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25 December 2006, Volume 28 Issue 06
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    Relationships of Five Pinellia Species (Araceae) Inferred from AFLP Data
    CHENG Yu; CHEN Cheng-Bin; XUE Mei; CHEN Li
    2006, 28(06):  559-564. 
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    We investigated relationships of five species of Pinellia (Araceae ) using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique. The data of binary matrix were analyzed using Poggene and SPSS software. And a neighbourjoining tree was generated . Based on the results, several suggestions are made as follows. Firstly, P. yaoluopingensis and P. pedatisecta are closely related and the former may be a specialized form of the latter species. Secondly, P. dedatisecta is significantly different from other species of the genus with high genetic diversity. Thirdly, P. peltata and P. cordata
    are sister to each other. Last, in terms of leave morphology, P. peltata is significantly different from the rest species while in terms of AFLP data it is not an entirely independent lineage.
    Similarity Analysis of the Main Species of Cymbidium (Orchidaceae) from Yunnan Province Using RAPD Technique
    CHENG Shao-Li; LI Zhi-Lin; ZHANG Jun-Xiang; FAN Cheng-Ming; ZHAO Ming-Fu; HE Yue-Qiu
    2006, 28(06):  565-569. 
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    39 accession of 11 species and 3 varieties of Cymbidium in Yunnan Province were analyzed in similarity by using RAPD technique . Subgenus Cyperorchis, such as C. hookerianum, C. tracyanum, C. erythraeum, and C. lowianum are
    clustered into a clade ; Subgenus Jensoa , including C. kancan , C. sinense, C. pumilum, C. faberi , C. goeringii, C. goeringii var. serratum, C. tortisepalum var. longibracteatum, C. tortisepalum and C. cyperifolium var . szechuanicum are classified into another clade . C. lancifolium is closer to subgenus Jensoa than to the others . C. tortisepalum var . longibracteatum is close to C. tortisepalum var. tortisepalum and both of them are far from C. goeringii . It is not supported that C. cyperifolium var. szechuanicum belongs to a variety of C. faberi . These findings may benefit to Cymbidium breeding.
    The Morphological and RAPD Analysis in Different Myuroclada maximowiczii (Brachytheciaceae) Populations
    LIU Li; ZHU Yong-Qing; WANG You-Fang
    2006, 28(06):  570-574. 
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    The shapes of leaves, sizes of median laminal cells and forms of plants were compared among eight Myuroclada maximowiczii populations from provinces Heilongjiang , Neimenggu , Shanxi and Zhejiang . The genetic diversities of different M. maximowiczii populations were also studied , using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) . 104 RAPD bands from 13 primers were analyzed , of which 84 .62% were polymorphic. The Dice genetic distances among eight M. maximowiczii populations varied from 0. 37 to 0. 66 . POPGENE analysis showed that the Nei’s gene diversity was 0. 3326 , Shannon’s Information index was 0. 4877 , GST was 0 .3303 . According to morphological observations, the shapes of leaves and plants are very stable in populations, which indicate the species characters; but the sizes of median laminal cells and leaf tips are different, suggesting that they are deperdent on environment and could be the subspecies characters. The results show that there are obvious diversities among different M. maximowiczii populations, in light of both genetic and morphological characters. The results indicates that M. maximowiczii can adapt to environment .
    The Structural Characteristics of ITS-Region of Boletus edulis (Boletoueae) in Yunnan
    ZHAO Yong-Chang; FANG Lin; ZHANG Xun; ZUO Wen-Hao; LI Shu-Hong; LI Ran; CHAI Hong-Mei; ZHONG Ming-Hui
    2006, 28(06):  575-580. 
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    A pair of general primer ( ITS5-ITS4) was used to test in amplification of internal transcribed spacer ( ITS) region of chromosomal DNA of fruiting bodies of Boletus edulis in Yunnan. The DNA amplification fragment was purified with DNA Gel Extraction Kit and sequenced by CEQ8000. The result of phylogenetic analyses based on ITS1-5. 8SrDNA-ITS2 sequences showed that B. edulis in Yunnan had high homology with B. aestivalis and B. aereus in Europe. 73 bp and 26 bp DNA characteristic fragments differing from all B. edulis were found in the ITS-region of B. aereus and B. aestivalis respectively.
    The Formation and Development of Sporoderm of Stenoloma chusanum (Lindsaeaceae)
    DAI Xi-Ling; CAO Jian-Guo; WANG Quan-Xi
    2006, 28(06):  581-586. 
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    The formation and development of sporoderm of the fern Stenoloma chusanum Ching (Lindsaeaceae) are studied by means of light microcope (LM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results as follow: the mature spores of Stenoloma chusanum Ching are bilateral and monolete. The surface of spore is
    smooth and shows a verrucate ornamentation. The sporoderm consists of endospore, exospore and perispore. The exospore which is formed by sporopollenin finishes its formation in the tetrad stage . Its surface is smooth and its texture is uniform. The perispore is formed by the tapetal residues which deposit on the outside of the exospore . The perispore can be distinguished into three layers, i. e. an outer perispore layer, a middle perispore layer and an inner perispore layer. It is obvious that a layer of space exists between the middle and the outer perispore layers. In the last, the formation and development of the spore wall are discussed. The results will contribute to a better understanding of the origin, development and
    formation process of the sporoderm of ferns. It also can provide basic information for the palynology and phylogeny .

    Morphological and Anatomical Studies of Subfam. Polypodioideae (Polypodiaceae)
    CHANG Yan-Fen; WANG Ren-Xiang; LU Shu-Gang
    2006, 28(06):  587-592. 
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    An observation and analysis of series of characteristics coming from sixteen species belonging to five genera of Polypodiaceae subfam. Polypodioideae were undertaken in order to unravel the phylogenetic relationships within this group. Spores, the structure of leaf epidermis, the transverse section of stipes, the rhizome scales and the venation patterns were selected for study. Several of these characteristics were studied in detail for this group for the first time. Morphologically and phytogeographically, the phylogenetic relationships between these genera are correlated with the distribution areas. The three mainly subtropical Asia distributed genera— Polypodiodes, Polypodiastrum and Metapolypodium share a presumably close relationship, while the genera of Schellolepis from tropical Asia and Polypodium from Asia temperate zone are
    isolated in systematic position.

    The Ployploid Induction and Identification of Platycodon grandiflorus (Campanulaceae) in China
    WANG Xiao-Hua; XIONG Li; QU Yun-Hui; YANG Jing; GU Zhi-Jian
    2006, 28(06):  593-598. 
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    In in vitro culture , Platycodon grandiflorus was treated with colchicine at different concentration and time duration. It showed that the induction rate could reach 50% with colchicine at 0.1% for 40 h. Compared with the normal
    diploid plants, the polyploid plants had thicker leaves and larger leaves, darker leaf color , stronger stems with longer length per stem stalk, larger stomata and fewer stomata per unit area. Cytological observation showed the chromosome number of variant plants is 2n=4x=36, while that of normal diploid plant is 2n=2x=18, x=9. Therefore, the variant plants (2n= 4x=36) belong to tetraploid plants. Karyotype formula of the former is 2n=2x=14m+ 20sm+ 2st, and that of the latter is 2n=4x=7m+10sm+1st. Both of the karyotype belong to Stebbins’s 2B type. It was also found that a few induced plants were aneuploid .
    Dynamics of Forest Landscape Patterns Along the Main Road in Xishuangbanna
    CAO Zhi-Wei; MA You-Xin; LI Hong-Mei; GUO Zong-Feng
    2006, 28(06):  599-605. 
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    In this paper, we investigated dynamics of forest landscape along the main roads in Xishuangbanna from 1976 to 1988, and from 1988 to 2003, using FRAGSTATS software and the GIS technology, based on the results interpreted from the Landsat MSS TM ETM imageries in 1976, 1988, 2003. Some representative quantitative indices of landscape diversity, including mean patch area, percent of landscape , perimeter-area fractal dimension , aggregation , Shannon′s diversity index , and Shannon′s equality index were used to describe the changes in the spatial pattern of landscape elements. Comparing with whole region of Xishuangbanna during last 27 years , the results showed that the man-made landscape (rubber plantation) and non-forested landscape along the main road expanded faster and their percentage were greater, whereas the natural landscape ( primitive forest patches) reduced faster and its percentage was smaller . There were obvious
    effects of road on landscape which the forest coverage was decreased , and rubber plantation landscape was increased with the distance from the road . The natural forest landscape had been fragmented. Especially, the tropical seasonal rain forest was affected severely, while the area and contagion of rubber plantation and shrub increased. The whole landscape pattern along the main road tended to be diversiform, equal and fragmented. The landscape was still dominated by natural landscapes but this dominance was weakening . A case study about the displacement of landscape patch centroids showed that the spatial centroids of many types of landscape, including rubber plantation, tropical seasonal rain forest, mountain rain forest, shrub and non-forested land had moved away from the road. All of these changes in landscape pattern would lead the deterioration of these region environments.
    Rosa cymosa var. dapanshanensis, a New Variety of Rosaceae from Zhejiang, China
    ZHANG Fang-Gang; JIN Xiao-Feng; WEI Fu-Min
    2006, 28(06):  606-607. 
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    Rosa cymosa var. dapanshanensis, a new variety, was described and illustrated in this paper. It differs from var. cymosa in having coriaceous, 1-nerved and persistent stipules with a glandularly toothed margin, densely
    pubescent rachises, and pubescent leaflet petioles.
    The Impacts of the Alien Invasive Plants on Biodiversity in Longitudinal Range-Gorge Region of Southwest China
    LU Shu-Gang; XU Cheng-Dong; DONG Xiao-Dong; DUAN Yu-Qing; WANG Yi
    2006, 28(06):  607-614. 
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    This paper deals with the impacts of the alien invasive plants on biodiversity in longitudinal range-gorge region of Southwest China. The longitudinal range-gorge region of Southwest China is a critical region for reserving biodiversity
    and now this region has become a highly endangered region with more than 70 species of alien invasive plants. Among these invasive plants, Ageratina adenophora ( Eupatorium adenophorum), Chromolaena odorata ( Eupatorium odoratum), and Tithonia diversifolia are severely imperiling this region . The structure and functions of ecosystems in this region are badly destroyed with the consequences that, the native species are in the face of extinction, and that agricultural producers, animal husbandry , and forestry activities or even the ecological security are in danger. The damage of alien invasive plants in this region led to a great attention in our country . It is of great practical significance and scientific value to make a comprehensive study of the alien invasive plants of this region, to discover their principles of activity, to slow down their imperiling speed, to wipe out them from this region, and eventually to restore the ecological equilibrium. This paper gives a detailed description of the impacts of the alien invasive plants on the plants species diversity, plants community
    diversity, ecosystem diversity, agricultural producers, animal husbandry, and forestry. At the end, the authors suggested several solutions to control and wipe out the alien invasive plants.
    The Adaptability of Introduced Plants in Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden
    SONG Fu-Qiang; ZHANG Yi-Ping; YANG Qing; XU Zai-Fu;
    XIAO Lai-Yun; HU Jian-Xiang
    2006, 28(06):  615-623. 
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    This study discusses the adaptability of introduced plant species to their target environment at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) by comparing the growth situation, especially fruit ripening of introduced plants and indigenous plants. Over 10 , 000 plant species from tropical and subtropical regions have been planted at XTBG, and many of these plants’growth situations have been continuously observed. In this paper, 569 accessions which have been observed for more than four years are involved. The results show that: 1) the introduced plants primarily adapt the environment at XTBG. However, the plants from different climate regions show different adaptability. The adaptability order is: tropical Asia > northern edge of tropical Asia and subtropical area, tropical Africa > tropical Australia > tropical America. 2) Different families and genera of introduced plants show different adaptability to the target environment too. Some introduced plants belonging to the families of Sapinaceae, Papilionaceae, Meliaceae and Bignoniaceae etc. adapt well to the target environment at XTBG, while some plants of Euphorbiaceae do not adapt well to the target environment. Some introduced plants of Bignoniaceae,
    Myrtaceae and Mimosaceae exhibit more frequent fruit ripening than the indigenous plants . Analyses show that the climate and flora of the origins of introduced plants are the major factors influencing the adaptability of the introduced plants to the target environment at XTBG. Further study needs to be done to assess the invasion of these plants.
    Intraspecific and Interspecific Competition in Davidia involucrata (Davidiaceae) Community
    LI You; SU Zhi-Xian; ZHANG Su-Lan; HU Jin-Yao; GUO Xiao-Ping; ZHU Li-Jun
    2006, 28(06):  625-630. 
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    Davidia involucrata was a rare valuable and endangered plant in China. In order to study neighborhood competition effects, the intraspecific and interspecific competion intensity in Davidia involucrata community in Wolong Nature Reserve was analyzed quantitatively by using Hegyi individual tree competition index model. And the morphological characteristics of Davidia involucrata were investigated under different neighborhood competition intensity . The results showed that the competition intensity in Davidia involucrata decreased gradually with the increasing of forest tree diameter class and the intraspecific competition in Davidia involucrata was more intensive than interspecific competition. The order of the intraspecific and interspecific competition intensity at the community level was: intraspecific > Lindira pulcherrima > Juglans
    > Cornus controversa > Davidia involucrata var. vilmoriniana > Phoebe neurantha >Symplocos botryantha Franch>Acer oliverianum > Prunus branchypoda > Cyclobalanopsis oxyodon . The relationship between competition intensity and individual growth of objective tree closely followed the following equation: CI = AD- B . The change in competition intensity is very small when the diameter of the objective tree reaches 30 cm . The model can stimulate and predict the intraspecific and interspecific competition efficiently. The morphology of Davidia involucrata , such as stepwise bifurcation ratio 1∶2, branching angle, average branch and current-year branch lenghth of the main stem in different strata , was modified under differentcompetition intensity. The plasticity of substrate branching angle , substrate average branch length and substrate currentyear
    branch length was very obvious in response to different neighborhood competion intensity. That suggests Davidia involucrata can improve its capacity to explore the resource and adapt to different habitats through morphological changes .

    The Light-Sensitivity of Germination of Ficus benjamina var. nuda (Moraceae) Seeds and Its Ecological Significance
    WANG Xue, SONG Song-Quan
    2006, 28(06):  631-638. 
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    In this paper , Ficus benjamina L . var . nuda seeds were used as experimental materials, effects of temperature, light , phytohormone ( gibberellin , 6-benzyladenine and ethylene ) , nitrogenous compounds ( sodium nitroprusside,
    nitrate , and nitrite ) on seed germination were studied , and ecological significance of light in seed germination was discussed. Under alternating photoperiod (14 h light , 10 h dark , 12μmol m- 2 s - 1 ) , final germination percentage of seeds was 87. 5% , 100% , 100% , 100% , 98% , 89% and 100% , respectively, at 15℃ , 20℃ , 25℃ , 30℃ , 35℃ , 40℃ and 30℃􊄯20℃ , mean germination time of seeds was 34 . 7 d , 16 . 3 d , 5. 6 d , 4 .8 d , 6 . 4 d , 9 d and 6 .3 d , respectively. Germination percentage of seeds which were incubated for 35 d at 15℃ , 20℃ , 25℃ , 30℃ , 35℃ , 40℃ , 30℃􊄯20℃ and dark was zero , and these seeds rapidly germinated after addition of alternating photoperiod . Light intensity of 0 . 5 - 20μmol m- 2 s - 1 markedly increased final germination percentage of seeds . However , different light intensity influenced
    hardly final germination percentage of seeds, but altered germination rate of seeds . Under photoperiod of 24 h , final germination percentage of seeds notably increased with increasing length of light duration . The seeds treated for 24 h ,36 h , and 48 h by continuous light could germinate at subsequent dark. Different concentrations of exogenous gibberellin, 6-benzyladenine, ethylene, sodium nitroprusside , nitrate and nitrite could not replace light and not accelerate seed germination, and these seeds rapidly gained germinablity after addition of alternating photoperiod . Germination behavior of F. enjamina L . var . nuda seeds was closely related to long-term adaptation for tropical forest .
    Effects of Flowering on Photosynthesis and Allocation of Assimilation Product in Two Cypripedium (Orchidaceae) Species
    KONG De-Liang; YAN Ning; HU Hong
    2006, 28(06):  639-644. 
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    Two Cypripedium species ( C. flavum , C. tibeticum) were selected to investigate the effects of flowering on photosynthesis and allocation of assimilation product by measuring leaf gas exchange, actual quantum efficiency of photosystem
    Ⅱ photochemistry (ΦPSⅡ ) and allocation of 14 C. Both ΦPSⅡ and light-saturated rate of electron transport ( Jmax ) were significantly higher in flowering plants than those in nonflowering plants , suggesting that higher photosynthetic rate in flowering plants resulted from the increasing rate of electron transport . Respiratory rate of C. tibeticum was 112% higher in
    flowering plants than in nonflowering plants, however , the flowering plants of C. flavum only showed an increase of respiratory rate by 22% . This result indicated that flowering of C. tibeticum was expending more energy than that of C. flavum, so there was no significant increase of maximal net photosynthetic rate (Amax ) in flowering C. tibeticum . 14 C allocation showed that the flower and the belowground parts including rhizomes and buds competed each other for assimilation product. Therefore the proportion of assimilation product transferred to the underground parts was reduced by flowering .
    Study on the Genetic Stability of Carica papaya (Caricaceae) Propagating Plantlets Through Cytological Approach
    LI Wei-Dong; WANG Dong-Mei; ZHOU Peng; WU Ting-Guang
    2006, 28(06):  645-648. 
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    The genetic stability of papaya propagating plantlets was studied through cytological and morphological approachs. Primary observation and accountment were holded on chromosome numbers of propagating plantlets of papaya , Solo
    I , which is major species of Hainan province from1 to 38 generations, the results showed that the numbers of chromosome are all 18 (2n = 18) from 1 to 32 generations . In addition there were no difference compared with their parents when they were planted in fields . The cells which chromosome were non-integral were found in the leaves of 33rd and 36th and 37th generation, and the fructiferous rate and anti-virus character of them were dropped when the plantlets were planted in field. This showed that there was some difference in the level of cell chromosome after cultured continuously 32nd generation. This result could give somevaluable theoretic reference to the tissue culture and industrialized produce of papayapropagating plantlets.
    Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration of Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae)
    QIN Hong; SONG Song-Quan; Long Chun-Lin; CHENG Hong-Yan
    2006, 28(06):  649-652. 
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    In this paper , plumules, cotyledons, hypocotyls, blades, petioles and stalks of physic nut ( Jatropha curcas L. ) were used as explants, and callus induction and plant regeneration were studied on MS medium contained different concentrations of 6-BA and NAA. The results showed that the MS medium with 5.0 mg/L BA and 1.0 mg/L NAA was the best for callus induction, and with 5.0mg/L BA and 0.1mg/L NAA, for formation of adventitious bud, and with 1.0mg/L BA and 1.0 mg/L NAA, for bud growth, and that 1􊄯2 MS medium with 1.0 mg/L NAA was the best for formation and growth of adventitious root .
    Traditional Beverage Plants Used by Dai Villagers in Xishuangbanna
    PAN Yu-Mei; LIU Hong-Mao; XU Zai-Fu
    2006, 28(06):  653-664. 
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    One hundred and fourteen plant species which belonging to 43 families and 93 genera were recorded in this study. All these species were used as traditional beverage plants by Dai people in two Dai villages (Man’an and Mansan)
    of xishuangbanna and 65 . 8% of the plants may hold medicinal functions. The results indicated that the species and the number of species were quite different between the two villages , and the difference between genders was not significant. However, the results of ANOVA showed that there was not significant difference between the average number of plant species mentioned in the villages and among genders, and the mean number of plant species mentioned in young group was significantly lower than that in old group, especially inMan’an village where transportation is much convenient. The study suggested that the indigenous knowledge was on the way of loss with the influence of exotic culture.
    Studies on the Traditional Uses of Some Medicinal Shrubs of Swat Kohistan, Pakistan
    Muhammad HAMAYUN; Sumera Afzal KHAN
    2006, 28(06):  665-668. 
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    This paper is based on an ethnobotanical project carried out in the remote Hindukush mountain region of Swat Kohistan. Most of the local people still rely on medicinal plants for curing different diseases. However, the traditional use and pertinent knowledge of medicinal plants are on decline with the introduction of allopathic drugs in the study area. During present study, an effort was made to document the traditional knowledge of some important medicinal shrubs of Swat Kohistan. The traditional uses of 18 frequently used shrubs belonging to 12 different families were thus documented. The
    Kohistani people use these medicinal shrubs for curing multiple ailments and some of these are also exported to other parts of Pakistan.
    A New Secoiridoidal Glucosides from Gentiana rigescens (Gentianaceae)
    XU Min; WANG Dong; ZHANG Ying-Jun; YANG Chong-Ren
    2006, 28(06):  669-672. 
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     A new acylated secoiridoidal glucoside, named gentiorigenoside A (1 ), was isolated from the root of Gentiana rigescens (Gentianaceae) , together with eight known compounds, gentiopicroside ( 2) , 6′- O-β- D-glucopyranosyl gentiopicroside (3) , loganic acid (4 ) , 6′- O-β- D-glucopyranosyl loganic acid ( 5), sweroside ( 6 ), 2′-( o, m-dihydoxybenzyl) -sweroside (7), swertiamarin (8) and secologanoside (9) . heir structures were elucidated on the basis of detailed spectroscopic analysis. Iridoidal glucosides 3, 5 and 9 were isolated for the first time from the title plant.
    Two New Triterpenes from Metadina trichotoma (Rubiaceae)
    ZHANG Yu-Mei; TAN Ning-Hua
    2006, 28(06):  673-675. 
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    Two new triterpenes, 3-oxo-29-hydroxy-urs-12-en-27 , 28-dioic acid (Metatrichosin A, 1 ) and 3-oxo-21β-hydroxy-urs-12-en-27 , 28-dioic acid (Metatrichosin B, 2) , were isolated from the barks of Metadina trichotoma (Zoll. et. Mor. ) Bakn. Their structures were mainly determined byMS, 1D and 2D NMR spectroscopic methods.
    A New Secoiridoid Glycoside from Helwingia chinensis (Cornaceae)
    LAI Guo-Fang; WANG Yi-Fen; WANG Mei; LUO Shi-De
    2006, 28(06):  676-678. 
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    A new secoiridoid glycoside, together with tree secoiridoid glycosides were isolated from the AcOEt fraction of the aerial part of Helwingia chinensis. Their structures were elucidated to be 10- O- trans-cinnamoyl oleoside ( 1 ), 10-hydroxyoleoside 11-methyl ester (2) , jasminoside (3 ) and 10-hydroxyoleuropein (4) by detailed spectroscopic analysis.
    Three New C21 Steroidal Glycosides from Cynanchum komarovii (Asclepiadaceae)
    WANG Li-Qin; SHEN Yue-Mao; ZHOU Lu; ZHOU Jun
    2006, 28(06):  679-683. 
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    Three new C21 steroidal glycosides : komaroside J (2) , komaroside K (3) and komaroside L (4 ) were isolated from the EtOH extract of Cynanchum komarovii Al. Iljinski., together with a known compound komaroside I (1 ). All the compounds were isolated from this plant for the first time.