Plant Diversity ›› 2024, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (05): 600-610.DOI: 10.1016/j.pld.2024.06.001
• Articles • Previous Articles
Linjiang Yea,b,c, Robabeh Shahi Shavvond, Hailing Qia, Hongyu Wua,e, Pengzhen Fanc,e, Mohammad Nasir Shalizif, Safiullah Khurramg, Mamadzhanov Davletbekh, Yerlan Turuspekovi, Jie Liua,c
Jie Liu,
Supported by:
Linjiang Ye, Robabeh Shahi Shavvon, Hailing Qi, Hongyu Wu, Pengzhen Fan, Mohammad Nasir Shalizi, Safiullah Khurram, Mamadzhanov Davletbek, Yerlan Turuspekov, Jie Liu. Population genetic insights into the conservation of common walnut (Juglans regia) in Central Asia[J]. Plant Diversity, 2024, 46(05): 600-610.
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