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25 April 2007, Volume 29 Issue 02
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    A Preliminary Floristic Study on the Mid-Montane Humid Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest in Yongde Snow Mountain, SW Yunnan, China

    LIU En-De , PENG Hua

    2007, 29(02):  129-136. 
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    The mid-montane humid evergreen broad-leaved forest is the most typical vegetation type of the subtropical-montane vegetation type in Yongde Snow Mountain (YSM). It is also the vegetation type occupied the largest area, most integrated and valuable of YSM. Analysis of the disposition in vertical structure of 219 dominant and frequent species in the forest, it can be shown that only Tropical Asian, Sino-Himalayan and China-endemic elements occurred in all synusiae including the A、B、C tree layers, the shrub layer, and the herb layer. Among 219 dominant and frequent species, the Sino-Himalayan and China-endemic elements take a large portion, and the Tropical Asian elements play an important role as well, It is suggested that YSM is floristically intervenient between subtropical and temperate elements. Further analysis of China-endemic species shows that YSM is floristically transitional. All evidence indicats that YSM is on the border between Sino-Himalayan floristic subkingdom and Malesian floristic subkingdom, and its transitional floristic characteristics are rather distinct. Comparison of dominant and main companion species between Yongde Snow Mountain and those of its neighbouring regions shows that the forestry environment of Yongde Snow Mountain is humider and warmer than that of other regions.

    Study on the Pteridoflora of Jiangsu Province, East China
    WANG Jin-Hu, , HAO Ri-Ming, TANG Geng-Guo
    2007, 29(02):  137-144. 
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    The floristic composition and element of pteridoflora of Jiangsu Province in China were analyzed, and the affinities with its neighbor regions, such as Zhejiang Province, Anhui Province and Shandong Province, were discussed as
    well. The pteridoflora of Jiangsu consists of 35 families, 67 genera and 140 species (including varieties and subspecies). It contains 18 families, 19 genera and 5 species belonging to the cosmopolitan areal type; 16 families, 34 genera and 16 species belonging to the tropical areal types; 1 family, 14 genera and 102 species belonging to the temperate areal types; and 17 species endemic to China. The floristic composition of pteridoflora of Jiangsu is relatively poor, and this area may not be a differentiation center in modern times. The characteristics of the floristic elements indicate that this is a transitional pteridoflora from the tropics to the temperates. A comparison with its neighbor regions reveals that the pteridoflora of Jiangsu is close to that of Anhui and is a link with its southern neighbor, Zhejiang and its northern neighbor, Shandong, so that the system of regionalization of Chinese pteridoflora which includes Zhejiang, Anhui and Jiangsu in the central and east China region, but not Shandong seems reasonable. It also reveals that climatic conditions play an important role for distribution and flourishing of pteridophyte population and complex land topography gives rise to differentiation of pteridophytes .
    Species Diversity and Geographical Distribution of Clematis (Ranunculaceae) in Yunnan
    JIANG Nan, , GUAN Kai-Yun, WANG Zhong-Lang
    2007, 29(02):  145-154. 
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    According to the latest system of Wang and Li (2005), there are 59 species and 24 varieties in 6 sections of 3 subgenera in the genus of Clematis in Yunnan, which is the richest province in terms of species numbers in China. The Hengduan Mountains is regarded as centers of origin , differentiation and endemism of the genus. W, NW and NE parts of Yunnan may be closely related to or part of the center of differentiation. There are 56 species ( include varieties ) endemic to China , accounting for 67.2% of Yunnan′s total number of species. There are 16 species (include varieties) endemic to Yunnan, accounting for 35.0% of Chinese endemic number of species distributed in Yunnan. Among the adjacent provinces, Sichuan has the largest common number of Clematis to Yunnan, while Tibet has the smallest, implying their floristic relationships. The floristic links with Myanmar is also relatively weak.
    Geographical Distribution and Floristic Composition of Pteridophytes in Hainan Island
    YANG Feng-Chun, HU Xin-Wen, YOU Li-Li
    2007, 29(02):  155-160. 
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    There are nearly 400 fern species in Hainan Island. The pteridoflora is richer in the southwest and poorer in thenortheast in this Island. A line from Lingao, Qiongzhong, to Wanning is the boundary of the richer and the poorer regions. Soil terrain and geology′s co-action form this line. The foristic elements are complex, and the majority are closely related to foreign pteridofloras. Malayan, Indian, Indochinese and East Asian play important roles in fern flora of Hainan Island. It may be a modern centre of differentiation for pteridophytes. Various natural environments accelerate local ferns′evolution.
    Bayesian Inference and Its Application in the Molecular Phylogeny of Liliales
    CHEN Shi-Chao, , YANG Hong, LI Shan, ZHU Jian, FU Cheng-Xin
    2007, 29(02):  161-166. 
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    As a new method in evolutionary biology, Bayesian inference of phylogeny appears to have advantages over the other menthods in terms of dealing with complex models and large dataset, interpretation of the results, and computational efficiency. In this paper, we made a brief introduction to the significance of Bayesian inference in the molecular evolution and phylogenetic reconstruction, and its application in the molecular phylogeny of Liliales. The results indicate that the best model for DNA evolution of rbcL sequences in Liliales is GTR + I + G, and the topology of Bayesian tree is similar to those
    of Maximum parsimonious tree and Neighbor Joining tree, but giving more resolution and higher support values. The Bayesian tree provides strong support (PP = 1.0) for the circumscription of families in Liliales, except for Smilacaceae . The interrelationships between families are also discussed.
    Notes on Two Confused Genera : Gastrochilus and Saccolabium (Orchidaceae)
    CHEN Sing-Chi , LUO Yi-Bo
    2007, 29(02):  167-168. 
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    Taxonomic history of two confused genera , Gastrochilus and Saccolabium, is briefly reviewed . It is concluded that they are distinct from each other . In Gastrochilus the lip is semiglobose-saccate with indistinct side-lobes and a much larger mid-lobe , the column is footless and the pollinia are porate , while in Saccolabium the lip is cylindrical-spurred with indistinct side-lobes and a small mid- lobe , the column has a short foot and the pollinia are solid . The former is widely distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia and the latter is restricted to Java and Sumatra of Indonesia . As a result , a proposal is made to modify the conserved name Saccolabium and to exclude the previously listed synonym or rejected name Gastrochilus in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (No . 1822 .) .

    Three New Recorded Species of Orchidaceae from China

    JIN Xiao-Hua ** , CHEN Sing-Chi
    2007, 29(02):  169-170. 
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    Bulbophyllum picturatum, Calanthe allizettei and Eria lanigera , three Chinese new recorded species of Orchidaceae are reported . B. picturatum is characterized by its entire dorsal sepal with a seta and lip with two auricles at base . Calanthe allizettei can be easily distinguished from its relatives by its lip with three lamella and small midlobe . Eria lanigera is characterized by its entire lip and yellowish green flowers .
    Dryopsis ( Tectariaceae) in Guangdong, China
    DONG Shi-Yong
    2007, 29(02):  171-172. 
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    Based on herbaria collections, three species of the fern genus Dryopsis ( Tectariaceae ) are recognized from Guangdong Province, China . They are D. heterolaena , D. mariformis and D. maximowicziana . Among the three species, D. mariformis and D. maximowicziana are new records to Guangdong . In the newly published book , Flora of Guangdong Volume VII , the name Ctenitis apiciflora (Wall . ex Mett .) Ching ( = D. apiciflora (Wall . ex Mett .) Holttum & Edwards) instead of D. heterolaena is recorded due tomisidentification . The morphological and ecological differences between D. heterolaena and D. apiciflora are discussed . A key to the three species, habitat and distribution data on the three species are given .
    A Revised Description of Nyssa yunnanensis (Nyssaceae)
    SUN Bao-Ling , , ZHANG Chang-Qin **
    2007, 29(02):  173-175. 
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    Nyssa yunanenesis, a critically endangered plant, is an androdioecious species, but it was established by the type specimens with onlymale flowers and fruits . Because the previous description of the male flower was incomplete or incorrect and the lack of hermaphroditic flower , we revised the original description of the male flower and added the description and illustrated the hermaphroditic flower and fruits .
    Comparative Anatomic Studies on Rachis of Eight Species of Cycads
    WU Ying-Hui , HUANG Yu-Yuan, * * , AI Su-Yun , WEI Li-Jun
    2007, 29(02):  176-188. 
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    This article conducted comparative anatomy of rachis of six species of Cycadaceae and two species of Zamiaceae, i .e ., Cycas taiwaniana , C. hainanensis, C. parvulus, C. simplicipinna , C. diannanensis, C. elongata , Macrozamia . longispina and Dioon edule in transverse section , in order to provide anatomical evidence for a better understanding of the systematic
    position , taxonomy and to discuss its anatomy structure and the ecological adaption mechanism . The results showed that there were significant differences between Cycadaceae and Zamiaceae in epidermis, mechanical tissue , ground tissue, vascular tissue and ergastic substance and so on . The rachis structure of genus Dioon was also different from genus Zamia .
    The 6 species of Cycadaceae are more similar to each other , particularly among C. taiwaniana , C. hainanensis, C. parvulus, C. diannanensis, C. simplicipinna , which manifests they are closely related to one another , but each species has its own structure characteristic . The arrangement and the process of the increase of vascular bundle number of C. elongata issimilar to the two species of Zamiaceae which implied that its status is comparatively derived in Cycas . The study discovered that there are assimilating tissue which like the shape of palisade tissue in adaxial surface of rachis in all species of Cycas . The rachis of these cycads had structure characteristic of xerophytes , i . e ., thicker cuticular membrane, developed mechanical tissue , the more secretion , crystal and secretory canal and more number of vascular bundles etc . These results provided evidence to study the evolution and relationship between different families and species of the Cycadopsida , and revealed the fact that primitive and ancient cycads can exist in the geological history is because cycads unique structure characteristics have been evolved so that they can adapt to various evironment such as drought , extreme heat , barren , and salt alkaloid and other harsh environment .
    Anatomical Structure of Stem of Ipomoea cairica (Convolvulaceae)
    CHEN Dan-Sheng, DING You-Xiong , MA Rui-Jun , ZHU Hui , LU Ai-Na
    2007, 29(02):  189-192. 
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    Anatomical structure of stem of Ipomoea cairica was observed in detail by using light microscopy . The results indicate that the anatomical structure of the stem of Ipomoea cairca compose mainly of primary structure , and the cambiums has formed , but the secondary structure is not well-developed . The stem of Ipomoea cairica usually bears 3 - 6 cavitys, which may be schizogenous secretory canals . The tangertial wall of epidermis cells gets ticker , and the epidermis has cutide, stomas and air chamber . In cortex , there are 1 - 3 layers of cells tightly next to the epidermis as well as the 1 - 3
    layers of cells which are deep inside cortex, both of them are secretory cells . The vascular bundles are bicollateral . The xylem is well-developed , and the vessel elements arrange so closely that they become a circle surround the phloem and pith . In the middle of stem is the pith , which composed of abundant parenchymatous cells with rhombohedral crystals .
    Chromosome Number of Bischofia (Euphorbiaceae) and Its Evolutionary Implications
    XUE Heng-Gang, ZHOU Song-Dong , WANG Qiang , HE Xing-Jin* * , YU Yan
    2007, 29(02):  193-197. 
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    The chromosome numbers and morphology of B. javanica and B. polycarpa were studied . The chromosome numbers of both species are 2n = 196 . The inflorescence is panicled in B. javanica while racemes in B. polycarpa . Combined with the cytological , morphological and ecological data , the basic number and the origin and evolution of polyploidy of the genus were discussed .
    Karyomorphology and Taxonomic Position of Poncirus polyandra (Rutaceae)
    LIU Li-Qin , , YANG Jing , , GU Zhi-Jian
    2007, 29(02):  198-200. 
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    A study on Poncirus polyandra was conducted karyologically . The interphase nuclei was observed to be the round prochromosome type , and the prophase chromosome type was the interstitial type . The karyotype of metaphase chromosome in somatic cells is: 2n = 2x = 18 = 12m+ 6sm (2SAT ) . The karyotype belonged to Stebbins′1A type . The karyotypes among P. polyandra , P. trifoliata and Citurus sinensis were compared . Based on the evidence from cytology , palynology , morphology , leaf isozymes and molecular systematics, the systematic position of P . polyandry was discussed . It is more reasonable to place P . polyandra in the genus Poncirus, and it probably represents a more primary species in the genus .
    Species Composition and Life Form Feature of Vegetation Restoration in Gaps of Karst Forest in Maolan Nature Reserve, Guizhou Province
    LONG Cui-Ling
    2007, 29(02):  201-206. 
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    Based on the investigation on gaps and non-gap stands of the Karst forest in Maolan National Nature Reserve, Guizhou Province , the changeable regular pattern of species composition , relationship of species and life form feature during gaps development were analyzed . The results showed that family, genera and species of plant in gaps increased gradually from 10 to 30 years and decreased after 40 years . The composition of family and genera in 40 years was equilibrated to those in non-gap stands , but species number increased continuously . It indicated that species diversity increased and community composition structure became complicated and diversified with gap development . Similarity analysis of family , genera and species showed that the dynamic changes of vegetation in gaps were somewhat continuous and gradual , the similarities between the neighboring stages were greater than those between non-neighboring stages during gaps development . With
    gaps development , the percentage of phanerophytes and epiphytic plants increased , hemicryptophytes and therophytes decreased correspondingly , but the percentage of chamaephytes and cryptophytes did not change much . With gaps development, community structure became stable and ecological function was enhanced .
    Sustainable Utilization and Economic Development of Some Plant Resources in Northern Pakistan
    Hassan Sher , Muhammad Ajaz Hussian , Hazrat Sher
    2007, 29(02):  207-214. 
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    Overshadowed by the vast impact that habitat loss has on targeted plant species survival , it is easy to overlook the fact that utilization and harvesting of species can often result in their genetic depletion and in an often rapid downward trend of their population status . In this regard an ethnobotanical study on the medicinal plants of Shawar valley , District Swat was conducted with the aims to document medicinal plants and to examine the current status of the medicinal plants trade as well as the market chain starting from collectors to consumers . The survey reported 50 species of plants belonging
    to 33 families as ethnomedicinally important . These species were used as crud drugs by the local people and folk-lore for treating diseases in traditional system of medicine . The detailed local uses , recipe preparation along with their local names and diseases treated were recorded for each species .
    Market survey revealed that the structure of medicinal plant trade is complex and heterogeneous, involving many players . The collectors are often not aware of the high market prices andmedicinal values, and most of the collected material is sold to local middlemen at a very low price . There was an increase of 3 to 5 folds in prices from collectors to the national market .
    Recommendations were given in the spheres of training sustainable harvesting and post harvesting of wild medicinal plant resources, trade monitoring , equitable sharing of benefits of wild resources, improved control on harvesting and trade for the conservation of resources , enhancement of cultivation efforts, future research into trade in wild harvested plants,
    community participation in natural resource management and value addition in the herbal products to maximize the benefits.
    The Role of Abscisic Acid in Plant Flowering
    XU Ping-Zhen , , LIU Tao , , YANG Ying , , HU Yun-Qian *
    2007, 29(02):  215-222. 
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    As a phytohormone , abscisic acid (ABA) regulates many aspects of plant growth and development , such as seed dormancy, germination , vegetative growth , and environment stresses . Evidence show that ABA involves in the control of flowering . The environmental factors involved in flowering induction , such as photoperiod changes, vernalization , and drought, affect ABA levels . Summarized here are the recent progresses on understanding the correlation between the four major pathways of flower induction and the ABA changes , on the ABA distribution in leaf buds and flower buds during
    bud differentiation , and on the ABA effect on bud differentiation during the tissue culture . The role of ABA in flower induction and development is discussed .
    Cloning and Functional Analysis of a Multiple Stress-inducible LeMTshsp Promoter from Tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum)
    YI Shu-Ying , SUN Ai-Qing, ZHAO Chun-Mei , LIU Jian
    2007, 29(02):  223-230. 
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    Based on the Southern blot analysis results, the KpnⅠ and EcoRⅠ restriction enzymes were selected to digest the genomic DNA of a cultivar of tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill . CV . zhongshu 4) . The 3 kb bands of the digested genomic DNA were inserted into the pBSⅡKS ( + ) vector . As a result , a plasmid library was generated containing about 2 kb of the 5′-flanking sequence of the mitochondria-localized small heat shock protein gene ( LeMTshsp) . A 1915 bp of the 5′-flanking region of LeMTshsp was isolated from the plasmid library by nested PCR ( GenBank accession number
    AB239774) . The 5′-flanking region of LeMTshsp contains putative TATA box , CAAT box , a total of six HSEs and several AT-rich regions . Additionally , there are some transcription factor binding motifs related to stress response , such as ABAresponsive element [ABRE] , C-repeat— DRE and activating protein binding sites [AP-1 ] . Electrophoresis mobility shift assay (EMSA) showed that the purified HsfA2 protein bound specifically to HSEs of the LeMTshsp promoter in vitro , and bound strongly to the proximal five HSEs than to the distal HSE . The fusion construction of LeMTshsp promoter- gus (β glucuronidase) was introduced into tomato using an Agrobacterium -mediated transformation . The resistant transgenic plants were selected on the MS medium containing 50mg􊄯L kanamicin . PCR analysis showed that the chimeric gus gene was integrated into the tomato genome . By using the gus reporter gene system, the LeMTshsp promoter dynamics was explored under
    stress conditions . After heat , cold , exogenous ABA and heavy metal (Cd2+ , Cu2 + , Pb2 + or Zn2 + ) treatments, GUS staining was detected in the leaves and roots of transgenic tomato plants . The activity of the LeMTshsp promoter under heat shock conditions was comparable to that of the constitutive CaMV35S promoter . All these results show that the LeMTshsppromoter is a promoter responding to heat, cold , exogenous ABA and heavy metals.
    Involvement of Antioxidant Systems in Heat-Shock-Induced Heat Tolerance in Maize Seedlings
    LI Zhong-Guang, GONG Ming
    2007, 29(02):  231-236. 
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    Heat-shock pretreatment at 42℃ for 4 h and recovery at 26 .5℃ for 4 hgreatly improved greatly survival percentage of maize seedlings under high temperature stress . Heat-shock pretreatment and recovery at 26. 5℃ for 4 h significantly enhanced the activities of antioxidant enzymes CAT, SOD, GR and APX and the levels of antioxidants ASA and GSH in maize seedlings . The seedlings with heat-shock retained higher activities of antioxidant enzymes and higher levels of antioxidants than that without heat-shock during heat stress and recovery , indicating that the increase of activities of antioxidant
    enzymes and levels of antioxidants is the physiological basis for the formation of heat tolerance induced by heat-shock in maize seedlings .
    Analyses of Tremella aurantialba (Tremellaceae) and Its Analog Species Inferred from ITS Sequences
    LIU Chun-Hui , QU Wei-Jing * , ZHANG Wen
    2007, 29(02):  237-242. 
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    rDNA ITS ( ITS1 and ITS2 ) fragments of the basidiocarps, anamorph blastospores and mycelia isolates from Tremella aurantialba were amplified by PCR and then were sequenced . The results showed that ITS fragment of basidiocarps contained two bands with different number of bases: one was identical with ITS sequences of the anamorph blastospore isolates, and another was identical with ITS sequences of the mycelium isolates . Phylogenetic analysis based on ITS1 and ITS2 sequences indicated that the anamorph blastospore isolates is Tremella aurantialba and the mycelia isolates, the host fungus of T. aurantialba , is Stereum hirsutum . Phylogenetic trees were constructed by using sequences of T. aurantialba and those of its analog species T. aurantia , T. encephala and T. mesenterica in GenBank . All the results revealed that T. aurantialba is an independent species , which is consistent with the morphological evidence .

    IGS1-RFLP Comparative Analysis of Tricholoma matsutake (Tricholomataceae) from Yunnan and Japan
    SHA Tao , QIANG Yong , ZHANG Han-Bo , , DING Hua-Sun ,
    CHENG Li-Zhong , ZHAO Zhi-Wei
    2007, 29(02):  243-246. 
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    IGS1 genes were obtained by PCR amplification from genome DNA of Tricholoma matsutake fruit bodies collected from 16 counties in Yunnan . These gene fragments were digested by restriction endonuclease Cfr13Ⅰ . Two distinct IGS1 rDNA types were identified , namely A and C . Among the 127 fruit bodies investigated , 126 belong to type A while one from Jianchuan (T89) belongs to type C . Our results also showed that there are no significant heterogeneity in the IGS1 genes of these fruit bodies , except double CTTTs found in representative IGS1 gene of type A . The primary IGS1 RFLP patterns of Tricholoma matsutake from Yunnan are very similar to those from Japanese , implying that Tricholoma matsutake of these two areas are likely to be homologous .
    Biophysical and Pharmacological Characterization of a Dynamin-like Protein from Day-lily ( Hemerocallis fulva , Liliaceae) Pollens
    LIAO Jun-Jie , , WU Ying-Jie * * , YAN Lung-Fei
    2007, 29(02):  247-250. 
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    A novel motor protein , dynamin- like protein from day lily, was purified and identified by FPLC . Here we report its biochemical characterization . The molecular weight of the dynamin-like protein is 100 kD on SDS-PAGE. Isoelectric points are about 6. 15 and 6 .80 . The fluorescence emission wave length of dynamin-like protein is 346 nm by excitation at 280 nm . Through fluorescence spectra analysis, ultraviolet absorption spectrum and derivative spectrum, we conclude that it contains tryptophan and tyrosine residues . Pharmacological study indicates that mercapto may play an important role in
    enzyme activity of dynamin-like protein .

    Extraction, Separation and Measuration of the Thermal Hysteresis Activity of Antifreeze Proteins from Ammopiptanthus nanus (Leguminosae)
    YU Shan-Shan , YIN Lin-Ke* * , MU Shu-Yong, LU Chun-Fang , ZHAO Feng-Xia
    2007, 29(02):  251-255. 
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    Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) , because of their ability of adsorbing onto the surface of ice crystals and modifying their growth , have been found in many different organisms that are exposed to chilling and freezing temperatures . It is very important to increase the resisting and coercing ability at low temperature . DE-52 ion- exchange cellulose was used to extract and separate the antifreeze proteins from Ammopiptanthus nanus leaves. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was used to measure the thermal hysteresis activity (THA) . The results reveal that when the concentration of the protein is 20mg/ml , the THA of the AFPs is 0 . 46℃ . Its molecular weight is about 119. 24 kDa by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylam ide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) .
    Xerophinoid C, a New Diterpene Glucoside Derivative from Isodon xerophilus (Labiatae)
    WENG Zhi-Ying , , , HUANG Sheng-Xiong , , HAN Quan-Bin ,
    XIAO Wei-Lie , SUN Han-Dong * *
    2007, 29(02):  256-258. 
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    A new ent- abieta-glucopyranoside was isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of Isodon xerophilus . The structure was determined as 16 , 18-dihydroxy-7 , 15 (17) -dien-ent- abieta-3α- O-β-D-glucopyranoside by spectral methods .
    Chemical Constituents from Paeonia anomala subsp. veitchii (Paeoniaceae)
    LI Xian , , LI Sheng-Hong , PU Jian-Xin , HUANG Sheng-Xiong , SUN Han-Dong *
    2007, 29(02):  259-262. 
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    A new triterpenoid derivative , paeonenolide H (1 ) together with twenty-one known compounds , were isolated from the root cortex of Paeonia anomala subsp . Veitchii (Lynch) . Their structures were elucidated on the basis of spectroscopic evidences . Compounds 2 , 4 , 9 , 10 were isolated from this plant for the first time .
    Chemical Constituents from Ceratophyllum demersum (Ceratophyllaceae)
    LU Xiao-Li , , QIAO Ying , ZHANG Xian-Min , MA Bo-Lin , QIU Ming-Hua *
    2007, 29(02):  263-264. 
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    In this paper , we represent seven compounds [ tricin-7-O-β- D-glucoside (1 ) , naringenin-7-O-β- D-glucoside ( 2) , esculetin (3) , β-sitosterol (4) , 7α-hydroxyl-β-sitosterol (5) , 7α-methoxyl-β-sitosterol (6) and palmitic acid (7) ] .
    All compounds were isolated from Ceratophyllum demersum L . which was collected from Lijang . We compare them with compounds isolated form the material collected from Kunming by TLC . The results show that the types of main secondary metabolite in Ceratophyllum demersum L . in Yunnan are similar .