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25 February 2001, Volume 23 Issue 01
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  • Articles
    Examination of the Type and Related Species in Thermopsis R. Br. Aiton et W.T. Aiton (Leguminosae)
    SA Ren CHEN Chia-Rui
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2422 )   HTML ( )   PDF (58KB) ( 1160 )   Save
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    Thermopsis lanceolata R. Br. has been taken as the type of Thermopsis for a long time. According to the Internatioal Code of Botanical Nomenclature, T. lanceolata is an illegimate name, and the type of the genus should be T. lupinoides (L.) Link. The species with alternate flowered inflorescence distributed in northeastern Asia which has incorrectly been identified as T. lupinoides (L.) Link before, should be determined as T. fabacea (Pall.) DC..
    A New Species of Tulipa (Liliaceae) from China
    SHEN Xian-Sheng
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
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    Tulipa anhuiensis X. S. Sheng, sp. nov. TYPE: Anhui (安徽),Qianshan county (潜山县),Tianzhu Mount.(天柱山),alt. 1000-1200 m, 1998-04-01, Shen Xian-sheng 98006 (holotype, PE). Fig. 1.A T. erythronioide Baker tepalis lanceolatis, antheris purpurascentibus, stylo 1-2 mm longo, stigmate oblique truncato differt.Herba perennis , 10-15 cm alta; bulbi ovoidei. Caulis singulus, simplex. Folia 2, opposita, oblanceolata glabra crassa, 10~15 cm longa, 1-1.5 cm lata, integra apice obtusa, sessilia, costa evidente, nervis lateralibus obscuris.……
    Paspalum xizangense(Poaceae),A New Species from the Eastern Himalayas
    SUN Bi-Xing SUN Hang
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2681 )   HTML ( )   PDF (54KB) ( 1164 )   Save
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    Species P. vaginato Sw. affinis, sed culmis caespitosis erectis vel ascendentibus, lematibus inferoribus sparsim villosis deffert.Caespitose perennial. Culms 20-40 cm, erect or ascending. Sheaths glabrous, ligule about 0.5 mm; blades 3-10 cm long, 3-6 mm wide, glabrous. Inflorescence of 2-3 racemes arranged digitately,raceme 3-6 cm, glabrous, with narrowly singed rhachis. Spikelets 2-2.3 mm, solitary, seesile, in 2-rows, ovate-elliptical, yellowish-green, plano-convex; lower glume absent; upper glume as long as the spikelet, glabrous or sparely villous; lower lemma similar but sparely villous, the mid-vein obscure.……
    A Preliminary Study on Phytogeography of the Tribe Thermopsideae (Papilionaceae)
    WANG Heng-Chang SUN Hang
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2653 )   HTML ( )   PDF (481KB) ( 1266 )   Save
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    Based on the phylogeny and modern distribution of Thermopsideae (Papilionaceae) , and available fossil records of the tribe,a preliminary phytogeographic study has bean carried out through the theory and method of morphology-geography. The study shows that (1) The tribe very probably had a Tertiary Tethyan origin, its birthplace was near the southern Laurasia and had a mid-latitude source;(2)It probably rised before the Paleogene but after the late Cretaceous when there was a so-called boreotropical flora occuring in the N. Hemisphere; (3)The tribe is basically a natural one; (4)Its woody taxa were primitive groups which probably originated from woody Sophora-like ancestors while the herbaceous were the advanced derived from it later; (5)Both Asia and N. America are probably the modern refugia rather than the original regions of Thermopsis which has an Asia-N. America disjunction pattern. The interchange between N. America and Asia in the genus probably occurred along the ancestral path of the Tethys. This disjunction pattern may not be simple, it may involv multiple historical events in different geographical times; (6)With the uplift of Himalayas and Qinghai-Xizang plateau caused by the late Tertiary orogeny in Asia and the uplift of Rocky Mts. in western N. America, the humidity and temperature conditions among these regions changed profoundly, and they became the principal impetus of specialization process,especially. in Piptanthus and Thermopsis.
    Taxonomic Revision on Series Buxifolii in Genus Cotoneaster(Rosaceae)
    ZHOU Li-Hua WU Zheng-Yi
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2957 )   HTML ( )   PDF (308KB) ( 1342 )   Save
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    The Series Buxifolii Klotz of Sect. Alpigeni Hurusawa in Cotoneaster Medicus has been redefinited in this paper. It contains 4 species, namely C. buxifolius Wall. ex Lindl., C. delavayanus Klotz, C. insolitus Klotz and C. poluninii Klotz. C. argenteus Klotz, C. brevirameus Rehd. & Wils., C. hodjingensis Klotz, C. lijiangensis Klotz, C. rockii Klotz and C. marginatus Lindl. ex Schlecht, which is put into the Ser. Marginati Klotz, as well as C. rubens var. miniatus Yu are all reduced to the C. buxifolius Wall. ex Lindl. C. buxifolius f. vallea Franch. and C. astropores J. Fryer et E. C. Nelson are indentical with C. poluninii Klotz. Based on generally erect habit, densely tomentose leaf undersurface and calyx, as well as the fruit always with 2 pyrenes, the Series Buxifolii Klotz emend. Zhou & Wu of Sect. Alpigeni Hurusawa is a natural one.
    Phytogeography of Quercus subg.Cyclobalanopsis
    LUO Yan ZHOU Zhe-Kun
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2948 )   HTML ( )   PDF (704KB) ( 1356 )   Save
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    Quercus subg. Cyclobalanopsis(Oerst.) Schneid. is an important constituent of broad leaved evergreen forests in subtropical and tropical regions of Asia. It contains 122 species distrbuted primarily within the Tropical Asia (Indo-Malaysia) phytogeographic province. A number of species were analyzed to develop a biogeographical and phytogenetic context for the diversity within subg. Cyclobalanopsis. Southern China and the north northern part of the Indo-Chine Peninsula show the highest species diversity and may be considered the two centers of diversity. A number of species in Malaysia were observed to have some plesiomorphic characters, and this region may be considered the center of origin and a key area of endemism. On the island of Borneo, the area of Kalimantan is richest in endemic species and the fossil species record resemble this fact. In contrast, the endemic species from Hainan and Taiwan are more derived. The endemic species of Yunnan represent a mixture of neoendemics and paleoendemics. The formation of patterns of endemism in Cyclobalanopsis is due primarily to geographical isolation and the complex history of climatic and geological changes. Also we have discussed vicariance of Cyclobalanopsis: Q.glauca & Q.schottkyana, Q.gilva & Q.delavayi, Q.sessifolia & Q.augustinii are vicariance species between Sino-Japan and Sino-Himalaya.
    Phenolic Constituents of Galls of Quercus variabilis and Their Activities
    ZHOU Zhi-Hong YANG Chong-Ren LI Ma-Ling CHEN Guo-Zhen CHEN Zhi-He
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3045 )   HTML ( )   PDF (266KB) ( 1201 )   Save
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    Two tautomers, G-1 [1-O-(3′-galloyl)-galloyl-β-D-glucopyranose and 1-O-(4′-galloyl)galloyl-β-D-glucopyranose] and G-2 [3-galloyl-gallic acid and 4-galloyl-gallic acid] were isolated from Quercus variabilis Bl.,together with four pure phenolic compounds: G-3 (1,6-O-digalloyl-β-D-glucopyranose), G-4 (1,2,3,6-O-tetragalloyl-β-D-glucopyranose), G-5 (1-O-galloyl-β-D-glucopyranose) and G-6 (gallic acid methyl ester) respectively. The inhibitory effects of G-1, G-3 and G-4 on some tumor strains, lipid peroxidation and blood platelet aggregation were investigated in vitro.
    Magnoquinone and Neolignans from Magnolia rostrata
    DENG Shi-Ming CHENG Yong-Xian ZHOU Jun TAN Ning-Hua DING Zhong-Tao
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3284 )   HTML ( )   PDF (152KB) ( 1367 )   Save
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    A new compound, named magnoquinone(1), was isolated from the bark of Magnolia rostrata, together with seven known neolignans, magnolol ( 2 ) , honokiol( 3 ) , 4-o-methylhonokiol ( 4 ), 3-o-methylmagnolol(5), magnaldehyde B(6), magnolignan A(7)and magnolignan C(8). Their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectral data. This research offered chemical components supports that Magnolia rostratacan can be as a substitute for M. officinalis, a traditional Chinaese medicine.
    Study on Ecophysiology of Winter Maiz (Zea mays) in South Subtropical Region of Yunnan
    ZHANG Shi-Bao LI Shu-Yun LI Cun-Xin
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
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    From 1996 to 1998, several experiments and mass cultivation of winter maize are carried out in Caoba, Mengzi County, Yunnan. High yield were successily obtained in 3 years. The main reasons are as follows: 1. The growth period of winter maize is obviously longer than others. 2. The LAI development of winter maize match well with the resource of light and heat in Caoba. This is the basis of high yielding of winter maize. 3. At mid-filling stage, the mean light flux density (LFD) per day is 1391.8μE.m-2.s-1. The plants intercept and capture 87.6% of the total LFD. Enough light at basal layer can delay the leaf senescence, which provides better conditions for the total dry matter production of grain at filling period. 4. The amount of dry matter production for winter maize after silking account for 72.1 % of the total dry matter. This is advantageous to grain production. 5. Dry matter 12.78% produced at filling stage has remained in the vegetative organs, indicates that the source capacity is a limiting factor of obtaining a high yield. Enlarging the source capacity may further increase the yield of winter maize.
    Seed Germination Requirements of Cypripedium flavum in Axenic Culture
    HUANG Jia-Lin HU Hong
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
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    After pollinating for 15 weeks, Cypripedium flavum seeds were collected and bleached in 0.5% NaClO solution for 10 minutes, then sowed in media axenically. After 20 weeks, the seed germination rate reached 90%. Medium, exogenous cytokinin and bleaching is vital to the germination. The mechanism of KT and BA improving germination rate is to act as a direct germination inducer, in addition to be an inhibitor of ABA. Seed coat is one of the important factors in the gevmination of Cypripedium flavum seeds.
    The Grafting of Excised Hypocotyl Segment of Plant in Sterile Culture
    LU Shan-Fa
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
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    The grafting of excised hypocotyl segment of plant in sterile culture is described in which two explanted internodes are grafted together in sterile culture and then inserted between two agar surfaces and incubated under light. It imitates the normal physiological process, and is a controllable experimental system. Development of the graft union is similar to that observed in whole-plant graft unions, including a sequence of several distinct steps: initial cohesion of stock and scion; proliferation of callus at graft interface; symplastic interconnection of individual cells of graft partners by secondarily formed plasmodesmata; and vascular bridge formation. The process of development is regulated by plant hormones such as auxin and cytokinin. Clearly this system can be used as a powerful tool in demonstrating the mechanisms of graft formation and graft compatibility.
    Studies on the Formation of Microspores and Development of Male Gametes in Manglietia insignis
    PAN Yue-Zhi GONG Xun LIANG Han-Xing
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
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    The formation of micropores, development of male gametes and germination rate of pollen grains in Manglietia insignis (Wall.) Bl. were investigated in this paper. Its anther is 4-sporangiate. The anther wall is composed of 5-6 layers, epidermis, fibrous endothelium, middle layer (1-2 layers) and glandular tapetum (2-3 layers). Cytokinesis at meiosis of microspore mother cells is modified simultaneous, and tetrads are decussate or isobilateral, occasionally linear. Mature pollen grains are 2-celled. In addition, special characteristics in microsporogenesis were discussed. The results of artificial germination of pollen grains showed that the germination rate was 14.7%~25.3%. The process of male gamete formation was not considered as an important factor responsible for the low seeding rate.
    Ultrastructure of the Egg Apparatus and the Synergids after Fertilization in Allium fistulosum
    XI Xiang-Yuan LUAN Feng-Zhu
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
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    The egg apparatus in Allium fistulosum cv. Zhangqiu consists of an egg and two synergids. A few apparatus observed lacked egg cells but, two had synergids. The gee cell had a nucleus with much of the cytoplasm at the chalazal ends and a large vacuole occupying the other area of the cell. The egg cell contained many ribosomes, polysomes, mitochondria with distinct cristae, RER. Dictyosomes had vesicles. The egg cell appeared to be an active cell. The cell wall surrounds the cell, but its chalzal ends and the lateral wall with synergid is discontinuous. The synergid possesses a larger nucleus located in the expanded portion of the cell and many small vacuoles throughout the cytoplasm. Ribosomes, polysomes, mitochondria, RER and concentric ring-shaped RER are abundant and dictyosomes with vesicles are frequently seen, reflecting its active metabolism.
    Genetic Transformation by Ti Plasmid in Trichosanthes kirilowii
    LEI He-Tian SONG Jing-Yuan QI Jian-Jun ZHANG Yin-Ling YANG Jun-Shan GUO Zhi-Gang
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2806 )   HTML ( )   PDF (202KB) ( 1208 )   Save
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    Transformed crown tissue cultures from Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. were established by Ti plasmid in C58 strains. The crown issues grew well in free- hormone MS medium . Nopaline was inspected in the crown gall and this data showed that T-DNA of Ti plasmid had been transformed successfully .The content of proteins in the tissue was about 130.6mg/g (fresh weight)which was inspected by compound-color methods and its TCN-protein was inspected by SDS-PAGE analysis. The study showed that the production of TCN proteins from crown tissue cultures may be developed in prospect.
    Embryology of Whytockia hekouensis(Gesneriaceae)
    WANG Yin-Zheng LI Jun LIANG Han-Xing WU Zheng-Yi
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
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    The embryology of Whytockia hekouensis Y.Z.Wang, as a representative of the genus Whytockia, was investigated in order to provide information on the systematics of the genus. The anther wall comprises four layers-epidermis, endothecium, middle layer and tapetum. 2-3-nucleate cells are frequently observed in the tapetum. The anatropous, unitegminal and tenuinucellar ovules, and the embryo sac of the Polygonum type conform to those of the most members of the Gesneriaceae. Twin megaspore mother cells occasionally occur during megasporogenesis. The development of the endosperm is of cellular type. The micropylar haustorium of Whytockia is 2-celled uninucleate in the early development and 2-celled binucleate of 4-celled uninucleate, and sometimes multi-celled in the late development, while the chalazal haustorium is binucleate. The extra - micropylar structure has been observed during the development of the micropylar haustorium. The development of the onagrad type embryo consumes up the endosperm except ont layer that remains in the mature seed. The coat of a mature seed consists of two layers which develop respectively from the outer epidermal cells and the endothelial cells of the integument. The embryology of W.hekouensis is compared and discussed with that of others in the Gesneriaceae.
    A Study on the Pometia tomentosa Community of Tropical Seasonal Rain Forest in Dahei Mountain, Lixian River Watershed,Southeastern Yunnan
    ZHOU Hong-Xia ZHU Hua WANG Hong XIAO Wen-Xiang
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2577 )   HTML ( )   PDF (295KB) ( 1271 )   Save
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    The Pometia tomentosa forest in Dahei Mountain, Lixian River Watershed, southeastern Yunnan,is dominated by Pometia tomentosa and Saraca dives, and is charactered by evergreen megaphaenerophytes and mesophaenerophytes with simple ,chartaceous and entire mesophylls. With the conspicuous similarity on ecological and floristic characters to tropical rain forest of SE Asia, the forest in Dahei Mountain is considered as a type of tropical seasonal rain forest in the northern margin of tropical Asia. Furthermore, the distribution of trees in DBH class, the individual/ tree species relation and the frequency of tree species are enumerated.
    Nucleotide Sequences of the Internal Transcribed Spacer Region of rDNA in Pyrethrum cineraefolium and Chrysanthemum segetum
    GAO Juan QIU Ming-Hua ZHANG Ya-Ping
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
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    New Records of Ellisembia, Penzigomyces, Sporidesmium and Repetophragma Species on Bamboo from China
    ZHOU De-Qun Kevin D. HYDE WU Xing-Liang
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
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    During a diversity survey of bambusicolous fungi in Hong Kong and Yunnan, many hyphomycete specimens were collected in 1998~1999. Among them, 11 new records including two new combinations of Ellisembia, Penzigomyces and Sporidesmium species from Hong Kong and Yunnan are reported here. They are Ellisembia bambusicola (new combination), E. coronata, E. pseudoseptata (new combination), Penzigomyces uapacae, Repetophragma subulata, Sporidesmium ehrengergii, S. eucalypti, S. eupatoriicola, S. fragilissimium, S. penzigii and S. verrucisporium.
    A New Species of Ophioglossum from Yunan
    HE Zhao-Rong
    2001, 23(01):  1-3. 
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    Ophioglossum yongrenense Ching ex Z. R. He et W. M. Chu, sp. nov.Species nova aspectu inter O. kawamuram Tagawa et O. parvum Nishida et Kurita Japonicae, differt a priore frondibus pro parte laminis sterilibus praeditis (in illa frondibus omnino laminis sterilibus non praeditis), a posteriore frondibus pro parte laminis sterilibus non praeditis (in O. parvo Nishida et Kurita frondibus omino laminis sterilibus praeditis).……