Plant Diversity ›› 2025, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (01): 53-67.DOI: 10.1016/j.pld.2024.07.008
• Articles • Previous Articles
Tian-Rui Wanga, Xin Ninga, Si-Si Zhenga, Yu Lia,b, Zi-Jia Lua,c, Hong-Hu Mengd, Bin-Jie Gea, Gregor Kozlowskia,e,f, Meng-Xiao Yana, Yi-Gang Songa,b
Meng-Xiao Yan,;Yi-Gang Song,
Supported by:
Tian-Rui Wang, Xin Ning, Si-Si Zheng, Yu Li, Zi-Jia Lu, Hong-Hu Meng, Bin-Jie Ge, Gregor Kozlowski, Meng-Xiao Yan, Yi-Gang Song. Genomic insights into ecological adaptation of oaks revealed by phylogenomic analysis of multiple species[J]. Plant Diversity, 2025, 47(01): 53-67.
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