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25 February 2004, Volume 26 Issue 01
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    Karyotype Comparison of Populus SectTacamahaca
    QI LiWang,ZHANG ShouGong,HAN SuYing,CHEN ChengBin
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    The paper identified and compared the karyotypes of 10 species(varieties) of Populus sectTacamhaca.The results were as follows:Ppseudosimonii Kitag.2n=38=27m+6sm(1SAT)+4st(2SAT)+1t(1SAT);Ptrichocarpa Torr.2n=38=2M+18m(1SAT)+8sm+10st(1SAT);Pcathayana Rehd.var.Beijing 2n=38=1M+24m+6sm+7st(2SAT);Pבpopularis’ 2n=38=3M+27m+2sm(1SAT)+4st(2SAT)+2t(1SAT);Pcathayana Rehd.var.Wutai 2n=38=5M+22m+4sm+5st+2t(2SAT);Pcathayana Rehd.var.Gansulinxiaman 2n=38=2M+28m+1sm+7st(1SAT);Pcathayana Rehd.var.Qinghai 2n=38=1M+27m+3sm+6st(3SAT)+1t(1SAT);Pcathayana×Zhongqing 10 2n=38=1M+26m+4sm+5st(2SAT)+2t(2SAT);Pcathayana×Zhongqing 48 2n=38=16m+10sm(1SAT)+10st(2SAT)+2t(1SAT).The results showed definite karyotype differences among the species of Tacamhaca.The karyotypes of most species(varieties) are made of m and sm and a few with st and t chromosomes.The karyotypes of Tacamhaca were all of 2B type of Stebbins.This study provided important basic data for taxon of Populus.
    Identification of Isolates from Fruit Bodies of Tricholoma matsutake by Specific ITS Primer
    SHA Tao,DING HuaSun,ZHANG HanBo,WANG MinYan
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    A pair of general primer (ITS4ITS5) and a pair of specific primer (TMFTMR) were used to test in the amplification of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the chromosomal DNA of fruit bodies of Tricholoma matsutake and its 6 isolates,Tricholoma bakamatsutake and its 3 isolates,fruit bodies of Flammulina velutipes,Pleurotus ostreatus and Agaricus bisporus.The primers of ITS4 and ITS5 amplified about 600?bp fragments for all samples.However,with TMF and TMR primers we can amplify about 500?bp fragments only from the fruit bodies of Tricholoma matsutake and their corresponding isolates.The ITS fragments of Tricholoma matsutake fruit body (TF25) and its corresponding isolate (TM251122) were sequenced and aligned.Their sequences showed a 100% homogeneity.Based on these facts,6 isolates designated as TM06112,TM151101,TM251122,TM281121,TM291121 and TM30122 were confirmed to be pure cultures of Tricholoma matsutake.
    Studies on Morphological and Chromosome Polymorphism of Allium mairei in Kunming Area
    CHEN XiaoLan,YU Hong,HUANG RuiFu,DENG XinYan
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    The morphological and karyotipical variations of 8 local populations of Allium mairei Lé Kunming area had been studied in this paper.The results showed that morphological characters of Amairei have abundant polymorphism in populations and obvious polytypism among populations,and the karyotype of Amairei is rather symmetry in SectRhiziridium.Diploid and Tetraploid populations were found in Amairei.The karyotypical formulae of diploid is 2n=2x=14m+2sm,and that of tetraploid is 2n=4x=28m+4sm.There is karyotypical polymorphism in Amairei because of the variations of polyploids,Bchromosomes and satellite chromosomes.
    Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Trigonobalanus doichangensis (Fagaceae) by RAPD
    HAN ChunYan,SUN WeiBang,GAO LianMing
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3212 )   HTML ( )   PDF (3526KB) ( 1562 )   Save
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    The genetic diversity and population genetic structure of five populations with total of 99 Trigonobalanus doichangensis individuals were estimated with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers.One hundred and fiftyseven loci were amplified with 16 oligonucleotide primers,of which 83 loci (5287%) were polymorphic.Shannon's information index (I) and Nei's gene diversity (h) were 02431 and 01595 respectively at the species level.Total genetic diversity (Ht) was 01600,and the genetic diversity within populations (Hs) was 00749.The genetic variation between different populations accounted for 5320% of the total.This indicated that genetic variation existed mainly between populations rather than within populations.In comparison with other species from Fagaceae,the genetic diversity of Tdoichangensis is lower and the gene flow among populations is very restricted.These may be attributed to the changes of environment during the species evolution,habitat destruction and excessively making use of the species resources by the people.Based on the research results,the conservation strategies of genetic diversity for the species were put forward.
    Phylogenetic Analysis for Alsophila austroyunnanensis:Evidence from Chloroplast trnL Intron and trnLF Intergenic Spacer Sequences
    LI ChunXiang,LU ShuGang,YANG Qun
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    The chloroplast trnL intron and trnLF intergenic spacer sequences were sequenced for Alsophila austroyunnanensis and Alsophila costularis.The length of trnL intron and trnLF intergenic spacer sequences of Alsophila austroyunnanensis and Alsophila costularis is 570?bp、572?bp,362?bp、361?bp respectively.Phylogenetic analysis of new data and previously published sequences of other Cyatheaceae species using the MP,NJ methods yielded similar results:(1)all species studied in this paper form a monophyletic lineage.(2)Alsophila asustroyunnanensis and Gymnosphaera podophylla,Gymnosphaera pectinata,Gymnosphaera pseudogigantea,Gymnosphaera tinganensis and Gymnosphaera gigantea form a clade.(3)Alsophila costularis is closely related to Cyathea tsangii and Alsophila spinulosa.The results lead us to suggest that Alsophila austroyunnanensis be put into Gymnosphaera.
    An Adaptive Evaluation of Wild Rhododendron Under Exsitu Conservation
    FENG ZhengBo,ZHUANG Ping,ZHANG Chao,SHAO HuiMin
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    The adaptive faculty and tolerance for the ecological factors of 131 species (subspecies or varieties) of Rhododendron which were gathered from different places,belong to 7 subgenera,35 sections (or subsections) respectively and were Exsitu conserved in China Rhododendron Garden,Dujiangyan,Sichuan was investigated by means of semiquantitative method.The result revealed that very adaptive ones accounted for 25%,adaptive ones accounted for 52%,less adaptive ones accounted for 15%,inadaptive ones accounted for 8% of the total.Most species which are inclusive of Subgen.Hymenanthes,SubgenRhododendron or those introduced from Evergreen Broadleaved Forest,Evergreen and Deciduous Broadleaved Mixed Forest,Needleleaved and Broadleaved Mixed Forest,and Cold Temperate Conifer Forest,are found very adaptive or adaptive to the habitat of the Garden.Where as,those rhododendrons introduced from Alpine Shrub,Alpine Meadow and PinusQuercus Mixed Forest on comparatively lower elevation are found less adaptive or inadaptive to the habitat of the Garden.From the evidence mentioned above,we can reasonably inferred that the location of China Rhododendron Garden we chose had basically satisfied the need for Exsitu conservation of rhododendrons.
    Conflicts and Resource Allocation in the Coevolved Mutualism of Figs and Fig Wasps
    YAO JinYan,ZHAO NanXian,FANG WeiKuan,CHEN YiZhu
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    Five monoecious fig species were studied about the conflicts and resource allocation in the coevolved mutualism of figs and fig wasps.Results showed that the seeds of figs were mostly produced in the outer ovary layers and the larvae of wasps mostly in the interval or inner ovary layers,although there are both seeds and wasps in any ovary layers.In our study,the production of seeds was significantly higher than larvae of wasps.The results indicated that larvae of wasps could be produced in any ovary layers where the wasps oviposit their eggs or pollinate in the female flowers and that the stratification of female flowers of figs is the key regulating the production of seeds and wasps though they were both could be produced in any ovary layers.
    Rhododendron adenobracteum,A New Species from Sichuan,China
    GAO XinFen,PENG YuLan
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    Species affinis Rmicrophyton Franch.,a quo bracteis glanduliferis,lobis corollarum late ellipticis,staminibus 8-10 differt.
    Frutex sempervires,erectus,2-3?m altus,ramosissimus.Ramuli dense porphyreostrigosi.Folia ad apicem ramulorum 
    Bulbils Exist in Root of Cypripedium flavum
    ZANG Mu,WANG RuiLing,HU Hong
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    Most fungal species Chaetomium aureum Chivers and Papulaspora byssina Hosson are associated with Cypripedium flavum Hunt et Summmerh.They are confined to Xianggelila County of Yunnan alpine areas,3 400-3 600?m.alt.Bubils of the genus Papulaspora (anamorph) are seem as produced by apothecial fungus as Chaetomium (teleomorph).It is interesting to speculate as to a possible perfact state for those fungi.
    Revision to SectPetermannia of Begonia (Begoniaceae) in China
    SHUI YuMin,CHEN WenHong
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    A new species,Begonia sublongipes Y.M.Shui (Begoniaceae),together with Bhainanensis Chun et F.Chun and Bsinofloribunda L.J.Dorr,were proved to be members of sectPetermannia (Klotzsch) A.DC.based on their characters.So far,there are three species of the section in China.
    Study on the Taxonomic Position of Iris subdichotoma and a New Form
    SHEN YunGuang,WANG ZhongLang,GUAN KaiYun,ZHAO YuTang
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    First,Iris subdichotoma Y.T.Zhao was put in SubgenPardanthopsis (Hance) Baker in 1985 as its appearance is similar to Idichotoma Pall.,and then it was moved into SubgenCrossiris Spach by Dong et 1999,when a clear crested appendage on outer perianth was noticed from other materials.But we prefer to regard it as a member of SubgenNepalensis (Dykes) reasons of possessing slender residues of withered leaves at its base,short rhizome,scape arising beyond basic leaves,blooming habit,sculpture of pollens.In addition,a white flower form of Isubdichotoma was found in wild.
    A Brief Introduction to Anthophyte Concept and Discussion on Its Name
    TANG YanCheng,LU AnMing,CHEN ZhiDuan
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    In the last 2 decades of 20th century,a great number of cladistic studies of seed plants using morphological characters have been carried out.The results show that extinct Pentoxylon plus extinct Bennettiales and extant Gnetales is the sister group of angiosperms,and they form a robust clade termed anthophyte clade.The anthophyte hypothesis has played a significant role on the investigation of the origin of angiosperms.It stimulates the discussion on the time of the origin of angiosperms which dated back as early as the Triassic or even the Carboniferous.The hypothesis proposes the NeoEnglerian theory except supporting previous Euanthial theory for the origin of angiosperms. However many recent outcomes of molecular phylogenetic studies of extant seed plants are:(1)refutation of anthophyte concept;(2)Gnetales not as the sister group of angiosperms but as the sister group of conifers or even nested within in conifers and then the sister group to Pinaceae.These results are certainly not surprising,because the phylogeny cannot be discerned with extant taxa alone for such seed plants consisting of many extinct taxa.The anthophyte may be a valid clade but its name is inappropriate.In substitution of the name of AGPB clade (acronym of Angiospermae,Gnetales,Pentoxylon and Bennettiales) for anthophyte clade may be reasonable.
    Analysis of Volatile Constituents of Gardenia flowers by GC/MS
    HUANG QiaoQiao,JIANG KeZhi,FENG JianYue,CHEN GuanXi
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    The floral volatiles of Gardenia jasminodes vargrandiflora were investigated by adsorption wire/GC/MS.As a result 86 compounds were separated and determined,which amount to 985% of the total volatiles.The main compounds were linalool,βmyrcene,methyl benzoate,Llimonene,ocimene,cis3hexenyl tiglate,cis3hexenylisovalerate,isoamyltiglate,etc.
    Monoterpene Disaccharide Glycosides from Rodgersia pinnata
    JI ChangJiu,TAN NingHua,FU Juan,ZHANG YuMei,HE Min
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    From the rhizomes of Rodgersia pinnata,six monoterpene disaccharide glycosides were isolated and their chemical structures were determined as (E)3,7dimethyl1O[αLrhamnopyranosyl(1→6)βDglucopyranosyl]oct2en7ol (1),(E)3,7dimethyl1O[αLarabinofuranosyl(1→6)βDglucopyranosyl]oct2en7ol (2),geranyl1OαLarabinofuranosyl(1→6)βDglucopyranoside (3),geranyl1OαLrhamnopyranosyl(1→6)βDglucopyranoside (4),geranyl1OβDxylopyranosyl(1→6)βDglucopyranoside (5),geranyl1OαLarabinopyranosyl(1→6)βDglucopyranoside (6) by spectral methods.Among them,compound 1 is a new monoterpene disaccharide glycoside.It is the first time that monoterpene disaccharide glycosides were isolated from the genus Rodgersia.
    Changes of Total Flavonoids Content at the Module and Ramet Levels in Neosinocalamus affinis
    WANG Qiong,SU ZhiXian
    2004, 26(01):  1-3. 
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    Flavonoid is one of the most important secondary metabolites in plants.In order to understand physiological and ecological adaptation mechanism of clonal plant Neosinocalamus affinis,the effects of biological factors (module,ramet age,ramet position and leaf age) and nonbiological factor (season change) on total flavonoids content were analyzed by the method of AlCl3 colorimetry.
    The results showed that total flavonoids content decreased in the order of leaf >branch>culm at the module level.Total flavonoids content of leaves in 1yearold ramets was much higher than the other of four age ramets,but that of shoots and culms was not significantly different among different age ramets.Total flavonoids content of leaf and branch at upper part of ramets had an advantage over those of middle and lower part.It demonstrated that more flavonoids were likely to be a protective strategy in response to strong light.
    Leaves aged 1,7 and 9 contained more flavonoids than those aged 2-6 and 8.But there was not negative correlation between leaf age and total flavonoids content.Leaf adhered to a monthly change,in which total content peaked in February,April and December while the lowest point appeared during May to August.
    At the ramet level,total flavonoids content of 1yearold ramets was significantly higher than that of the other four age ramets.
    The abovementioned results suggested that:(1)total flavonoids content of Neosinocalamus affinis was affected by environmental conditions such as light intensity,season change and so on.(2) total flavonoids content has no hierarchical response to ramet age at the leaf module and ramet levels in Neosinocalamus affinis.Finally,We discussed the mechanism of total flavonoids content in response to environmental changes.