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26 December 2003, Volume 25 Issue 14
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    PEG Regulation about Expression of Amylase in Calli of Sweet Potato
    GONG ZiDuan,TONG Jin,ZHANG YongWei,LU YuHua,NA HaiYan
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2338 )   HTML ( )   PDF (24KB) ( 1182 )   Save
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    The alteration of amylase' activity was found distinctly when calli were treated with different concentration PEG6000.Under the low concentration PEG(05%、1%),the scope of amylase' activity was changed a little.On the contrary,when calli were treated with higher concentration PEG the activity of amylase was altered in wide scope.This consequence reveals the PEG regulation about expression of amylase in calli of sweet potato.
    AFLP Analysis of Genetic Variation and Structure of Natural Populations of Quercus senescens
    WANG ShuXia,HU YunQian,ZHOU ZheKun
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2143 )   HTML ( )   PDF (36KB) ( 1162 )   Save
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    The population variation and structure of 115 plants representing 8 populations of Quercus senescens Hand.Mazz. were investigated by amplification fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis.Using TFPGA software,94 polymorphic phenotypic patterns (752%) was obtained using 2 AFLP primer combinations and it was found that genetic variation of different population was negatively correlated with altitudes.Analysis of the genetic structure of populations carried out using analysis of molecular variation (by Arliquin 2000 software),It showed that there was a high significant population differentiation (φst=02956).And neighbourjoining dendragram also be constructed based on 2 primer combinations by PAUP software.
    RAPD Analysis on the Genetic Variation of Erigeron breviscapus from Yunnan
    ZHOU LiJie,LI NanGao,YU Hong,ZHANG ShiGang
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2028 )   HTML ( )   PDF (21KB) ( 1119 )   Save
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    Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) was amplified to studied genetic diversity and genetic structure of 6 populations of Erigeron breviscapus in Yunnan province.As a contrast,one population of Aster himalaicus was selected to study their phylogenetic relationship.A total of 16 primers were screened to use,and 233 bands were amplified,among which 192 (8240%) were polymorphic.At specific level,the percentage of polymorphic bands PPB,number of alleles A,effective number of alleles Ae,Nei's gene diversity H,and Shannon's Information index I were 8240%,18240,13005,01896,and 03021 respectively,and at population level were on average 5423%,15401,12691,01607,and 02460 respectively.Gst was 03460,meaning that 6540% of the genetic variation was found within the populations.The genetic identity among the populations was high,ranging from 09037 to 09723 and averaging 09410.An analysis of 6 populations using UPGMA showed that,there was the closest relationship between Qiubei (YB) population and Wenshan (YX) population,then between Xiaoshao (Y) and Xiping (YA) populations,and the last between Wenshan (YX) population and Tengchong (ZA) population.The genetic distance is almost positively related to the spatial or geographical distance between the populations.
    Phalaenopsis malipoensis,a New Species of Orchidaceae from China
    LIU ZhongJian,CHEN SingChi,RU ZhengZhong
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
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    Phalaenopsis malipoensis Z.J.Liu et S.C.Chen,a new species of Orchidaceae from southeastern Yunnan,is described and illustrated.This is a quite distinct species from those known from China and its adjacent regions.It shows a faint resemblance to Phalaenopsis gibbosa Sweet of Laos and Vietnam,but differs by having narrower petals,not zigzag rachis and a large callus on the midlobe of the lip which is deeply forked with each arm dividing into 2 filiformlinear antennae.
    DNA Molecular Evidences of the Hybrids between Paeonia rockii and Psuffruticosa Based on ISSR Markers
    SUO ZhiLi, ZHANG HuiJin, ZHANG ZhiMing,CHEN FuFei,CHEN FuHui
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2663 )   HTML ( )   PDF (168KB) ( 1607 )   Save
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    Paeonia rockii is considered to be one of the main progenitors of Chinese tree peony cultivars,and hybridization is likely to be the most important way for incorporation of genetic composition of Prockii.However,no molecular evidence has shown relatedness of woody peony cultivars to Prockii so far.In this study,Prockii was used as a maternal parent crossing with other three Chinese woody peony cultivars (Psuffruticosa ‘Hai Tang Zheng Rong’,Psuffruticosa ‘Yan Zhi Hong’ and Psuffruticosa ‘Sheng Dan Lu’)  as paternal parents.The relationships between the F1 hybrids and their parents were analyzed using ISSR (Intersimple sequence repeat) markers.Our results showed that ISSR fragments present in both parents were detected in the genomes of the F1 generation.Therefore,it is possible that some Chinese woody peony cultivars with a large blackpurple blotch at the lower part of petals originated through hybridization with Prockii as a parent.Our results also suggest that ISSR markers are useful for identification of hybrids and classification of cultivars.
    Cytological,Physiological and Biochemical Basis of Storability of Ultradry Seeds
    CHENG HongYan,SONG SongQuan,ZHU Cheng,ZHENG GuangHua
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2818 )   HTML ( )   PDF (161KB) ( 2071 )   Save
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    Seed ultradry storage is recently a hot research spot in the fields of seed biology and plant germplasm resources preservation.Advances in seed ultradry storage research were reviewed in this paper,implicated in (1) changes in cellular and subcellular structure of ultradry seeds;(2)effects of ultradry treatment on water state of seeds,and the relationship between the changes in water state and reaction rate of seed deterioration;(3)free radical damage and accumulation of toxic products in ultradry seeds;(4)endogenous antioxidants in ultradry seeds,and (5) protective roles of sugar and amphiphilic molecules against extreme desiccation in seed cells.In addition,perspective of resaerch on seed ultradry storage has been made in this paper.
    Study on Floristic Geography of Bambusoideae (Gramineae) in DaiJinpo Autonomous Prefecture Dehong,Yunnan,China
    YUAN Ming,WANG KangLin,PU YingDong
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3165 )   HTML ( )   PDF (102KB) ( 1480 )   Save
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    South and Southwest Yunnan are the most abundant in bamboo resources in China.They and their neighbouring areas formed a diversity center of Bambusoideae in the world.There are 16 genera and 56 species (including varieties) in Dehong,among them,21 species are endemic to China (15 species endemic to Yunnan),and accounted for 4667% of the total species (45 species).Most of the species belong to the arealtype of tropical Asia.The flora of Bambusoideae in Dehong is very closely related to that of tropical Area especially of Myanmar (18 species common to Myanmar and Dehong) and those of South and Southeast Yunnan.
    Loganin Derivatives from Winchia calophylla
    ZHU WeiMing,HE HongPing,WANG YueHu,HAO XiaoJiang
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3035 )   HTML ( )   PDF (149KB) ( 3262 )   Save
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    From the stem barks of Winchia calophylla A.DC.,four iridoid glycosides were isolated.Their structures were elucidated as loganin,7Oformyl loganin,6′Oformyl loganin and 7,6′Odiformyl loganin by means of spectroscopic methods.Three loganin derivatives were new compounds.
    Plant Terpenoid Synthases:Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering
    YANG Tao,ZENG Ying
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3243 )   HTML ( )   PDF (184KB) ( 1670 )   Save
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    With the plant terpenoids were discovered and applied in human life,the researches on terpenoid biosynthesis were paid more attentions.Terpene synthases catalyse the biosynthesis of monoterpenes,sesquiterpenes and diterpenes with the GPP,FPP and GGPP as substrates,respectively.This paper summarized the present study situation in the catalyze mechanism,clone strategy and terpene bioengineering of plant terpene synthase.
    Factors Affecting the Germination of Paphiopedilum armeniacum
    DING ChangChun,YU Hong,LIU FangYuan
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3053 )   HTML ( )   PDF (170KB) ( 1606 )   Save
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    Through our investigation of the seed germination of Paphiopedilum armeniacum under different conditions,the factors of direct effect on the seed germination are reported as follows:Growth phase of the fruit after pollination of the flower is related to germinative capacity of the seeds.The result demonstrated that germinative capacity of the seeds from the fruit with a growth phase of 60 days reached 35%,with a growth phase of 120 days reached 40%,with a growth phase of 180 days reached 183%.In the course of the seed germination,the culture medium will exert influence on the germinative capacity of the seeds.When the seeds were cultivated in the culture medium of 1/5MS,the germinative capacity is obviously higher than that cultivated in MS,RE and modified Hyponex No1.If the culture medium (1/5MS) mixed with some additives,the germinative capacity of the seeds will show a change.When the culture medium mixed with 10% coconut milk,the germinative capacity of the seeds was promoted to the highest level,mixed with potato homogenate (50?g/L) or tryptone (2?g/L),it was promoted to a higher level,whereas mixed with banana homogenate,it was led to a side effect,mixed with activated charcoal (2?g/L) will improve the development in both seed germination and young plantlets.In comparison to traditional solid culture medium,the seeds in liquid suspension culture medium germinate faster and the plantlets will become more uniform.
    Introduction and Cultivation of Halenia ellipitica(Gentianaceae)
    CHEN GuiChen,LU XueFeng,ZHOU GuoYing,SUN Jing,MA ShiZhen,XU WenHua
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2967 )   HTML ( )   PDF (268KB) ( 1511 )   Save
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    Halenia ellipitica D.Don is a precious Tibetan medicine used to cure jaundice disease and virus hepatitis.The results of the introduction and cultivation test of Hellipitica are listed as follows:it is a kind of biennial herbaceous plants under the natural environment conditions of Qinghai Plateau,and needs about 10-12 months to complete its life cycle.Although the seed germination capacity is very low under the natural conditions,after handling the seed in the low temperature condition,its germination capacity can be evidently increased.In addition,the growth indexes of the Hellipitica in cultivation,such as the height,the branch number and the simple plant biomass and so on,are significantly much higher than that in the wild.And the content of efficient chemical constituents of the cultivated very approximated to that of the wild.Therefore,it is feasible for the Hellipitica to be introduced and cultivated.
    Effect of Preimbibition on the DesiccationTolerance of Imbibed Vigna radiata Seeds
    QIAN ChunMei,LEI YanBao,SONG SongQuan
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2695 )   HTML ( )   PDF (202KB) ( 1232 )   Save
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    Mung bean (Vigna radiata (Linn.) Wilczek) seeds were used as experimental materials.Changes during imbibition of mung bean seeds,and effect of preimbibition on desiccation tolerance and leakage of seeds were studied.Water uptake by seeds did not exhibit a marked “plateau phase” of imbibition.The time and thermal time required for 50% germination of seeds were 11?h and 115 degree days,respectively.Relative leakage from seeds significantly increased at the initial phase of imbibition,and then declined.Water content and survival of mung bean seeds preimbibed for different time,fresh weight of seedling and length of radicle and hypocotyls produced by surviving seeds markedly decreased with increasing dehydration.Desiccation sensitivity of seeds also dramatically increased with increasing preimbibition.Relative leakage of preimbibed seeds slowly increased at the early stage of dehydration,and then rapidly increased;and the longer preimbibition time was,the larger relative leakage increased.These results showed that the desiccation tolerance of preimbibed mung bean seeds was gradually lost by dehydration,and that desiccation sensitivity of imbibed germinative orthodox seeds can serve as a model system for studies of seed recalcitrance.
    An Analysis of Selenium Contents of Wild Vegetable in Xishuangbanna
    XU YouKai,LIU HongMao,XIAO ChunFeng,CHAN Yu WU ZhaoLu,DAO XiangSheng,CAI ChuangTao
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2509 )   HTML ( )   PDF (377KB) ( 1523 )   Save
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    Selenium is a vital trace element.The selenium content of foods is lower than the need of maintenance,growth and reproduction for human being.It is an important approach to search for natural food being rich in selenium.68 wild vegetables with high or low selenium content were presented in this paper.The results showed that the average content of them is 00853?mg kg-1 in dry sample,which is lower than that in cultivated vegetables.Among them,8 species were separated into high selenium content,34 species into the lower and 26 species into the lowest.
    Effects of Culture Conditions on Cell Growth and Total Alkaloid Formation in Suspension Cultures of Pinellia ternata
    FAN MeiHua,ZHOU JiYuan
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2978 )   HTML ( )   PDF (94KB) ( 1413 )   Save
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    A study on the changes of cell yield and the effect of carbohydrates,calcium,Fe and inositol on the cell growth and alkaloids synthesis in suspension cultures of Pinellia ternata(Thunb.)Breit.was carried out.The result showed that cell growth process in suspension culture presented a Sshaped curve,the date for harvest yield was about 21st day.Glucose was better than sucrose for cell growth rate and alkaloids synthesis,the optimum concentration was 20?g/L.The optimum MS medium for cell growth rate and alkaloids production was:20?g/L glucose+100?mg/L inositol+18?mmol/L CaCl2·2H2O+006?mmol/L FeSO4·7H2O.
    Two New Species of Basidiomycota——in memorial of the late Prof.Dr.MeiPeng Chen on his 102nd birthday
    ZANG Mu,ZHANG DaoZhong
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
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    Notes on Chinese Geocalyx
    WU YuHuan,GAO Chien
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
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    Geocalyx graveolens (Schrad.) Nees,previously recorded in China based on misidentification should be excluded from Chinese bryoflora.Glancistipulus (Steph.) recorded here as new to China.So there is only Glancistipulus distributed in China.
    A Comparative Karyological Study of the Cultured Eutrema wasabi and Its Three Related Wild Species
    DU Ning,GU ZhiJian
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
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    A comparative karyological study of the cultured Ewasabi Maxim and its three related wild species (Edeltoideum,Eheterophylla,Eyunnanense) had been performed.The results are as follows:2n=2x=14=10m+4sm for Edeltoideum( for Eheterophylla (W.W.Smith)Hara.2n=4x=28=12m(2SAT)+16sm for Eyunnanense Franch.2n=4x=28=7m+17sm+4st for the cultured Ewasabi Maxim.The results offer significant theoretical foundation for fostering a new breed.
    Notes on Tropical Boletes from Asia
    ZANG Mu,Ronald H. PETERSEN
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
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    A total of 7 Boletes species were collected under Monsoon forest from Yunnan,China and Chiang Mai Province,Thailand,where extensive mixed forests with predominant Castanopsis,Lithocarpus and Terminalia still exist.Monsoons bring moisture from the Indian Ocean,allowing a rich variety of trees and fungi to grow at different elevations.Four new species are described and illustrated,three new records are reported for Yunnan,China and Thailand.
    Four New Synonyms of Four Species in the Genus Parnassia(Parnassiaceae)
    WU Ding,GAO LianMing,WANG Hong,LI DeZhu
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
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    Four species in the genus Parnassia,namely Parnassia lijiangensis Ku,Pyiliangensis Ku,Psimaoensis Y.Y.Qian,and Plongshengensis Ku,are reduced to the new synonyms of Pmysorensis Heyne ex Wight et Arn.,Pmonochorifolia Franch.,Pwightiana Wall.ex Wight & Arn.,and Pdilatata Hand.Mazz.respectively.
    The Floristic Analysis of Seed Plants in Baishanzu Nature Reserve from Zhejiang Province
    JIN XiaoFeng,DING BingYang,ZHENG ChaoZong
    2003, 25(14):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3627 )   HTML ( )   PDF (164KB) ( 2525 )   Save
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    The flora of seed plants in Baishanzu Nature Reserve in Zhejiang is analyzed in this paper.1545 species,which belong to 700 genera in 167 families are in this reserve totally.At family level,the proportion of the pantropic type is bigger than others and reaches 335%,the tropic elements are more than temperate ones (75/44).At genus level,651 genera,which include only 1 species or 2-5 species,occupy 1094 species.The pantropic type is 202% and the temperate type is 139%,it is almost equivalent between the tropic elements and the temperate ones (304/317).At species level, the endemic to China type reaches 484%,much bigger than the East Asia type (239%) and the tropic Asia type(136%).Based on the subarea of China,the endemic species to China can be divided into 9 subtypes,and the subtype of East ChinaCentral ChinaSouth China holds the biggest proportion (259 species).The seed plants of Baishanzu Nature Reserve are very rich.The floristic origin is ancient,geographical components are multiform and the characteristics is obviously upland flora on the southern edge of East China.The reserve also has many endemic,rare or endangered species.