnan, China, and the latter is a new form. from Yunnan Province, China.
    Epidermal Features of Leaves about Four Genera in Cruciferae
    WEI Yan, ZHOU Gui-Ung
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3017 )   HTML ( )   PDF (537KB) ( 1129 )   Save
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    The studies on epidermal features of leaves in 16 species belong to Cochlearia, Yinshania, Hilliella, Cochleariella were conducted with scanning electron microscopy. The epidermal cells are anomo- shaped, and the stomata are mostly focussed in the low epidermis. Their anticlinal wall have clearly sinuous ridges or sink in and form groove, and the periclinal walls have various ornamentations of cuticles. These micromorphological characteristics are different among the genera and there are crossing ones between Yinshama and Hilliella. This paper will provide some proof for dividing this four genera.
    Intergeneric Crossing Genus x Agropogon New to China
    QIAN Jie,SUN Bi- Xin (B.S.Sun)
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
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    The intergeneric hybrid Agrostis x Polypogon. It resembles Polypogon but has acute glumes with a short terminal awn, and the spikelets break up above the persistent glumes. It is quite sterile.
    A New Genus of Caryophyllaceae from China
    ZHANG Xiao- Ping, GUO Xin- Hu
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
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    A new genus Pseudocerastium from Mt. Jiuhua, Anhui, E China, is described and illustrated. The genus is typified by P. stellarioides and is considered most closely related to Cerastium, Stellaria and Myosoton. Stellaria diversiflora is new recorded to China.
    A Revision of the genus Chesneya from East Himalayas
    QIAN Zi-Gang
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
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    The genus Chesneya from Eastern Himalayas has been studied according to morphological characters, we have discovered that the cylindrical or oblong pod and spongy pericarp are not its characteristic features; but the cushion -shaped habit is the ecotype of adapting its to alpine and desert belt, so the genus Spongiocarpella is untenable, the species S. yunnanensis, S. paucifoliolata, S. intermedia transfered in the genus Chesneya.
    Two New Varieties of Taxillus(Loranthaceae) from Xizang(Tibet)
    ZHENG Wei-Lie
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
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    The Systematic Evolution and Distribution of the Genus Acer
    XU Ting-Zhi
    1998, 20(04):  1-3. 
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    The genus Acer L. contains 200 species and is distributed in Asia, Europe, N Africa and N America, especially the Yangtze River Valley probably is a distribution center. The systematic evolution, origin and spread of Acer are discussed. The following hypotheses are suggested.(1) The Aceraceae is closely related Sapindaceae. The Acer L. is advanced genus in Aceraceae. (2) Based upon the primitive and typical plants, some plants of the genus Acer were evolved in direction of reduction or even of entire degeneration of the elements of flower, some others were specialized by increasing of the ele-ments of flower. (3) The evolutionary relationship of the four subgenera and twenty three sections of Acer are discussed. A figure showing their evolutionary relationship is provided. (4) The plants of Acer were found in the Jurassic in E Sichuan, Hubei, Hunan and neighbourhood in China, then spread to W Asia, Europ, N Africa and N America.