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25 June 1998, Volume 20 Issue 03
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    Triterpenoid Saponins and a Cucurbitcin from Thladiatha cordifolia
    LI Zhong-Rong,QIU Ming-Hua,XU Xue-Ping,TIAN Jun,NIE Rui-Liu,DUAN Zhi-Hong,LEI Ze-Mo
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
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    Chemical Constituents of Piper mullesua
    ZHANG Ke,NI Wei,CHEN Chang- Xiang, LIU Yi- Dan
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2542 )   HTML ( )   PDF (109KB) ( 1238 )   Save
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    Seven compounds were isolated from Piper mullesua D. Don. Six of them were identified by spectra data to be: β- sitosterol (l) , retrofractamide A (2), chingchengen - amide A (3), nectandrin B (4), ( - ) - nectandrin A (5) , galgravin (6) . It is the first time that compound (4) and (5)were isolated from the genus Piper.
    The Structure of Mimengoside C
    ZOU Chen,CHEN Si-Ying
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
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    Dammarane Triterpenoids from Dysoxylum hongkongense
    ZHANG Qi- Feng, LUO Shi- De, WANG Hui - Ying
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2278 )   HTML ( )   PDF (391KB) ( 1727 )   Save
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    Four new dammarane type triterpenoids, named (20R, 24R) - epoxy - 25 - dammaren - 3 - one;16 β - hydroxy - dammara - 20(22), 25 - dien - 3 - one(4) ; 26 - hydroxy - dammara - 20, 24 - dien - 3 -one(5); 7α,21S, 25 - trihydroxy - 3β - acetoxy - 21S, 23R - epoxy - 9( 11) - en - dammarane(8) together with four known compounds, ergosterol peroxide, dammara - 20, 24 - dien - 3 β - ol, 20 - R - form hydroxy -dammaranone and cycloart -23 -ene -3 (3, 25 -diol were isolated from the leaves of Dysoxylum hongkongense. The proposed structures were established by spectral analysis and comparisons with closely related compounds.
    Triterpene Constituents from Balanophora indica
    LIU Xi- Kui, LI Zhong- Rong,QIU Ming- Hua, NIE Rui- Lin
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
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    From herbs of the Chinese folk medical plant Balanophora indica, seven compounds: β - amyrin palmitate (balanophorin A), lupeol palmitate (balanophorin B), (3- amyrin acetate, lupeol acetate, β-amyrone, lupeone and palmitic acid were isolated. Their structures were elucidated by the basis of spectral and chemical evidences, respectively. The compounds of lupane were obtained from B. indica, firstly. Bal-anophorin A and B exhibited strong activity against liver damage induced by CCl4.
    Tissue Culture of Pyrethrum cinerariifolium
    CHEN Zong- Lian,HOU Sui- Wen, YU Hong- Yuan
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
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    This study of tissue culture of Pyrethrum cinerariifolium Trev. has been on basis of selected 40 clones which progressed for several years with the current teamer. We sought to make new ways that could be more fast breeding for commercialize development and preservel these materiala of clones. Through a series of experiment, it has found that to take bud -shoots vaccinated and induced sprouting in MS medium diredy could obtained a fine result. As a general rule from pick down the bud- shoots to germination in MS medium, these has always needs 30-40 days, on these basis it has been into next continual growing stage until taken the young plants transfer to fields, this course as usually needs 110 ~ 135 days, it would be benifit increase in survival rate.
    Study on Vanilla Curing by Enzyme Treatment Method
    PU Fan, JIANG Ming,ZHANG Zhen-Ju,ZHANG Jin-Song,KONG Fan- Hao
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3019 )   HTML ( )   PDF (316KB) ( 1237 )   Save
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    The content and its variation of 4 components from glucosides hydrolysis such as vanillin in the Vanilla bean of different curing stages have been analyzed by HPLC. The components in green bean are in higer content upon (3- glucosidase treatment. Four important factors for the enzymatic hydrolysis were selected by tests. The bean in different curing stages was treated by the enzyme under selected condition. The result shows that it can improve the hydrolysis of glucosides and increase vanillin content in Vanilla bean.
    Cloning and Sequencing of a Part -Length cDNA Coding for Glycerol - 3 - Phosphate Acyltransferase from Rice
    LIU Ji-Mei,CHEN Shan-Na,YAN Bo, HUANG Xing-Qi, YANG Ming-Zhi
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2880 )   HTML ( )   PDF (196KB) ( 1331 )   Save
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    According to the conserved ammo acid sequences of glycerol- 3- phosphate acyltransferase from several kinds of dicotyls, we designed and synthesized a pair of degenerate primers. RNA was isolated from the highly chilling- resistant rice "Ugeng No.2". A 315bp cDNA fragment was obtained with RT- PCR tech-nique. After purification, the cDNA fragment was cloned into pGEM - T vector directly. The result of identifica-tion by PCR method indicates that the recombinant plasmid pGTL5 contains a 315bp cDNA fragment. The result demonstrated that we had cloned a part of cDNA encoding glycerol - 3 - phosphate acyltransferase. While the cDNA sequence and deduced amino acid sequence reported here was compared with that published abroad, the identity was above 70%. This result hints that the gene is highly conservative on evolution.
    Effects of Phosphate Starvation on Growth State and Phosphorus Uptake of Tomato Seedlings
    SONG Ke-Ming, JIAO Xing-Zhi, LI Lin, YAN Ji - Qiong
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2948 )   HTML ( )   PDF (447KB) ( 1244 )   Save
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    The effects of phosphate starvation on growth state and phosphorus uptake of tomato seedlings were studied in this paper. In the studies, the seedlings were arranged to grow in complete (Pi - adequate) or Pi -depleted nutrient solution. The results revealed that, under Pi - starved conditions, the average height of the seedings decreased to a certain degree, while the main roots of the seedlings were obviously longer than those of the controls, especially under phosphate starvation for 5 and 7 d. Therefore the root / shoot ratios of the seedlings under Pi- starved conditions were also obviously higher than those of the controls. In addition, the early days of phosphate starvation had no obvious effect on the fresh weight (FW) accumulation of the seedlings, while the late days of starvation had some effect so that the fresh weight accumulation of the seedlings gradually became markedly less than the control.
    Karyomorphological Study on the Genera Taxus and Pseudotaxus in China
    Gu Zhi-jian,Zhou Qi-xing,Yue Zhong-shu
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2717 )   HTML ( )   PDF (395KB) ( 1322 )   Save
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    In the present paper, karyomorphology were investigated with the materials of 3 species, 1 variety in Taxus and Pseudotaxus chienii in China. The interphase nuclei and prophase chromosomes of these species or variety were commonly found to be the complex chromocenter type and the interstitial type respectively according to Tanaka' s catalogue. And the karyotypes of metaphase chromosomes were formulated to be K2n = 24 = 20m + 2sm + 2T for Taxus chinensis, T. chinensis var. mairei and Pseudotaxus chienii, K2n = 24 = 18m + 4sm + 2T for T. cuspidata, and K2n = 24 = 21m + Ism + 2T for T. yunnanensis. The centromeric terminalization value (T. C. %) was 58.22 for T. chinensis, 55.75 for T. chinensis var. mairei, 57.05 for T. cuspidata, 55.79 for T. yunnanensis and 56.43 for P. chienii respectively. Generally, the karyomorphology of these taxa were similar to each other, which they commonly have 2T - chromosomes, about 20 m - chromosomes at metaphase stage .
    A Cytogeographical Study of Camellia,Sect.Camellia
    Zhang Wen-ju,Ming Tien-lu
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2963 )   HTML ( )   PDF (499KB) ( 1424 )   Save
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    In this paper, the cytological data of Sect. Camellia was collected and summarized, and the disper-sal and differentiation disscussed by means of cytogeographical method. Sect. Camellia contained the same basis chromosome number, x = 15, and varied ploidy, 2x, 4x, 6x and 8x. The 4 species and 2 varieties with glabrous gymoeium, distributed mainly in the south - east and east of China to Japan, were all diploid except some population of C. chekiangcleosa Hu and C. japonica in Korea, but 8 species with hairy gymoeium, dis-tributed concentratedly in Yunnan - Guizhou plateau, included 4 polyploids species or complexes. There were only two kinds of karyotypes, 2A and 2B, in Sect. Camellia. Comparing the asymmitry of the karyotypes showed that karyotype evolution had a clear direction in Sect. Camellia, which was from symmitry to asymmitry. The species in Nanlin mounains and nearby had more - symmitrical karyotype than that far from the above aera. Based on the above results, The authors concluded that Nanlin mount ains and nearby was an original differentia-tion center of Sect. Camellia, and Yunnan- Guizhou plateau was only a second center, where the hybridization and polyoploidization was an important speciation course.
    Studies on Mating System of Ranalisma rostratum(Alismataceae)
    Wang Xiao-fan,Chen Jia-kun
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2626 )   HTML ( )   PDF (397KB) ( 1264 )   Save
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    The mating system of Ranalisma stapf., an endangered aquatic species,was studied synthetically.The results are as follows:Pollen grains and stigmas were relatively smooth.Glandular cells occurred in flowers but not well developed.Pollen germination showwed a higher level(71.6%)before flowering and a rapidly declining 1 hour after flower opening.Pollen -ovule ratio was a quite low value(P/O=106).Floral syndromes were suitable to the mating habits of pre- anthesis cleistogamous.In natural or experimental populations,inter-flower pollination by insect were not observed,but inra-flower pollination were made by some small-size insects(Tripidae).
    The Microstructural Features of Seed Surfaces and Its Taxonomic Significance in the Genus Gynostemma
    Sun Hang,Chen Shu-kun
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3247 )   HTML ( )   PDF (358KB) ( 1110 )   Save
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    The epidermal surfaces of seeds from 13 species and 1 variety of the genus Gynostemmma were examined by Scanning Electricity Microscope(SEM). The results showed the microstuctural features of seeds surfaces can be divided into smooth and ornamentation type. And most species are ornamentation type,these features and size of epidermal cell are quite distinct in different species.It has high taxonomic significance.
    Flora Organogenesis of Ranalisma rostratum(Alismataceae)
    Wang Yu-guo,Wang Qing-feng,Chen Jia-kun,Yuan Xiu-ping
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2767 )   HTML ( )   PDF (548KB) ( 1204 )   Save
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    The floral development of Ranalisma rostratum Stapf. has been observed under scanning electron microscope(SEM).Floral organogenesis of R.rostratum is generally typical in Alismataceae,but it is unique in haveing unidirectional development up to the stage of initiation of the first six stamen primordia.The initiation of the three sepal primordia and the three petal primordia is in proper order.
    Anatomical Studies on Fruit of the Genus Heracleum from China and Its Revision of Systematics
    HEXing-Jin, WANG You-Ping, PUFa-Ding, WANGPing-Li, XUJie-Mei
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2886 )   HTML ( )   PDF (475KB) ( 1136 )   Save
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    In this present paper, it was dissected and observed that the fruits of 17 species from Chinese Heracleum . According to those items that the fruit morphology, the epidermal hair, the situation of the devel-oped extent of lateral wing on mericarp and the transverse section pattern of endosperm; and distribution pattern of vittae, combined with characters of external shape, pollen morphology, cytology and anatomical characters on petiole, it was divided into 5 sections from the genus Heracleum in this thesis, it was discussed that the probable evolution relationships of the 4 forms of fruit anatomy and the classification system of this genus. It was suggested that Hongduan mountains of Southwestern in China are not only the center of distribution and biodiversity but also the center of variability of this genus. In the end, based on synthesizing the evidence of each branch science, it was revised that the system of Heracleum .
    The Phytosociological Classification of Braun Blangutes Syntaxa for the Dry - Hot Valley Vegetation in Yunnan- Sichuan Region
    JIN Zhen-Zhou, OU Xiao-Kun
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2916 )   HTML ( )   PDF (983KB) ( 1194 )   Save
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    Based on Braun - Blanquet' s syntaxa of phytosociological or floristic- sociological classification methods, the classification system table of Class-Order -Alliance -Association of the dry- hot valley vegetation in Yunnan- Sichuan region has been established. In this system table, there are 1 Class, 4 Orders, 10 Alliances and 64 Assciations in the semi - savanna vegetation of valley type of 3 Rivers (Yuanjiang, Nujiang, Jin-shajiang), sorted out from 523 releves. This system table is a simple form, it is made from 3 synoptic - syntaxon table (Class table) each for 3 Rivers. The system table reflects the diversity, characeristics and unique structure of every syntaxa and their floristic component, especially character species of the dry - hot vegetation in Yunnan- Sichuan region.
    cDNA Cloning and Sequencing of an Antifungal Protein from the Seeds of Phytolacca americana
    YAN Bo,MA Zhi-Gang, HUANGXing-Qi,WANG Ling- Xian,HU Zhong
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2713 )   HTML ( )   PDF (157KB) ( 1165 )   Save
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    Basing on the ammo acid sequences of 7 kD antifungal protein from Phytolacca americana ( Hu Zhong et al, 1991 ), We designed a pair of degenerated primers. By using 3' - RACE technique, we have d a cDNA fragment about 350 bp from the total RNA of the seeds of Phytolacca americana . PCR product was cloned into pGEM - T vectoy system directly, and the cDNA sequences was then determinated. The re-sults indicated that the cDNA fragment contains an encoding region about 114 bp, and that the deduced amino acid sequences is the same as the 36 amino acids of the PAFP protein, except the two amino acids of the No. 35 and No. 36, at which Gln and Ile is replaced by Cys and Lys respectively. In addition, the encoding region was cloned. The cDNA may encodea a new antifungal protein of 38 amino acids.
    New Records for Thailand and Vietnam Moss Floras
    Benito C.Tan, Tran Ninh
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
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    Two new records (Chionostomum hainanensis and Plagiomnium tezukae ) of Vietnamse mosses and three new records (Mastopoma scabrifolium, Rhaphidostichum piliferum and Thuidium deicatulum ) of Thailand mosses are report. Mastopoma scabrifolium (Broth. in Moell. ) B. C. Tan & Tran Ninh is Proposed as a new combination.
    A New Variety of Primula(Primulaceae) from XiZang(Tibet)
    Zheng Wei-lei
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
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    The Floristic Element of the Forma Quercus mongolica Forestry
    ZENG Lan- Feng
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
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    According to the resulte of observation, there axe 107 Species of vascular plants in the Forma Quereus mongolica tha located in E. Hebe. for are 55 species of temperate floristic elements (51.4% of the total peies), 32 peies of E.Asia floristic elements (29.9%) and 20 species of endemic floristic ele- ments to China (18.7%). The author for the floristic elements on the tree layer, shrub layer, hebaceous layer and liana. The results of the floristic elements analyses of the Forma. Quercus mongolica standed for the temperate nature of the Forma and the areas where the Forma distributed.
    A New Taxa and New Record of Leguminosae in China
    GAO Xin- Fen
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2229 )   HTML ( )   PDF (66KB) ( 1201 )   Save
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    Desmodium  tereS Wall. (Cat. no. 5694, l83l -32, nom. nud. ) ex Benth. in Miq., Pl. Jungh. 225. l852, in adnota; Baker in Hook. f., Fl. Brit, Ind. 2: 164. l876; Gagnep. in Lecomte, Fl. Gen. Indo -- Chine 2: 603. l920;SChindl. in Fedde, Rep. SP. Nov. 22:26l, l926 et in Fedde, Rep. Beih. 49: 302. 1928; Ohashi in Ginkgoanae l:l05. figs. 25-5, 26-3, Pl. l3a. l973; Ohashi in Fl. Camb.Laos.Vietn. 27:8l. Pl. l6. figs. 4~ 6. l994.——Meibomia teres (Wall. ex Benth. ) O. Kuntze, Rev. Gen. l: l98. l89l.
    Analysis of the Floristic Elements of Seed Plants in Northwest of Jiangxi
    Hao Ri-ming,Yao gan
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
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    The Northwest of Jiangxi is situated between 113°50′-115°55′E longitude and 28°10′-29°40′ N latitude.This area lies on the subtropical zone of China.The vegetation is evergreen broadleaved forest.There are three mountains——Jiuling Mountain,Lushan Mountain and Mufu Mountain(Jiangxi part)in this area.The highest peak is Wumeshan,whith an elevations of 1686m.
    Revision the Variety Nyssa sinensis var. oblongifolia
    ZHU Hua, WANG Hon, LI Bao- Gui
    1998, 20(03):  1-3. 
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