Plant Diversity ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (03): 283-293.DOI: 10.1016/j.pld.2024.04.002
• Articles •
Fangbing Lia,b, Hong Qianc, Jordi Sardansd,e,f, Dzhamal Y. Amishevg, Zixuan Wangh, Changyue Zhangh, Tonggui Wui, Xiaoniu Xuh, Xiao Taoh, Xingzhao Huanga,b,h
Xingzhao Huang,
Supported by:
Fangbing Li, Hong Qian, Jordi Sardans, Dzhamal Y. Amishev, Zixuan Wang, Changyue Zhang, Tonggui Wu, Xiaoniu Xu, Xiao Tao, Xingzhao Huang. Evolutionary history shapes variation of wood density of tree species across the world[J]. Plant Diversity, 2024, 46(03): 283-293.
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