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25 October 2003, Volume 25 Issue 05
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    A Comparative Study on Aquatic Plant Diversity in Six Lakes of DongtingPoyang District in China
    PENG YingHui,NI LeYi,JIAN YongXing,CHEN JiaKuan
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3132 )   HTML ( )   PDF (217KB) ( 1430 )   Save
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    In order to reveal the effects of human disturbance on aquatic plant diversity in freshwater lakes,the species and community diversity of aquatic plant,and their longterm changes in six freshwater lakes of DongtingPoyang District (Lake Bailian and Haikou under lightly disturbance,Changhu and Xiliang under heavy disturbance,Datong and Wushan under very heavy disturbance) were comparatively studied by means of Transect Sampling Method,Global Position System Technique (GPS) and Geographical Information System Technique(GIS).The main results are as follows:(1)It was found that Lake Bailian,Haikou,Changhu,Xiliang,Datong and Wushan contained 69,67,98,77,56,38 aquatic plant species and 14,14,14,13,6,0 associations,respectively in 2001.Their coverages reached to 100%,9618%,6532%,6118%,1060%,0% and mean biomass 2231?g/m2,2718?g/m2,1816?g/m2,1471?g/m2,256?g/m2,0?g/m2 (fresh weight),respectively.(2)As compared with the data obtaining from the surveys in 1980 to 1982,1,1,6,7,9 and 29 species,and 1,1,4,4,5 and 6 associations of aquatic plant disappeared from the six lakes respectively in the last twenty years.Their respective vegetation coverage decreased by 0%,382%,3285%,3780%,594% and 9100%.(3)According to the statistics of plant species,there appeared a gradient as follows:Lake Bailian,Haikou>Changhu,Xiliang>Datong,Wushan.Their different current situations clearly reflected that in the past twenty years thery had suffered from human disturbance in different degrees.(4)The main biological mechanism for the loss of aquatic plants is that human disturbance destroyed the rhizomes and the dormant kuds can't formed.
    A New Monotypic Section of Nannoglottis Maxim.(Compositae:Astereae)
    GAO TianGang,CHEN YiLin,WU ZhengYi
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
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    A new section,Monocephala T.G.Gao et Y.L.Chen of the genus Nannoglottis is established.Detailed evidence for it is presented.
    Studies on Transformation of Bt Gene into Rice Mediated by Agrobacterium (Oryza sativa)
    ZHANG Wei-Mei CHENG Zai-Quan CHEN Shan-Na
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2963 )   HTML ( )   PDF (5989KB) ( 1580 )   Save
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    CryIAb gene,one of Bt genes,was transferred into the calli of Yunnan riceDianxi No.4 and Hexi No.39 through agrobacterium associated method.Some hygromycin resistant (Hyg+) transformants are regenerated after selection culture with hygromycin.some plantlets of Dianxi No4 and Hexi No.39 were positive in PCR analysis,and some leaves of the plantlets show blue spots in GUS histochemical assay, which indicated that Bt gene was integrated into rice genome.An efficient transformation system was established by this study.In the experiment,we found that the ventilation of the container had great influence on the formation and growth of the calli.Osmotic potential of washing solution and media also affected transformation frequency,because they could reduce the death rate of the calli after washing treatmeat.
    Pollen Morphology of Five Species from Magnolia
    XU Feng-Xia XU Xin-Lan HU Xiao-Ying
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3116 )   HTML ( )   PDF (6551KB) ( 2125 )   Save
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    Pollen morphology of five species from Magnolia is similar under LM.The sculptures are all foveolate except Magnolia grandiflora slightly coarse.The exine of the five species can be distinguished into tectum,columella and footlayer.The puncta in the tectum are clearly seen.The colpus memberane consists of a thin footlayer and intine while the sexine elements (tectum and columella) are reduced gradually.Spherical granules are frequently observed and mixed up with the small intraexinous spaces of several incipient columellae sometime in columella.Endexine very thin,distinct and continuous in Mgrandiflora and beneath the apertural area in Mdenudata.The development of columella speaks in favour of regarding the pollen of Magnolia as primitive.
    Identification of Proteins from Gastrodia elata by Two Dimensional Electrophoresis and Peptide Mass Fingerprinting
    ZHANG Xiao-Qin HU Jin-Yong ZENG Ying LIU Xiao-Zhu
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3117 )   HTML ( )   PDF (142KB) ( 1549 )   Save
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    Proteins extracted from the cortex of fungiinfected nutritive corms and non infected secondary corms of Gastrodia elata were separated by two dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) with immobilized pH gradients (IPG).Reference maps were obtained with a good reproducibility. Approximately 900 proteins per 2-DE gel were isolated with molecular weights ranging 12-97kD and pI 3-10.The spots showed a symmetric shape indicating a good resolution in both electrophoresis dimensions.Five proteins of high levels observed in a secondary corm gel were excised and identified using peptide mass fingerprinting and matrixassisted laser desorption ionization timeof flight mass spectrometry.A summary of the identified proteins and their putative functions are presented.One of them,spot no.4 is identified as a RNA binding protein involved in transcription.Technical details concerning database queries and protein identification success rates in the absence of a sequenced genome are reported and discussed.Parameters for sample preparation are critically investigated.
    Karyological Studies on Five Species of the Genus Ligularia (Compositae:Senecioneae)
    PAN Yue-Zhi GONG Xun YANG Zhi-Yun,YIN Qing
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2826 )   HTML ( )   PDF (135KB) ( 1310 )   Save
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    The chromosome numbers and karyotypes of 5 species in Ligularia from China are reported for the first time.The results are as follows:2n=58=32m+14sm+12st for Ltongolensis;2n=58=24m+32sm+2st+3-5B and 2n=58=36m+22sm for Lpleurocaulis;2n=58=28m+30sm for L.yunnanensis;2n=58=30m+24sm+4st+1B for L.phyllocolea;2n=58=24m+34sm for L.cyathiceps.The number 2n=58 is in agreement with earlier reports on other species of Ligularia and its related genera.B-chromo-somes are discovered in L.phyllocolea and L.pleurocaulis,which have never been reported for other species of Ligularia.
    Pollen Morphology of Thirteen Species of the Flacourtiaceae
    LU Lu WANG Hong
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2796 )   HTML ( )   PDF (137KB) ( 1450 )   Save
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    The pollen grains of 13 species representing 9 genera of Flacourtiaceae were examined by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy.These related genera have fairly similar in pollen shape (prolatespheroidal) and tricolporate,though Hydnocarpus with indistinctly tricolporate.The pollen exine sculptures can be divided into 4 types:foveolate,finely reticulate,coarsely reticulate and perforate.Pollen morphology plays a certain role in the circumscription of among related families and different genera.
    A Survey of Chromosome Numbers from Angiosperms of the Hengduan Mountains,S.W.China
    NIE Ze-Long SUN Hang GU Zhi-Jian
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2328 )   HTML ( )   PDF (114KB) ( 1386 )   Save
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    As one of the hottest spots of biodiversity in the world, the Hengduan Mountains region in SW China is attracting more and more attention. Data of chromosome numbers are very important for a better understanding of the origin and evolution of a given flora. Although a large number of species in angiosperms from the Hengduan Mountains region have been cytologically studied, a comprehensive statistic survey of their chromosome numbers is lacking. In this paper, the chromosome numbers of angiosperms in this region are surveyed. It is found that 518 species of 143 genera in 42 families of angiosperms in this region have had chromosome counts.
    Study on Genetic Diversity of Manglietia decidua (Magnoliaceae)
    LIAO Wen-Fang XIA Nian-He DENG Yun-Fei ZHENG Qing-Yan
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3174 )   HTML ( )   PDF (163KB) ( 1698 )   Save
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    Genetic diversity of Manglietia decidua Q.Y.Zheng was investigated using inter simple sequence repeat markers (ISSR).Ten primers were screened from 90 primers.ISSR amplification generated multiple banding profiles with the 10 primers from all DNA samples,with an average of 81 fragments per primer.There were 14 polymorphic loci in the total fragments.Compared with other plants,the genetic diversity of Mdecidua is very low.
    New Records of the Mosses in Xinjiang,China
    Mamtimin Sulayman WU Peng-Cheng Hironori Deguchi
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2915 )   HTML ( )   PDF (217KB) ( 1276 )   Save
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    During the study of the bryoflora of Kanas Natural Reserve,4 mosses including Paraleucobryum enerve (Thed.) Loesk.,Racomitrium ericoides (Hedw.) Brid.,Ulota curvifolia (Wahl.) Lilj.and Vesicularia flaccida ( Lesq.) Iwats. are newly recorded in Xinjiang,and among them the last two species are also found in China for the first time.Their morphological characters are discussed in this paper.
    Seed Plant Diversity on Screes from Northwest Yunnan
    DENG Min ZHOU Zhe-Kun
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2735 )   HTML ( )   PDF (192KB) ( 1739 )   Save
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    Seed plant diversity of screes of northwest Yunnan has been studied at present paper based on herbarium and literature records and field investigations.There are 519 seedplants found on the screes in northwest Yunnan.Those plants are grouped into 103 genera and 29 families.The arealtypes of genera have been analyzed.47.5% genera belong to the north temperate distribution pattern based on Wu's distribution pattern.And 56.8% species are endemic to China including 10.4% are endemic to northwest Yunnan.The ecoclimatic adaptation in both morphology and physiology of the scree plants was also investigated.Herbs are dominant in alpine screes including 421 perennial herbs.Low and trailing plant,rosette form,extreme low herb,and cluster plants,rhizoma,well developed fleshy or ligneous roots and dominant dehiscent fruits are the important characters of the typic alpine screes which demonstrate the well coevolution between the plants and environment.Meanwhile,the use of the plant resources on screes has been discussed.Some advices on conservation of the fragile ecosystem of alpine screes and using the plant resources properly has been suggested.
    Ethnobotanical Valuation on Medicinal Plant Resources in Ludian Administrative Village,Lijiang County, Yunnan Province
    WANG YuHua,XU JianChu,LI YanHui,PEI ShengJi
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2772 )   HTML ( )   PDF (174KB) ( 1448 )   Save
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    This paper applied ethnobotanical methodology to valuate the richness of medicinal plant resources in Ludian administrative village,Northwest Yunnan where has a long history of Naxi (Dongba) culture,based on community level.It analyzed the complex habitat,the diversity species and the richness traditional knowledge of medicinal plant resources in Ludian are fit with each other, and the comprehensive utilization factor has a close relationship with the rare and endangered factor.It discussed the communitybased sustainable management of medicinal plant resources should integrate with the local traditional culture and knowledge and practise into the actual use.It suggested to set up the specific conservation area for some special medicinal plant resources as the IN SITU conservation pattern in Ludian.
    Geographical Composition Analysis of Species in Saurtarbagatai Mountains in China
    HUANG Jun-Hua YANG Chang-You XIANG Qi-Bai
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2824 )   HTML ( )   PDF (219KB) ( 1398 )   Save
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    Saur-tarbagatai Mountains,which join with several large floras,lie in the northwest of China.Their geographical location is very special.This article analyses the characteristics of the flora according to arealtypes structure of the species which can be divided into 12 arealtypes and 3 arealsubtypes.The results show that the species with northsouth distribution pattern occupy one third of the total species,this flora has much exchange with south and north floras,it is the important channel of the species moving between south and north floras.It also becomes the distribution boundary of some upland species because of the low altitude of this area.The xeric species distributed in the plains and the front of mountains have not been affected by the topography of this area.
    Applying Ethnoecology for Resource Management and Sustainable Development in Mountain Region of Yunnan
    XU JianChu
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
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    China's recent transition from central planning to a market economy has triggered many economic and sociocultural changes among Yunnan's ethnic groups.There are a lot of conflicts over natural resources,which often result from competing knowledge system,competing objectives and competing identification.However our knowledge about indigenous people and ecosystems in mountain region is still far from perfect.The ethnoecology refers the way in which indigenous people interact with all elements of the natural environment,including plants and animals,landforms,forest types and soils,which provides an alternative approach of way of knowing and sustainable development in the mountain region.The sustainable livelihood and development can be only achieved by strengthening indigenous knowledge and empowering local communities in the mountain regions such as Yunnan Province,Southwest China.
    Studies on the Origin of Tea Cultivation
    CHEN Jin,PEI ShengJi
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2830 )   HTML ( )   PDF (277KB) ( 1557 )   Save
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    The study reviewed the information/evidences on archaeology,historic references,linguistics,plant genetics and ethnobotany concerning the origin of tea cultivation.Tea cultivation occurred in Sichun province at least before Han Dynasty (206 BC.220 AD.).Indigenous people in Yunnan province appeared to start to gather tea leaves from their surrounding natural forest very long time ago.Today's rich tea varieties resulted from the contributions from the domestication by several nationalities in China.The definite conclusion for the origin of tea cultivation requires new evidences.
    Ethnobotany:Development Dynamics of the Discipline and Prospects
    PEI ShengJi
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 2879 )   HTML ( )   PDF (7938KB) ( 1851 )   Save
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    This paper presents and discusses development advances and current trends of ethnobotany.Since ethnobotany appeared as a research subject in 1896 in USA,it has passed century development history.Ethnobotany has been developed in its research methodologies from earlier documentation,description and inventory of useful plants,to a new stage of experimental,technical and quantitative studies.Today ethnobotany has been widely used in sustainable utilization of plant resource,rural community development and biodiversity conservation.The advance of discipline in contemporary ethnobotany can be summarized into three aspects that are:(1) Methodological development has been shifted from recording and description into experimental,technical and quantitative,and from basic research to practical application;(2) Research approach has been dominated by participatory,casestudies oriented and analytical works rather than merely field survey,interviewing and passive recordings;(3) Geographical coverage of ethnobotanical studies has been expanded largely,from regional scale to worldwide ethnobotanical studies,in particular,ethnobotany in developing countries gained rapid development in last half century.Moreover,in developing countries today,ethnobotany has been considered as a practical research tool in plant resource management and biodiversity conservation.Ethnobotany as discipline to study with in China was begun in 1982,however its progress made in development of the subject is remarkable in establishment of theoretic frameworks;identification of research areas;methodological development and setup appropriate approaches for basic and applied ethnobotany.Today,ethnobotany in China has been developed from basic,or descriptive research (investigation,documentation and inventory) into applied phase for plant resources and conservation,immense progress has been made in sustainable management of plant resources,biodiversity conservation and rural development.In the new century,Chinese ethnobotany has to face new challenges and opportunities for its development.It has to face the new conditions of national economy development in China's West Provinces and promoting integration of research and enterprise development;to develop ethnobotany from the scale of regional research subject into nationalwide scientific research subject;and to further accomplish the entire disciplinary system of Chinese ethnobotany,contributing to sustainable development of national economy,livelihood of rural people,conservation of biodiversity,and consolidation of all ethnic nationalities of the country.
    Cultural Diversity Promotes Conservation and Application of Biological Diversity
    LONG ChunLin,PEI ShengJi
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
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    The concepts of culture,cultural diversity and indigenous knowledge were explained in terms of their impacts on biodiversity.The interaction between cultural and biological diversity was elucidated at the global level based on the linguistic diversity.There is positive relationship between cultural diversity and biodiversity,that is,the megabiodiversity countries harbor the richest cultural diversity.Taking the Hinayana Buddhism culture in northern Thailand,sacred grove culture in India,Jinuo people's swidden culture,Lisu people's hunting culture,and Tibetan Buddhism culture as cases,it is proven that cultural diversity could promote the conservation and application of biodiversity.The authors suggested that the indigenous knowledge important to biodiversity conservation should be emphasized.Conservationists should establish close partnerships with indigenous peoples and religious persons,and attract and encourage their active participation in the activities of biodiversity conservation.Finally the viewpoint of taking conservation as a culture should be proposed and extended.
    To Optimize the Factors that Affected Transformation System of Tomato Cotyledon Explant
    JIANG Xiao-Ling YU Shou-Yi HE Zhu-Mei PENG Zhi-Qiang QI Yu
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
    Abstract ( 3216 )   HTML ( )   PDF (288KB) ( 1807 )   Save
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    Aim:To optimize the factors that affect transformation system of tomato cotyledon explant.Method:By orthogonal design of statistics,factors that affect transformation such as the Agrobacterium concentration,infiltration time and transform style were assembled.Result:Best transformation system could be set up by the contidition of 2 days preculture,30-fold-dilution,10-minute-infiltation of Agrobacterium solution,and 2 days co-cultivation.The frenquency of success transformation reached to 25%,higher than average level at present.Conclusion:Factors that affect transformation system of tomato cotyledon explant were successfully optimized.
    A New Chalcone Glycoside from Bidens pilosa
    ZHAO Ai-Hua ZHAO Qin-Shi PENG Li-Yan ZHANG Ji-Xia LIN Zhong-Wen SUN Han-Dong
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
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    Eighteen compounds,including a new chalcone glycoside (2),were isolated from the aerial parts of Bidens pilosa L.Their structures were elucidated as butein (1),α,3,2′,4'-tetrahydroxy-2-O-β-D-glucopyranosylchalcone(2),okanin4-methyl ether-3'-O-β-glucoside(3),sulfuretin(4),6,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxyaurone (5),maritimein(6),(Z)-6-O-(6″-acetyl-β-D-glucopyranosyl)6,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxy-aurone(7),(Z)-6-O-(4'',6''-diacetyl-β-D-glucopyranosyl)6,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxy-aurone(8),(Z)-6-O-(3'',4'',6''-triacetyl-β-D-glucopyranosyl)6,7,3',4'-tetrahydroxy-aurone(9),luteolin (10),quercetin (11),isoquercitrin (12),rutin (13),astragalin (14),quercetin3,4'-dimethyl ether-7-O-rutinoside(15),E-butenedioic acid (16),2-β-D-glucopyranosyloxy-1-hydroxy-trideca-3,5,7,9,11-pentayne (17),3-β-D-glucopyran-osyloxy-1-hydroxy-6(E)-tetrade-cene-8,10,12-triyne(18),respectively,based on the spectral analysis.
    Genetic Polymorphism of Gliadin in Leymus
    YANG Rui-Wu WEI Xiu-Hua ZHOU Yong-Hong ZHENG You-Liang
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
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    The gliadin genetic polymorphism among 45 accessions of 20 species and 1 subspecies in Leymus Hochst.were analyzed by using acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (A-PAGE).The results showed as follows:(1) 43 types of gliadin patterns were obtained from the tested materials and 41 materials had their unique patterns respectively.A total of 38 gliadin bands were separated by electrophoresis,of all showing polymorphism,which amounts to 100%.(2) Distinct gliadin genetic variations were presented among the populations.The gliadin genetic variations among different species were more abundant than that of different accessions,and it revealed that the gliadin patterns can be used as a fingerprint to survey different materials in Leymus Hochst.(3) The relationships among species in Leymus Hochst.according to gliadin data are basically comparable with that obtained from morphological data,so that the gliadin patterns data can be used to investigate genetic variation and biosystematic relationships among species in Leymus Hochst.
    Effect of Calcium on Multiresistance in Maize Seedling in Relation to Glutathione Reductase
    GUO Li-Hong CHEN Shan-Na GONG Ming
    2003, 25(05):  1-3. 
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    Pretreatment of maize (Zea mays L.,Qing No.3 and Da Huang) seeds with CaCl2 solution could increase survival rate of maize seedlings under chilling,heat,drought and salt stress.In contrast to this,pretreatment with the Ca2+chelator EGTA decreased survival rate of the seedlings under these stresses.The results demonstrated that the exogenous Ca2+ can improve maize seedlings multiresistance mentioned above.In addition,Ca2+ treatment of the seeds enabled the seedlings to keep relatively higher activity of glutathione reductase (GR) than that of Ca2+deficient treatment (control).EGTA treatment of the seeds led to more less of GR activity in the seedlings under these stress.It is obvious that GR is involved in the Ca2+enhanced the mutli resistance or the stress tolerances of the maize seedlings.