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25 April 2006, Volume 28 Issue 2
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    Notes on the Plants of the Genus Litsea ( Lauraceae) from China
    LI Jie-, Li-Xi-Wen
    2006, 28(2):  103-107. 
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    In this paper a new species of Litsea, i1e. L1 cangyuanensis J. Li et H. W. Li is described, a species new
    to China: L1 albescens (Hook. f. ) D. G. Long is reported, and three new synonyms are proposed: L1 chunii Cheng var.
    longipedicellata Yang f1latif olia Yang, L1 subcoriacea Yang et P. H. Huang var1 stenophylla Yang et P. H. Huang and
    L1 greenmaniana Allen var1 angustif olia Yang et P. H. Huang for L1 chunii Cheng, L1 subcoriacea Yang et P. H. Huang
    and L1 greenmaniana Allen respectively. A species as a stat. nov. for L1 sz emaois ( H. Liou) J. Li et H. W. Li is
    made ( Basionym: L1pierrei Lec. var1 szemaois H. Liou / szemois0 ) . The difference between L1 kingii Hook. f. and
    L1 cubeba ( Lour. ) Pers. is clarified, and the correct names as L1 hyp ophaea Hayata for / Huang-rou- shu0 from Taiwan,
    L1foveola Kosterm. for L1foveolata Yang et P. H. Huang / Feng-wo-mu- jiang- zi0 from Guangxi are proposed. One new
    name: L1 sinoglobosa J. Li et H. W. Li for the homonym L1 globosa Yang et P. H. Huang is proposed.

    The Application of Four DNA Sequences to Studying Molecular Phylogeny of Camellia ( Theaceae) *
    YANG Jun-Bo-, Li-Hong-Tao-, Yang-Shi-Xiong-, Li-De-Zhu-**
    2006, 28(2):  108-114. 
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    Four DNA sequences) ITS, waxy , trnL- F, and rpL 16 have been used to resolve the inter- species relationships
    of twenty- one species representing 10 out of the 14 sections in Camellia. The results indicated that: ( 1) PCR amplification
    and sequencing were easy for trnL- F and rpL16 sequences, however, the divergence rates of the two chloroplast
    sequences are too slow with few phylogenetically informative sites in data matrix es ( 9 sites in trnL- F and 20 sites in
    rpL 16) , so they could not provide enough phylogenetic information; ( 2) The PCR products of ITS were easily obtained,
    but there were still many problems in sequencing; ( 3) The waxy gene, another sequence from the nuclear genome, has
    significant values in resolving the infrageneric relationships in Camellia. The divergence rate is faster than aforementioned
    sequences. There were more informative sites ( 92) in data matrix though PCR amplification was difficult because it is affected
    by quantity and quality of template DNA and it is a single copy gene in Camellia. The present study indicated that
    the waxy gene had great potential values in the systematic study of Camellia while other three sequences are unfitted to resolve
    the problem. The results of our DNA analysis of three segments support that the genus Camellia is a monophyletic
    group, but the inter- species relationships is still needed more study.

    The Identity of an Endemic Tibetan Bamboo, Arundinaria macclureana ( Gramineae, Bambusoideae)
    LI De-Zhu-, Lynn G. CLARK, Chr is STAPLETON
    2006, 28(2):  115-119. 
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    Arundinaria macclureana Bor was the first bamboo described in modern taxonomy based on Tibetan material.
    Since the type bears only flowering branches without critical vegetative characteristics such as rhizomes and culm- sheaths,
    its identity has long been doubtful. Even so, it provides the type of a newly created genus, Borinda. By checking the
    type specimens of A1 macclureana as well as the type of Fargesia setosa T. P. Yi, which is a species only known by its
    vegetative state, and by collecting in the field, a conclusion is reached that these two entities are conspecific. Fargesia
    macclureana, a name published in less- received literature is the correct name for this endemic Tibetan bamboo, although
    re- evaluation of the relationships within the Thamnocalamus group is needed.

    Chiloscyphus yunnanensis ( Geocalycaceae) , a New Species from China
    GAO Qian, WU Yu-Huan
    2006, 28(2):  119-120. 
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    Chiloscyphus yunnanensis C. Gao & Y.-H. Wu, sp. nov. ( Geocalycaceae, Hepaticae) is described from
    Yunnan, China. This species is similar to Chiloscyphus ciliota ( Nees) Gott. and differentiated by purplish-red slender
    plant frag ile, and leaf thin-walled cells with indistinct trigones.

    Apomarsupella crystallocaulon ( Hepaticae) , Discovered in China
    TUN Yu-Huan, GAO Qian
    2006, 28(2):  121-122. 
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    Apomarsupella crystallocaulon ( Grolle) Vana ( Gymnomitriaceae, Hepaticae) , discovered from Xizang and Yunnan,
    is reported here as new to China. This species is best characterized by the presence of lucid papilla on stem cuticle.

    Isolation and Identification of Aspergillus Species from the Post Fermentative Process of Pu-Er Ripe Tea
    CHEN Ke-Ke, SHU Hong-Tao, WANG Dong, ZHANG Ying-Jun-*, Yang-Chong-Ren
    2006, 28(2):  123-126. 
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    The Aspergillus flora during the post fermentative process of Pu-Er ripe tea was studied. Seven Aspergillus species,
    including A1 wentii var1f umeus , A1penicilliodes , A1 aureolatus, A1 egyptiacus, A1foetidus , A1 japonicus var1japonicus
    , and A1restrictus, were isolated and identified from the fermentative stacks of Pu-Er ripe tea produced from several
    different places of Yunnan Province of China. It is noticed that the compositions of fungus flora in the post fermentative
    process of different Pu-Er ripe tea produced from different places were different. The significance of Aspergillus species on
    the production of Pu-Er ripe tea was primarily discussed.

    Effect of ITS Pseudogene on the Phylogenetic Study of Quercus ( Fagaceae) and Its Revelation on the Plant Molecular Phylogenetics
    MA Chang-Le-, Zhou-Zhe-Kun-**
    2006, 28(2):  127-132. 
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    Sequences of ITS in nrDNA is one of the widely used markers in angiosperm systematics. Many early reports of
    ITS reg ion ( ITS 1, 518S and ITS 2) variation in flowering plants indicated that nrDNA arrays within individuals are homogeneous.
    However, recent studies have discovered that individuals often contain potentially non-functional nrDNA copies
    ( pseudogenes) . These findings suggest that complete concerted evolution should not be assumed when embarking on phylogenetic
    studies using nrDNA sequences. ITS pseudogene has been detected in the genus of Quercus L. and misled the
    phylogenetic reconstruction, which made this genus frequently focused in the related studies. The authors take this genus
    as an example to discuss the influence of the pseudogene on the phylogenetic study, conclude that combining application of
    molecular evolution and classic taxonomy knowledge in plant systematics study may lead to more convincible results.

    Studies on the Spores and Pseudoelaters of Anthocerotae in China
    TUN Peng-Cheng-, Hong-Mei-Zhi-, Bi-Pei-Xi
    2006, 28(2):  133-138. 
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    This is the first report on the spores and pseudoelaters of Chinese Anthocerotae, in which the spores and pseudoelaters
    of 2 families, 5 genera and 7 speceis have been studied. The keys to families and genera are included. Morphologically,
    the Notothylaceae is the primitive one.

    Study on the Spore Morphology of Subfam. Polypodioideae ( Polypodiaceae) in Yunnan, China
    CHANG Yan-Fen, WANG Ren-Xiang, ZHANG Bi-Bo, LIU Shu-Gang
    2006, 28(2):  139-144. 
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    The spores of 8 species and 1 variety belonging to 4 genera of Polypodiaceae subfam. Polypodioideae in Yunnan,
    China were examined under LM and SEM. Of the species it is the first time to study the spores of Metapolyp odium
    manmeiense and Polypodiastrum mengtzeense under SEM. The results show that the spores of this subfam. Polypodioideae
    are morphologic uniform; they are monolete, bilaterally symmetric, ellipsoidal in polar view, bean- shaped in equatorial
    view, and with or without perispore. The surface ornamentation is regularly verrucate. In addition, the relationship of the
    spore morphology and taxonomy in Polypodiaceae subfam. Polypodioideae was discussed in this paper, providing more informative
    data for the systematics and palynology of Polypodiaceae.

    Chromosome Study of Monotropa (Monotropaceae)
    HUANG Xiang-Xu-, Yi-Qi-Fei-, Xing-Fu-Wu-, Liu-Dong-Ming-, Gu-Zhi-Jian-**
    2006, 28(2):  145-148. 
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    The chromosome numbers of meiotic metaphase I of pollen mother cell of Monotr opa uniflr oa L. and M1 hyp opitys
    var1 hirsutea Roth are reported. It is shown that the chromosome numbers in both plants are n= 24. In accordance with
    previous cytologyical data and our observation, basic chromosome number in Monotropa is x= 8. The variations of ploidy and geographical
    distribution of taxa of Monotropaceae and Pyrolaceae are discussed. Basic chromosome mumbers in subfamilies Monotropadieae
    and Pyroloideae were compared. In view of the differences in growth habit and anther splitting in the two subfamilies, the
    authors agree with Hutchinson, i1 e. subfamily Monotropaodieae should be treated as a separate family, Monotropaceae.

    Study on Anatomy of the Root of Cycas guizhouensis ( Cycadaceae)
    AI Su-Yun-, Huang-Yu-Yuan-, Wu-Ying-Hui
    2006, 28(2):  149-156. 
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    The root anatomy of Cycas guizhouensis has been investigated. The result demonstrated that the roots may be
    divided into three types, normal, coralline and fleshy ones, according to their morphology and anatomy. The phellogen
    of normal and fleshy roots were derived from the first and second parenchyma cel-l layers of epidermis inside, whereas that
    of coralline root came from the second and third cortical layer cells below epidermis.

    An Investigation of Vessel Perforation Plates in the Secondary Xylem of Stem of Souliea vaginata ( Ranunculaceae)
    SONG Chun-Hui, LIN Yi-**, TIAN Xian-Hua, ZHANG Xiao-Hui
    2006, 28(2):  157-161. 
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    Souliea vaginata (Maxim. ) Franch. is the only member of Souliea Franch. belonging to Ranunculaceae and
    endemic to East Asia. The vessel elements and their perforation plates in the secondary xylem of stem of the species were
    observed under SEM in order to provide new anatomical evidence for a better understanding of the taxonomy and systematic
    position of the genus. The results showed that the reticulate ( ephedroid) , scalariform, reticulate- scalariform, reticulatescalariform-
    simple, and scalariform- simple perforation plates of the vessel elements were found for the first time in Ranunculaceae.
    The mult-i perforation plate of the end-wall and the latera-l wall perforation plates have been observed and the pit
    membrane remnants in the different perforation plates were also described. The evolution of the perforation plates of the
    vessel elements and the systematic position of genus Souliea were discussed in the paper based on the present observation.

    A Phytocoenological Study on Vatica guangxiensis ( Dipterocarpaceae) Community in Mt. Maocaoshan, Xishuangbanna
    LI Hong-Wei
    2006, 28(2):  162-168. 
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    A preliminary study of Vatica guangxiensis community inMt. Maocaoshan of Xishuangbanna is carried out by
    means of the phytocoenological method. Vatica guangxiensis ( Dipterocarpaceae) and Altingia andersonii ( Hamamelidaceae)
    are dominant tree species of the upper layer in the community, which can be divided into A, B, C, D, E layers.
    and is mainly charactered by evergreen megaphaenerophytes and mesophaenerophytes with simple, chartaceous, entire,
    caudal mesophyll leaves. There are a lot of wooden lianas and epiphytes between layers. Being the northern extension of
    the tropical seasonal rain forest of Laos, the community is rich in species, stable dynamic structure, limited distribution,
    fragil ecosystem as well as urgent need for prior protection.

    A Study on Distribution Pattern of An Epiphytic Bryophyte, Dolichomitriopsis diversif ormis ( Lembophyllaceae) on Tree Trunks in Forest in Fanjing Mountain of Guizhou
    LIU Bing- , Jiang-Ye-Fang-, Li-Jing-**, HUANG Huang-, Chen-Gong-Xi-, Chen-Jun
    2006, 28(2):  169-174. 
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    The distribution pattern of Dolichomitriopsis diversif ormis (Mitt. ) Nog. in Fanjing Mountain of Guizhou was investigated
    by means of TWINSPAN and DCA. The results showed that the community-wide distribution of epiphytic D1 diversif
    ormis is well correlated with forest community types. The forest communities with this species can be divided into six
    groups, which are Cyclobalanop sis stewardiana-Sinarundinaria nitida community, Cyclobalanopsis stewardiana+ Quercus
    engleriana+ Carpinus viminea-Sinarundinaria nitida community, Cyclobalanopsis stewardiana-Euryia brevistyla commun-i
    ty, Rhododendron ririei + Cyclobalanop sis multinervis-Illicium simonsii community , Fagus lucida + Cyclobalanopsis
    multinervis+ Cyclobalanopsis stewardiana-Sinarundinaria nitida community and Cyclobalanop sis stewardiana-Camellia cuspidata-
    Illicium simonsii community respectively. The vertical distributive range of this species is 1 650- 2 080 m above sea
    level; the vertical distribution of this species on tree trunks is that on the lower parts are significantly more than on the
    middle parts and on the middle parts are significantly more than on the upper parts; the distribution of this species among
    different tree species is remarkably different. The ecological factors of influencing the distribution of epiphytic D1 diversif
    ormis in Fanjing Mountain were also analyzed and discussed.


    Applying Remote Sensing to Assessing Land Use and Land Cover Change, and Its Impact on Soil Erosion: Case of Pali Gad Watershed, Northern India
    LI Qiao-Hong-, Xiu-Jian-Chu-**, PK. JOSHI, Nikhil LELE
    2006, 28(2):  175-182. 
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    Mountain ecosystems cover about 24% of the earth. s surface, which provides vital environmental goods and
    services. Twelve per cent ( or about 720 million) of the global human population live in mountains. Thewestern Himalaya
    is one of the most populated areas in the world. The long history of human activities has significantly contributed to land
    use and land cover changes ( LUCC) , which further impacts on soil erosion and decreasing of land productivity. This paper
    allied remote sensing for assessing the LUCC and its impact on the soil erosion processes for past two decades in Pali
    Gad watershed, northern regions. A processed basedMorgan Parametric Model has been used to determine the rate of erosion.
    The results show that the LUCC dynamics much depend on the aspect. The altitude and slope is no more a constraint
    for access to nature resources. The human activities have shifted towards higher altitudes and steeper slopes, which eventually
    causes soil erosion in the mountain regions.

    Advances in Research of Aposematic Coloration in Plants
    LI Jun-, Gong-Ming-**, SUN Hang-**
    2006, 28(2):  183-193. 
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    Plants evolve multiform defense mechanisms for dealing with herbivories in the interest of least damages caused
    by herbivores. It. s beneficial to plants by signaling defensive commitments to potential herbivores when plants are constantly
    sampled by herbivores. Colour, a kind of stable and effective visual signal which is epigamic to animals for pollination
    and seed- dispersal, sometimes could become aposematic signal to herbivores. After sampling and avoidance learning,
    herbivores can discriminate this signal and associate it with unpleasant experiences, so aposematic coloration comes into
    being between plan-t animal interaction. The theory of aposematic coloration has not been accepted in plants while it has
    been adequately discussed for a long time in animal kingdom until Hamilton. s signal theory about autumn colours was published.
    Pushed by Hamilton. s theory, some botanists have discovered and testified aposematic coloration do exist in plants
    such as autumn leaves, young leaves of tropical rainforests, some thorny plants and reproductive organs of plants whereas
    some of them are still obscure or controversial. Aposematic coloration should not only belong to animals, plants could evolve
    it too if necessary for plant fitness. The temporal and spatial colour polymorphism in vegetative parts of plants deserve more
    research and the defense tradeoff hypothesis predicts the possibility of aposematism may occur in the reproductive organs ofplants.

    Scientists would comprehend the complicated plan-t animal interactions better and more via the research of physiological
    and ecological adaptive significance of plant showy colours which ex ist in leaves and reproductive parts.

    The Effect of Polyamines on the Floral Bud Construction of in vitro Cotyledons in Cucumis sativus ( Cucurbitaceae)
    HUANG Zuo-Chi-, Tang-Zheng-Yi-, Xie-Yin-Feng-, Duan-Hui-Guo-, Qing-Dong-Hong
    2006, 28(2):  194-198. 
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    The effects of exogenous polyamines on the levels of polyamines in the in vitro cotyledons and on the floral bud
    construction were examined in Cucumis sativus . Application of 5 @ 10- 2 mmol#L- 1 spermidine ( Spd) and spermine
    ( Spm) inMS culture medium remarkably increases the levels of Spd and the ratio of SpdPputrescine ( Put) in cotyledons
    and results in the rate of floral buds higher than that of control; however, application of 5@ 10- 2 mmol#L- 1 Put or 5 mmol#L- 1
    CHAS leads to opposite results, suggesting that the levels of Spd and ratio of SpdPPut in cotyledons are positive correlated
    with the rate of floral buds. Application of 5mmol#L- 1 D-Arg in medium results in that the ratio of SpdPPut is higher than
    that treated with Spd and that rate of floral buds in cotyledons is lower than that of control, indicating that the levels of Put
    and Spd have effects on the construction of floral buds. Comparing with control, application of CHAS increases the levels
    of Spm in cotyledons 10 folds and decreases the rate of floral buds to zero. There is no significant difference in the levels
    of endogenous Spm between other treatments and control, except the rate of floral buds, meaning there is no correlation
    between the levels of Spm in cotyledons and the construction of floral buds in Cucumis sativus .

    Changes of the Transpiration and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Ginger Test-tube Plantlets after Transplantation
    LIU Xiao-Yang-, Bai-Xin-Fu-, Xu-De-Cong-, Li-Hong-Xia-, Wang-Hai-Chao
    2006, 28(2):  199-202. 
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    The transpiration and photosynthetic characteristics of ginger tes-t tube plantlets during transplantation and accl-i
    mation were measured and analyzed with a TPS- 1 photosynthetic system ( PP Systems, UK) . The results showed that the
    apparent quantum yield, net photosynthetic rate and carboxylation efficiency of the plantlets increased substantially but the
    transpiration rate and stomatal conductance decreased during the acclimation after transplantation. These results indicated
    that acclimation could greatly improve the capabilities of the plantlets to adapt to natural environment and their autotrophy.

    Improving of in vitro Plant Regeneration Frequency of Rosa canina ( Rosaceae) Inermis
    YU Xiao-Li-, Ma-Jian-Min-, Li-Yu-Ying-, Wang-Shi-Ru
    2006, 28(2):  203-207. 
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    An efficient regeneration system of Rosa canina Inermis was developed in this study. The results showed that
    the regeneration frequency of adventitious buds was 87% and the multiplication ratio was 310 when supplemented with 210
    mgPL 6-BA and 013 mgPL 2, 4-D onMurashige and Skoog (MS) medium, while the regeneration ratio was 93% and the
    multiplication ratio was 510 when the MS medium contained 115 mgPL CPPU and 012 mgPL 2, 4-D. Moreover , the result
    also indicated that CPPU was more effective in the induction of adventitious buds. The optimal medium for the multiplication
    of shoots wasMS+ 40gPL sucrose+ 610 gPL agar+ 315 mgPL AgNO3 + 11 5mgPL CPPU+ 011 mgPL 2, 4-D+ 01 05mgP
    L GA3 , in which the multiplication ratio was 515 and the adventitious bud induction frequency was 89%. The best med-i
    um for rooting and growing was 1P4MS+ 20 gPL sucrose+ 31 5gPL agar+ 01 3% activated carbon+ 011 mgPL IBA+ 011mgP
    LNAA. The rooting frequency was 91%.

    Chemical Composition and Antioxidant Activities of the Essential Oils of Five Magnoliaceae Species from South China
    ZHONG Rui-Min-, Zhang-Zhen-Ming-, Xiao-Zi-Jun-, Ceng-Qing-Xiao-, Wang-Yu-Mei-**
    2006, 28(2):  208-214. 
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    The essential oils of five Magnoliaceae plants, namely Manglietia moto Dandy , Manglietia y uyanensis Law,
    Michelia chap ensis Dandy, Michelia foveolata Merr. ex Dandy, and Michelia maudiae Dunn, growing wild in Nanling
    National Nature Reserve of Guangdong province, were analyzed for their chemical composition and tested for their antiox-i
    dant effectiveness. The GC-MS analyses as well as comparison of the retention indices ( RI) of elution peaks with literature
    data were used in compound identification of the essential oils; the B- carotene bleaching ( BCB) test method was used in
    the preliminary evaluation of antioxidant activities for them. The M1 maudiae oil characterizes high contents of monoterpenes,
    while other four oils are all constituted mainly by sesquiterpenoids. The high consistence of composition and similar-i
    ties in major constituents between the M1 moto and M1 yuyanensis oils may indicate their close correlation between relatives.
    The 50% inhibition were accomplished with 616 gPL of M1 moto oil, 918 gPL of M1 yuyanensis oil, 111 3 gPL of
    M1f oveolata oil and 1212 gPL of M1 chap ensis oil, respectively , whereas M1 maudiae oil could not inhibit 50% of the
    bleaching reaction under the test conditions.

    Effects of Different Culture Conditions on Cell Growth and Theanine Biosynthesis in Suspension Cells of Camellia sinensis ( Theaceae)
    HUA Ping-, Lv-Hu-, Yu-Ji-Gong-, Leng-He-Ping-, Jiang-Xian-You-, Hua-Dong
    2006, 28(2):  215-218. 
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    The suspension culture of callus obtained from tender leave of Camellia sinensis was conducted withMS mediumplus IBA 2 mgPL and 6-BA 4 mgPL in a fermenter. The effects of different factors on the growth of tea cells and the amount
    of synthesized theaninewere analyzed. The results showed that both the tea- cell growth and theanine accumulation reachedtheir peak period from 19 to 22 days after culture. Both growth of the cells and the amount of theanine reached optimal va-lues when the medium contained NH4+PNO3- 110P601 0 mmolPL, K+ 10010 mmolPL, Mg2+ 310 mmolPL, H2 PO4- 310mmolPL, sucrose 3010 gPL and protein 210 gPL. Both the logarithmic and stationary phases were enhanced when theamount of sucrose and protein were raised in the medium. Alteration of H2PO4- concentration in the medium had an effecton the simultaneity of the cel-l growth and theanine accumulation. The activity of theanine- synthatase ( L-glutamate: ethy-lamine lingase) can be affected by K+ andMg2+ . Accumulation of theanine could be greatly raised when ethy-l amine wassupplemented in the medium. The efficiency of ethy-l amine on the accumulation of theanine is related to the addition methodi1 e. sequential supplement of ethy-l amine into the medium was better than single addition of that.

    HPLC Determination of Contents of Four Active Constituents in Tibetan Medicine Gentiana straminea ( Gentianaceae) During Different Growing Period
    SUN Jing- , Li-Yu-Lin- , Ji-Lan-Ju-, Ma-Yu-Hua-, Xu-Wen-Hua- , Chen-Gui-Chen
    2006, 28(2):  219-222. 
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    Contents of four iridoid glycosides viz. gentiopicroside, longanic acid, swertiamarin and sweroside of wild and
    cultivated Gentiana straminea roots gathered in different seasons were analyzed by means of HPLC determination. The results
    indicated that contents of the four iridoid glycosides varied greatly with different seasons between wild and cultivated
    Gentiana straminea. And according to the criterion of pharmacopoeia of China, after cultivation content of gentiopicroside
    in Gentiana str aminea root had accorded with the regulation and can preliminarily replaced the wild species to use as a
    plant medicine. The mechanism causing the content changes of the four iridoid glycosides may be due to the integrated effects
    of many factors, such as the ecological factors, the genetic factors.